Sarah came home for a visit, its been 2 years since she has been home. We went out for mother daughter haircuts. Don't we look ravishing?
We headed up to Butte, Montana for the Montana Folk Festival. The main stage was right under an old mining frame.
I don't remember this bands name but they played Jewish music and had a man leading everyone in a dance.
This was one of the Peruvian Scissors dancers. They were pretty amazing to watch.
This was my favorite group the Dardanelles, from Newfoundland, Canada. Yes I bought their CD, their music was fun and full of stories.
We got to see the Super Moon when we were there too.
There was a showing of all these fun decorated cars. This one was my favorite.
It had empowering words all over it.
Plus some beautiful flowers, my kind of car.
We also got to see the babies. Kyle, who is Sarah's boyfriend, has twin nieces born. They spent 2 months in the hospital but were now home. Sarah is holding Adrielle, the tiny one, she was under 3 lbs when born.
Brenna, Sarah's good friend is holding Ryleigh. She is so much bigger. They are both doing well.
Brenna and Sarah enjoying the music. I love hearing all the different music. The were so many different kind of music that I can't mention them all. I learned to love Quebecois music. I also got a CD from Yves Lambert Trio. Its all in French so I can't understand a word of it but I love the beat of the music. What a great time we had.
I thought this was so cute, the way the girls walked with arms around each other. Old friends just happy to be together again.