Dear blog followers, I now have 2 blogs going at once, I won't be using this one as often, because it has been hacked into a few times.
I can see by my tracker, that a lot of you are still checking in everyday, which I sooo appreciate!!
This is the link to my new blog the new blog is called SMELL THE ROSES
I look forward to seeing you at my new site. It is the same blog, with some added features, I have a lot of pics & stories about people who have influenced my life, I also share my former business with you, and will be posting quick & good recipes once a week, and of course there will be my daily thought!
Thank you so much for following me! Blessings!! Kimmy
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
I have been Hacked!
I eagerly awoke this morning, looking forward to a visit from a very old friend & her hubby, from Los Angeles, Kathy & I haven't seen each other since Sept, and over the past few years, that was quite a stretch.
I went about my morning routine, and when it got to FB time, that's when my day started going down the crapper.
I log in, as I always do, and FB, so kindly informs me I have been hacked, and my account has been locked. GREAT, and you have a wonderful day, too!
I worked for hours trying to unlock my account with no avail. I finally had to stop, because I was stuck in the same place for hours, and it didn't look like I was going to figure it out on my own.
Well, we have 2 computer genus' our own Amanda Laswell, & Kathy's hubby. Well, what a coincidence, he would be coming over later!
This one is on you, sorry buddy, I HATE to ask you to work while we are visiting, BUT live w/o FB, not an option!!!
Have you ever tried a day w/o FB, you feel as though the world has come to a screeching halt, your entire routine feels off, how DID we survive w/o FB, and if for some reason we could no longer have FB, it would seriously be devastating, OK< the hubby is cracking up, but, it's true, try a day w/o it, and you will see.
Come on, can you imagine a day w/o knowing who's relationship went from married to it's complicated, or a post saying someone was In a relationship? And what about all the requests for farming stuff, now that I really could do w/o!!!
You can't go to bed without reading what delicacy J made for dinner, or if K's dog is feeling better, and that last try at beating your friends score on the many games you play
All I knew was I was NOT even going to chance life w/o it!!!
Kathy's hubby came through, again!!! and thanks to him you are reading this blog right now!!! OK, I know, a few of you are thinking Gee thanks, Kathy's hubby, another night of reading the blog, UGH!!.... LOL
I went about my morning routine, and when it got to FB time, that's when my day started going down the crapper.
I log in, as I always do, and FB, so kindly informs me I have been hacked, and my account has been locked. GREAT, and you have a wonderful day, too!
I worked for hours trying to unlock my account with no avail. I finally had to stop, because I was stuck in the same place for hours, and it didn't look like I was going to figure it out on my own.
Well, we have 2 computer genus' our own Amanda Laswell, & Kathy's hubby. Well, what a coincidence, he would be coming over later!
This one is on you, sorry buddy, I HATE to ask you to work while we are visiting, BUT live w/o FB, not an option!!!
Have you ever tried a day w/o FB, you feel as though the world has come to a screeching halt, your entire routine feels off, how DID we survive w/o FB, and if for some reason we could no longer have FB, it would seriously be devastating, OK< the hubby is cracking up, but, it's true, try a day w/o it, and you will see.
Come on, can you imagine a day w/o knowing who's relationship went from married to it's complicated, or a post saying someone was In a relationship? And what about all the requests for farming stuff, now that I really could do w/o!!!
You can't go to bed without reading what delicacy J made for dinner, or if K's dog is feeling better, and that last try at beating your friends score on the many games you play
All I knew was I was NOT even going to chance life w/o it!!!
Kathy's hubby came through, again!!! and thanks to him you are reading this blog right now!!! OK, I know, a few of you are thinking Gee thanks, Kathy's hubby, another night of reading the blog, UGH!!.... LOL
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Cornville, Arizona, yes, that is what I said, it is a iddy biddy little town with not a thing there but Pine trees & cabins, and yes, by the way, you have no phone service there, no matter what the provider, you have to have a land line. You ask, what was I doing there? My good friend Julie & I went on a womans retreat from Church, honestly the place was beautiful, but, for this New York girl a little too far out in the woods, at night, it was pitch black, the sky was beautiful, you could see every star for miles & miles.
We stayed in a big cabin, that required going up a huge flight of stairs, which we spent most of the weekend going up & down those stairs. And due to my OCD problems, different blog, LOL, I did not sleep a wink the 2 nights we were there. The best part of the weekend was when we snook out and drove, not knowing where we were, until we finally found an antique store!!!
As the weekend progressed, so did my back pain, between the rock hard bed, and the stairs, it was killing me.
We left Sunday morning, took the scenic drive home, through Prescott and hit a few more antique stores. Can you tell yet, that we love antique stores??
As that week went on my back & legs began to hurt more & more, and by friday, I felt like I had a blood clot in my leg, the pain was unbareable, I could not get my left leg comfortable, so at 9pm, we went to the ER, Julie took my kids. They took me right in, did an MRI, and admitted me, I had the greatest nurse, he was a gay man, who was so entertaining, and made what could have been a living hell, a not so bad time.
Of course I am there on a weekend, so not much could be done, I basically got the morphine, and that kept me semi comfortable.
Now, it is Nov 5, a day before Cody's birthday, and as you know Cody is autistic, mentally retarded & bi polar, he has NO FILTERS. Well Nov 6 is his birthday, and he says to me, MOM , please don't die because that will really mess up my birthday!!! Well, Thank you, sir Cody, wouldn't want to do that!!
OK, finally, it's MONDAY YAY!!! a doctor is in the house, and his name is Dr. Hott, and I am NOT joking, and he lived up to his name, HOT he was & from NY, can it get any better than this???
Well, Doctor Hott, had me transferred to another hospital, and told me I had no other choise but to get the surgery, which I was admantly fighting against, but, he & my family won the battle, he told me I would have the surgery the next day, spend about 4 days at the Hospital, and then go to rehab for a few weeks.
It was a Tuesday morning, and I was prepped for surgery & remember seeing Terry, Cody & My parents, and when I woke up I saw the same people, I was very drugged up, so wasn't feeling any pain.
From what I have been told I had no clue between night & day, I called my son Daniel @ 2am and told him I was watching a Giraffe give birth, I called Julie and told her their were mice under my bed, and she needed to come get me, and it was 3am, she was getting ready to come get me, and her husband said, SHE WON'T REMEMBER SHE IS ON MORPHINE, and as much as I hate to agree with a man, he was right! I had no clue of the many phone calls I had made, and the crazy things I was saying. Apparently, I told a friend I was a wedding planner for Brangelina, well I guess I failed miserably at my job, because that was 2005, and they are yet to be married!!!
Healing, was difficult,I guess between my age & diabetes, it took quite sometime, I had spent 18 days in the hospital, and I wanted to go home so bad!!
Me being true to form, I had my dad & Terry moving furniture around for me, because I would be walking with a walker for sometime, and I needed to make sure I could fit through the spaces/ I must say, they did a pretty good job, and that was the first & last time they have ever moved furniture for me, again!
I went to the rehab hospital, and honestly, don't remember much, they had me on so much morphone, that I was lucky to remember my name, my mom & Julie complained about them lowering the dosage, and it was much easier for them to have me completely doped up, so they didn't have to deal with me, than to have me on less meds, and OH MY, I MIGHT ACTUALLY CALL THE NURSES STATION!
It was such a humiliating experience, I could not bend to wipe myself because of my back, so instead of sending a female nurse they send me a 30 something male nurse, EVERYTIME, to wipe me, I was somewhere between completely humiliating, and tears of shame. I dreaded going to the bathroom, and then it happens, I get the runs, and Mr. Good looking is sent in to clean me up, sponge bath style. After that I lost it, here I sit, I have had 5 kids, my boobs hang down to my belly button, and my stomach looks like a map of the US due to stretch marks, I know, so attractive, anyone reading this will never be interested in taking me out!!! LOL, so I called my mom crying, well, my mom's NY came out when she got to the hospital and after that I had no more men for ANYTHING!!!!
18 days later I was released, I was told I would have to continue the therapies out patient. Terry took me into walmart, because I insisted I needed a pedi, and had to pick up the stuff, not thinking this through, I could NOT bend down, so my girls were giving me a pedi!!! Well, I get in one of thise electric carts & due to the morphone, I crash it into a jewelry rack, Oh yes, Terry just walked away and I was trying to explain, needless to say we left walmart!
He took me home, and left to fill my scripts, well once I knew he was gone, I am on my hands & knees, scrubbing the floors, dusting, windexing, and of course I had to vacuum, so I used it like a walker and away I went!! The only bad part, I was caught, while the vacuum ran, Julie came in, and I was like OMG, she was so mad, she said I could have done it. The thing is Terry did it, being OCD, it was not good enough and if Julie did it, it would have been the same!!....I promise the OCD will be an upcoming blog!!!
I was laid up for week & weeks, and became addicted to HGTV, and repeatedly called my dad, asking him if he could do a project for me, my dad was praying for my full recovery so I would stop watching HGTV.
Eventually, I was up & around, and unfortunately, had another back surgery 18 mos later, again, another blog!!
But, my advie to you is if you want your wedding planned don't call me, aparently I stink at it!!!
me & Julie, my partner in crime!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Crossing a line
Those of you who follow my blog on a regular basis, know that last month I posted some pretty personal heavy duty stuff about what was going on in my life, I had just had a stroke, and my brain was quite scrambled. It created, or I should say I created a mess of my life, by allowing my emotions to control me. I had too much going on at one time, and couldn't handle everything at once, and in all honesty, I have yet to feel "normal" physically or emotionally since the stroke. The reality was that stuff was going on, I should NOT have posted in the detail that I did, not giving other people a choice if their names were mentioned, I took it upon myself to make that decision for us all, and I am sorry.
I have learned that I can't handle certain issues in my life, and that is the root to everything I have felt, and I am working on things, as best as I can.
I just want to say that I am sorry to those I offended, for those of you who thought I crossed a line, and I am putting my life in God's hands, and will see where he leads me.
In the meantime, I feel confident in saying that, I am beyond heart broken that Megan & Scott, my 2 children are not speaking to me, nor am I allowed to see my grandchildren, those who know me, KNOW that my ex husband can not allow the kids to have a relationship with both of us, and once he returned to Phoenix the problems, started and we were all done w/i a week. This is typical, this is NOT something I have a problem posting, because it defines where I am in life right now. However, I will not be posting it again, I just want you to know that, that issue is unresolved, probably never will be, and my goal is to let go, of MY children & grandchildren, I am finding that the hardest thing in my life to do, but, it is a must, or I will end up with no family. If I am hurting I will blog and just make a reference to dealing with "my loss".
I just wanted to apologize, explain, update and say Thank you to the many people that have stuck by me, and got me through, I am sorry to my parents for the things I said, no excuse, and I pray life moves forward from here!....GOD BLESS!!!!
Thursday of next week is our last day of school, the Seniors last day was today. Being in special ed, Cody has had an assistant assigned to him all year, a sweet girl named Jennifer, Cody really liked & respected her, and she knew how to work Cody, to the point that he thought he was working her, that takes skill!
Well, The Poor Code man, comes walking off the bus holding 1 red rose, he looked like he was just given a rose on the final episode of the Bachelor, I couldn't tell if they were good tears or bad.
I said, "Cody, whats wrong?" He said Jennifer gave me this rose its her last day. He was happy & sad.
First off, he had never gotten a rose from anyone before, so he was proud as can be, and he was sad that Jennifer would no longer be working with him.
I explained to him, how Jennifer will always be in his heart, as a good memory & he would always have that, and next year, there would be a new aide, a new friendship, and something to look forward to. He seemed to understand what I was saying.
So, he proudly has his rose in a vase in his room, asking me every hour if he needs to water it, and he is not getting the concept about flowers & their watering, I guess this will become a new lesson learned, taking care of cut flowers.
Life is hard for all of us, but, even more so for special needs children, and so many people out there really touch their heart and don't realize how much. I thank you Jennifer for giving Cody a pleasant learning experience, & for touching his heart, and making a difference!
Well, The Poor Code man, comes walking off the bus holding 1 red rose, he looked like he was just given a rose on the final episode of the Bachelor, I couldn't tell if they were good tears or bad.
I said, "Cody, whats wrong?" He said Jennifer gave me this rose its her last day. He was happy & sad.
First off, he had never gotten a rose from anyone before, so he was proud as can be, and he was sad that Jennifer would no longer be working with him.
I explained to him, how Jennifer will always be in his heart, as a good memory & he would always have that, and next year, there would be a new aide, a new friendship, and something to look forward to. He seemed to understand what I was saying.
So, he proudly has his rose in a vase in his room, asking me every hour if he needs to water it, and he is not getting the concept about flowers & their watering, I guess this will become a new lesson learned, taking care of cut flowers.
Life is hard for all of us, but, even more so for special needs children, and so many people out there really touch their heart and don't realize how much. I thank you Jennifer for giving Cody a pleasant learning experience, & for touching his heart, and making a difference!
Monday, May 16, 2011
I think it would be miraculous, if, everyone went to bed, human, & dog, went to sleep, for the entire night and there were no natural disasters,& such, and we all just got a good old fashioned night sleep!!! BUT.......hell isn't freezing over anytime soon, and I think we have the same odds!!
Last night, I should have known, Cruella de Cody took his shower w/o an argument, and on time, from day one Cody has never wanted to take a shower, it is a major part of his respite plan, and home care, now that he is almost 18 a shower is much needed more often, and he will argue to the bitter end, I dread dinner ending, because I know we will be broaching the shower issue shortly and it usually is a night mare, Not only did he take his shower he went to bed without incident.
We went through our nightly routine, we sleep on a sofa bed in the living room, so when everyone is showered and done coming in & out of the kitchen we tell them, ok, the room is now our bedroom so if you need anything now would be a good time to get it, and they are not allowed in the living room until morning. You have to have some privacy, and time to unwind w/o the kids, so we start watching Army wives, we love that, have been watching it since it aired. Dracula even got in bed, and we did not hear him converse with us as Dracula all night!
Terry was asleep after Army wives, I turned on Lifetime movie network, and I was set for the night, I usually don't stay up THAT late, I normally watch my last movie @ 11- 1, but, tonight there was a real good one coming on @ 1-3.
I had that terrible headache all weekend, and couldn't sleep, I had taken every med that I could and about 2:30am decided to take some ibuprofen, OH MY STARS, NOT AGAIN!!!!!, as I walk in the bathroom I have entered Niagra falls!!Water just pouring endlessly into the bathroom, down the hallway, it was the same nightmare that ruined the carpets weeks ago, and now it's going to give it a go on the wood floors, I had to wake Terry up, well he doesn't like being woken up, and I KNOW he is not going to like this, so Sammy gave us a break from Dracula, and Terry decided to play the role of Dracula last night. We used every towel we own, which is a lot, and quilts to absorb the water as quickly as we could, and it was by no means an easy task, we threw all the wet linens in the tub, until morning, and have been doing laundry for hours, & hours!
As the water is now turning into a river in the hallway the puppies have discovered it and are trying to lick it up, Thanks guys, every little bit helps!!!We would need a few Rottweiler's to make a dent in that river, but, they gave it their best!
We finally finished this fiasco @4am, missed the ending to my movie, and now the headache was a full blown migraine! I just hopped in bed, cuddled with my puppies and went to sleep for the 2 hrs until the kids get up for school. When they left, I took a heavy duty pill, and went into Jennifer's room with 2 of the dogs and went back to sleep.I woke up feeling like I had the worst hangover in the world, and believe me, I am not a drinker, I have probably only had maybe 3 hang overs in my life! I then realized I had a doctor's appointment, and there was no way I was going to make it, since I needed to leave NOW, and as I walked in the living room Terry said, OH my Gawd you look like hell!! And a good morning to you, too! But, he was right, I looked & felt like I had been hit by a truck!
Bless his heart, the entire apartment was spotless and the floors were all done, you never would have known there was a major flood less than 12 hrs before, and now he is getting me Jamba juice!!! I don't know what happened to the "other" Terry, but, I really would like to keep this one around!!, just sayin
I can't even say I don't know what kind of day this is going to be, because, I don't remember yesterday actually ending, and today beginning, so the best I am hoping for is a peaceful day, getting the toilet fixed, YET AGAIN!!!and as much quiet that is humanly possible with 6 puppies & 4 humans, one being Cody! Happy Flushing!
Last night, I should have known, Cruella de Cody took his shower w/o an argument, and on time, from day one Cody has never wanted to take a shower, it is a major part of his respite plan, and home care, now that he is almost 18 a shower is much needed more often, and he will argue to the bitter end, I dread dinner ending, because I know we will be broaching the shower issue shortly and it usually is a night mare, Not only did he take his shower he went to bed without incident.
We went through our nightly routine, we sleep on a sofa bed in the living room, so when everyone is showered and done coming in & out of the kitchen we tell them, ok, the room is now our bedroom so if you need anything now would be a good time to get it, and they are not allowed in the living room until morning. You have to have some privacy, and time to unwind w/o the kids, so we start watching Army wives, we love that, have been watching it since it aired. Dracula even got in bed, and we did not hear him converse with us as Dracula all night!
Terry was asleep after Army wives, I turned on Lifetime movie network, and I was set for the night, I usually don't stay up THAT late, I normally watch my last movie @ 11- 1, but, tonight there was a real good one coming on @ 1-3.
I had that terrible headache all weekend, and couldn't sleep, I had taken every med that I could and about 2:30am decided to take some ibuprofen, OH MY STARS, NOT AGAIN!!!!!, as I walk in the bathroom I have entered Niagra falls!!Water just pouring endlessly into the bathroom, down the hallway, it was the same nightmare that ruined the carpets weeks ago, and now it's going to give it a go on the wood floors, I had to wake Terry up, well he doesn't like being woken up, and I KNOW he is not going to like this, so Sammy gave us a break from Dracula, and Terry decided to play the role of Dracula last night. We used every towel we own, which is a lot, and quilts to absorb the water as quickly as we could, and it was by no means an easy task, we threw all the wet linens in the tub, until morning, and have been doing laundry for hours, & hours!
As the water is now turning into a river in the hallway the puppies have discovered it and are trying to lick it up, Thanks guys, every little bit helps!!!We would need a few Rottweiler's to make a dent in that river, but, they gave it their best!
We finally finished this fiasco @4am, missed the ending to my movie, and now the headache was a full blown migraine! I just hopped in bed, cuddled with my puppies and went to sleep for the 2 hrs until the kids get up for school. When they left, I took a heavy duty pill, and went into Jennifer's room with 2 of the dogs and went back to sleep.I woke up feeling like I had the worst hangover in the world, and believe me, I am not a drinker, I have probably only had maybe 3 hang overs in my life! I then realized I had a doctor's appointment, and there was no way I was going to make it, since I needed to leave NOW, and as I walked in the living room Terry said, OH my Gawd you look like hell!! And a good morning to you, too! But, he was right, I looked & felt like I had been hit by a truck!
Bless his heart, the entire apartment was spotless and the floors were all done, you never would have known there was a major flood less than 12 hrs before, and now he is getting me Jamba juice!!! I don't know what happened to the "other" Terry, but, I really would like to keep this one around!!, just sayin
I can't even say I don't know what kind of day this is going to be, because, I don't remember yesterday actually ending, and today beginning, so the best I am hoping for is a peaceful day, getting the toilet fixed, YET AGAIN!!!and as much quiet that is humanly possible with 6 puppies & 4 humans, one being Cody! Happy Flushing!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
AS you know our family just keeps growing, that is our "puppy" family, We started 7 years ago, with Crissy, and almost 4 years ago with Sammy, 18 mos ago with Lacey, Lacey & Sammy, well, lets just say had an encounter one night, which resulted in Lucy, Treasure & Wally! Each one of these puppies have a personality of their own, each loving, & endearing in their own way. I know,...I blog about them way too often, its like they are my grandchildren, Until my kids get started in that area, I guess I will have to keep pushing the pups!!!
Well one of our precious little ones took a personality turn, for the worse, Sammy, he is the Morkie, Yorkie/Maltese, he has always been sensitive, and made his moods very clear, and we would say he needed prozac, but, he was always sweet, unless he didn't know you, especially if you were a man.And whats wrong with that? LOL
The very first time I realized this was back in 2008 when Terry spent an extended stay in the hospital, Sammy slept with us, every night, he wouldn't dream of sleeping anywhere else, while Terry was in the hospital he slept up against the front door, like a statue, I don't think he moved once. For the next 2 years Terry had many extended stays in the hospital due to complications from his major stroke in Nov 2007 and each time, Sammy became more & more over protective, if a car drove past our house, he'd grawl, my dad used to laugh and say he sounds vicious, but, then you see him, he is the size of a cat with legs that are maybe 3" long!! Very intimidating for Bruno & his counterpart breaking in.
Well, it has been along while since Terry has been in the hospital, and last Friday night he had a heart attack & spent 2 nights in the hospital. I wasn't really thinking much about the dog and his sleeping arrangements, but, once it was bedtime, the statue was up against the front door again, and I just let him do his thing.
Since Terry has been home he has been Sammy by day, Dracula by night, I don't even think prozac would cut it this time. He still insists on sleeping up against the door, ok, thats fine, EXCEPT that our door is in an outside corridor of other apartment doors, so anytime, anyone goes in or out, and makes a noise, he sounds like a Rottweiler, and this starts as soon as its dusk, a few nights he came to the foot of the bed late at night, and has now developed a "voice" I will say, Hi Sammy, coming night night, and it's not a pleasant voice, its like he is Dracula or something, and he is saying leave me the heck alone, I want to sleep, I am exhausted from protecting this apartment!
Dracula, loved going on walks, if you leashed him 100x's a day he would go, now, normally, I have puppy pads down, because I have designer dogs, and live in an apartment, so if he doesn't go out he will go on the pad, well, since Terry was in the hospital he will no longer go out, he cries for the leash, you get it on he goes to the door, and then runs like heck in the other direction.
I don't know if he is afraid if he goes out when he gets back his daddy will be gone, so between the "leashcapades" The statue at the door & Dracula, this dog is grading on my nerves & I am ready to give him a good ole shot of Jack Daniels tonight!! And if I don't, I can assure you one of my neighbors will!!!
We are approaching dusk, so lets see what Dracula has in store for me tonight!!!
Well one of our precious little ones took a personality turn, for the worse, Sammy, he is the Morkie, Yorkie/Maltese, he has always been sensitive, and made his moods very clear, and we would say he needed prozac, but, he was always sweet, unless he didn't know you, especially if you were a man.And whats wrong with that? LOL
The very first time I realized this was back in 2008 when Terry spent an extended stay in the hospital, Sammy slept with us, every night, he wouldn't dream of sleeping anywhere else, while Terry was in the hospital he slept up against the front door, like a statue, I don't think he moved once. For the next 2 years Terry had many extended stays in the hospital due to complications from his major stroke in Nov 2007 and each time, Sammy became more & more over protective, if a car drove past our house, he'd grawl, my dad used to laugh and say he sounds vicious, but, then you see him, he is the size of a cat with legs that are maybe 3" long!! Very intimidating for Bruno & his counterpart breaking in.
Well, it has been along while since Terry has been in the hospital, and last Friday night he had a heart attack & spent 2 nights in the hospital. I wasn't really thinking much about the dog and his sleeping arrangements, but, once it was bedtime, the statue was up against the front door again, and I just let him do his thing.
Since Terry has been home he has been Sammy by day, Dracula by night, I don't even think prozac would cut it this time. He still insists on sleeping up against the door, ok, thats fine, EXCEPT that our door is in an outside corridor of other apartment doors, so anytime, anyone goes in or out, and makes a noise, he sounds like a Rottweiler, and this starts as soon as its dusk, a few nights he came to the foot of the bed late at night, and has now developed a "voice" I will say, Hi Sammy, coming night night, and it's not a pleasant voice, its like he is Dracula or something, and he is saying leave me the heck alone, I want to sleep, I am exhausted from protecting this apartment!
Dracula, loved going on walks, if you leashed him 100x's a day he would go, now, normally, I have puppy pads down, because I have designer dogs, and live in an apartment, so if he doesn't go out he will go on the pad, well, since Terry was in the hospital he will no longer go out, he cries for the leash, you get it on he goes to the door, and then runs like heck in the other direction.
I don't know if he is afraid if he goes out when he gets back his daddy will be gone, so between the "leashcapades" The statue at the door & Dracula, this dog is grading on my nerves & I am ready to give him a good ole shot of Jack Daniels tonight!! And if I don't, I can assure you one of my neighbors will!!!
We are approaching dusk, so lets see what Dracula has in store for me tonight!!!
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