I'm excited to bring you my technique today. I guess you could say I was inspired by the bright and shiny necklace in the photo. And of course, I can't leave out the vibrant blue skies.
A light bulb came on when I was digging out possibilities for this month's challenge. I believe I was working on another project and had these two pieces of chipboard laying out on the table. For some reason they caught my eye and all I could see using them for was a robot. I could just envision his cute little boxy face. Almost immediately I went to work spray painting the little dude.
After mulling the idea around for a bit. I started thinking of supplies I already had on hand that I could use. Like pop cans. I washed a couple out before bed that night so they could be drying. Then the idea to use hardware came into play. So I dug around and found some in a kitchen drawer. All I had to do was dab some acrylic paint on them with tiny piece of a sponge.
Without further ado....Meet Ramsey the robot. I think he's such a cutie! He was so much fun to create. Hmmmm, maybe he needs a Mrs.?

Supplies: 2 pieces of medium plaques chip art chipboard (#551), blue redwork homespun chic paper, red and white card stock, 2 pop cans, silver metallic spray paint, 7 silver nuts (hardware), silver wire, 1/2 in. circle punch, rhinestone, stickers, blue acrylic paint, pen, hot glue gun, kid paintbrush, foam tape
Spray paint chipboard. Allow to dry (approx.15 min)
Cut two 1 in. strips from one can for legs. Accordion fold and adhere.
Cut two 3/4 in. strips from 2nd can for arms. Accordion fold and adhere.
Create two rectangles from a piece of scrap aluminum.
One will be cut for the eyes. The other will remain uncut for the neck.
Cut one rectangle in half. Fold to create eyes. Make a small square
out of scrap aluminum. Fold to create a triangle for nose.
Also cut small rectangle for mouth.
Wrap wire around end of paint brush to create antennae.
Complete instructions:
spray paint chipboard. allow to dry approx. 15 min. cut pop cans to create arms and legs
accordion fold arms and legs. adhere.
cut neck from scrap. adhere to head and body to connect. create eyes, nose and mouth. adhere.
paint nuts. allow to dry approx. 15 min. once dry adhere.
trace and cut middle panel. hand draw hearts, hands and feet. cut and adhere.
affix stickers to card stock. cut and adhere.
wrap wire around paintbrush. remove. punch out circle affix rhinestone. adhere to wire. adhere wire to robot.
cut card stock to create card base. cut patterned paper slightly smaller than card stock and adhere. Adhere robot to card base using foam tape.