Showing posts with label sarah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sarah. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Montana Folk Festival

Sarah came home for a visit, its been 2 years since she has been home.  We went out for mother daughter haircuts. Don't we look ravishing?

We headed up to Butte, Montana for the Montana Folk Festival. The main stage was right under an old mining frame.

I don't remember this bands name but they played Jewish music and had a man leading everyone in a dance.


This was one of the Peruvian Scissors dancers.  They were pretty amazing to watch.

This was my favorite group the Dardanelles, from Newfoundland, Canada.  Yes I bought their CD, their music was fun and full of stories.

We got to see the Super Moon when we were there too.

There was a showing of all these fun decorated cars. This one was my favorite.

It had empowering words all over it.

Plus some beautiful flowers, my kind of car.

We also got to see the babies.  Kyle, who is Sarah's boyfriend, has twin nieces born.  They spent 2 months in the hospital but were now home. Sarah is holding Adrielle, the tiny one, she was under 3 lbs when born.

Brenna, Sarah's good friend is holding Ryleigh. She is so much bigger.  They are both doing well.

Brenna and Sarah enjoying the music.  I love hearing all the different music. The were so many different kind of music that I can't mention them all.  I learned to love Quebecois music.  I also got a CD from Yves Lambert Trio. Its all in French so I can't understand a word of it but I love the beat of the music.  What a great time we had.

I thought this was so cute, the way the girls walked with arms around each other.  Old friends just happy to be together again.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sarah's story is online

Remember when Sarah won that award for the story she wrote.  Well a few of you expressed an interest in reading it.  It is now available online. You can read it here

Monday, May 24, 2010

Graduation Weekend

Our first event was at the Davidson Honors College.  We had a reception to attend at 3:00 p.m. We got there a little late but there were already tons of people there.  Apparently the biggest crowd the honors college ever had.

That is Brenna on the left and Sarah on the right. They are pointing the document that recognizes them as University Scholars.

Here Sarah and I are toasting all the honors college students.

Sarah was featured in displays in several areas of the Honors College.

Sarah is next to a bulletin board showing achievements by outstanding students and pointing to her picture.

This is a closeup of her showing her copy of Scribendi the publication that published her story.

On Saturday there were two graduating ceremonies to attend.  The main one was was held outside and the weather was perfect.

Sarah and Brenna her roommate in the procession walking in.  I think she is very excited.

Smiling for the camera with the with the happy graduate.

Here is Sarah and her boyfriend Kyle.

We had a great time and are happy to have her home for at least a little while.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blogging in a campground

At the last minute I decided to take my computer along.  I figured I could use it at Sarah's apartment. Then I found out we have Wifi in the campground we are staying in.  That is definitely not the norm this campground is right in a city so that is why.

The graduation went off great. I will do a nice long post on it later but doesn't Sarah look great.

I made this journal page last night. I brought a bag of scraps with me but not many images so it was a little bit of a challenge.  The background had been painted before. I love how art journaling can be so relaxing sometimes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In tonight's newspaper

This is my daughter Sarah, and she was featured in our local paper tonight so I had to share.
I had some difficulty trying to scan the article. I know it looks small but if you click on it you should be able to zoom in to read it. Its all about my daughter and the award she won for her writing. I think its pretty cool. This coming weekend she will be reading part of her story to at a Honors Conference in Jackson Wyoming. It will be her first public reading. I am pretty excited about that.

Friday, January 29, 2010

My daughter the published writer

I just wanted to share with you some great news about my daughter Sarah.   Here is a picture of the two us in Missoula  a couple years ago.  Now back to my news,  as some of you know she is a senior at the University of Montana in the creative writing program.

In April she is going to be published in Scribendi which is a magazine for the Western Regional Honors Conference which is based at the University of New Mexico.  She has been awarded the prize for short fiction for her story Copernicus goes to London the Third. This includes publication of her story,  a $250.00 prize and entrance to their conference being held in Jackson, WY in April.

This group picks winners in 5 categories,  short fiction, photography, art, poetry, and cover designs. There were 487 entries from 13 western states. So this is a substantial honor.  I am so excited for her and this mom is so proud of her daughter that she had to share it with all of you.