My New Bed Skirt from Damask Table cloths
Oh it has been too long since I have written, I am ashamed to say...however, I have been creating a bit around my home and thought I would share what I have been up to. This last summer I was given a big bag of beautiful linens. I couldn't believe the generosity of my dear sweet friends, Carolyn and Tom. Tom's mom had passed away and they were dealing with her estate and gave me these linens because they knew I would appreciate them and use them! So of course, I had to put them to good use. Not only to remember them by, but also because these linens were so beautiful. Well in and among this bag were several antique, white, Damask, table cloths and of course dollies galore!
My Sweet Little Lamp Shades
Believe it or not I decided to cut up(yes I did and yes I cringed when I did it!) and use the table cloths for skirting for my king duvet in our master bed room and I used one of the cut work, round doilies, to make designer- like covered lampshades to fit the antique sconces I purchased from the
Farm Chicks Show last June. I chose this doily because of the heavy scalloped edge and simple but raised thread work.Yardage at the fabric store, for this project, would have cost me an arm and a leg because of the design I wanted. Not to mention, I would never be able to find anything this fine and durable. For the
lamp shades, I found a self adhesive, designer shade at
Joann Fabrics-perfect! This handy and simple product, allows you to remove the protective covering, use the covering to trace the paper as your pattern, then cut and stick on your fabric.Super simple! Both shades took me less than 15 min. to make!
Details of Skirting
The old saying the right tool, for the right job is so true. So instead of spending my money on yardage, I spent it on a
ruffler foot for my
Bernina sewing machine. Oh- my- word- this baby is worth it's weight in gold!! AND it allowed me to create my dream bed covering in- oh about 30 min.- Waaa Hooo! Now I already had a handmade duvet cover that my mother had passed down to me and this is what I used to attache my skirting to.Then I put my decorative duvet on top. This way I can change out the duvet if I need to wash it or just need to change decore. So here it is in all its lovely-ness!