Wow! Jenny and her staff have done it again. An absolutely wonderful issue, chock full of good things: Carol Peters' delightful Three Mouseketeers, and pages of paper doll art from contributors inspired by their favorite novels. As always, a great showcase.
Here are some of the articles: David Wolfe in "Costuming the Classics," takes us behind the scenes of how classic novels are brought to the screen, and includes his fabulous illustrations of designs by Adrian, Walter Plunkett and others; Tom Tierney on the Bronte sisters, accompanied by his fine pen-and-ink drawings of the Brontes; Brenda Mattox on draping and the human figure; Brenda also has a wonderful piece on Gene Maiden.
I never tire of reading about the childhood inspirations of paper doll artists, how they grew creatively and learned to fit art into their busy (and challenging) family lives, and Carol Peters delivers the goods in her article.
Last but not least, is the very first thing you'll read in the issue: Jenny's story of her visit a couple of years ago to the Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland. Absolutely lovely, and very moving.
And that picture of Jenny and Gene Maiden will definitely put a lump in your throat.
How we'll miss him in Las Vegas.