Showing posts with label pajama party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pajama party. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My weekend

This past weekend my friends Shirley and Cyndi came from Utah for a pajama party and my other friend Cj came too.  We spend the weekend spinning yarns, knitting, felting, eating and any other creative thing we can think of.  Its a pajama party because we never get dressed.  Its a weekend full of fun friends and laughter.

This is my friend CJ, cook extraordinaire. she always makes sure everyone is fed and happy.

This is my friend Shirley   In this pic she is needle felting a little animal. I have known Shirley for almost twenty years. I think we started spinning yarns about the same time. 

This is a shawl Cyndi made me out of an old piece of knitting I didn't like. It wraps around the body and ties in the back. It is an old style pattern that women wore for centuries. Its comfortable and keeps you warm while you work. I feel connected to the women of the past when I wear it.

This is Cyndi I don't know what she was thinking by the expression on her face but she is calmly knitting on a pair of socks.

Here is a tea set Cyndi found at a thrift store for me. There are 2 more cups and saucers. I thought it was so cute.

A close up of the saucer.  I just love it. Cyndi really spoiled me this time.  She also made me a pair of socks which I am having difficulty photographing.  I'll post them as soon as I can get  better photograph.

I love weekends like this, they don't happen that often but I love it when they do.