This is my friend CJ, cook extraordinaire. she always makes sure everyone is fed and happy.
This is my friend Shirley In this pic she is needle felting a little animal. I have known Shirley for almost twenty years. I think we started spinning yarns about the same time.
This is a shawl Cyndi made me out of an old piece of knitting I didn't like. It wraps around the body and ties in the back. It is an old style pattern that women wore for centuries. Its comfortable and keeps you warm while you work. I feel connected to the women of the past when I wear it.
This is Cyndi I don't know what she was thinking by the expression on her face but she is calmly knitting on a pair of socks.
Here is a tea set Cyndi found at a thrift store for me. There are 2 more cups and saucers. I thought it was so cute.
A close up of the saucer. I just love it. Cyndi really spoiled me this time. She also made me a pair of socks which I am having difficulty photographing. I'll post them as soon as I can get better photograph.
I love weekends like this, they don't happen that often but I love it when they do.