Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wow!! Its been a while.....
Well I didnt realize how long it had been since I blogged.... Ok this once again confirms I bite as a blogger. Oh well :) I guess of all my faults being a bad blogger isn't so bad.... LOL.... Anyhow.... If you know me you know my dad has been home since late August. He is doing ok but none of us think he is doing very well... He really isnt supposed to be eating by mouth but thanks giving he sure did which was great that he got to eat but man did it tick me off.... But what can you do.... I just pray that God will look after him and keep food out of his lungs :( sigh any how.... He also is still not driving. And wont be ANY TIME SOON!!!! He keeps fighting with my sis (who has his car hostage) that he has to have his car back but he just isnt that stable. Even his friends say so....
Ok enough of my dad.... sometimes I really do have a lot more to say because I need to vent.... But right now I just wont....
Lets see...... Work was kinda crazy for a while which was sad because I NEVER got to see Hank... This went on till pretty much the end of October. We still dont get to see much of each other but its not so bad these days. We are making it work...
Hank is doing great with his new job and hopefully he will get to move up again very soon!! YAY!! He is now a Dept Manager over Plumbing and Electrical. Now that the store if FINALY open things seem to be moving along very smoothly :).
Bean is doing GREAT!!! She is 20 months old today OMG all just moving so fast. She is definitely more a little girl now and no longer a baby baby. Which really makes me sad. (But not sad enough for number 2 yet) She really has such a personality. She knows what she wants and doesn't and really knows what buttons to push already. This week we are thinking of starting the potty training. She has been interested for a while but with all that's been going on with her it wasn't time yet. (Lots of intestinal issues LONG story but we are limiting dairy these days and no juice at all and things are a little better). Anyway back to potty training... She loves her little potty she just hasn't "christened" it yet lol.
With me nothing major going on.... Just work work...and a bit more work. This weekend we have our preschool Recitals. And now in 21 days starts the Dance troup journey to Disney AHHHH this is a scary thought.... Anyhow Time for late night w/Conan and bed....