Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

Butter Dish to Posh and Pretty Bird Feeder

So how does this silver butter dish and wooden candlestick become a Posh and Pretty Bird Feeder? Read on and I will share.

This is another one of those projects on my list, like the last post, and with a little drilling help from my man, I was able to cross this project off the list today.  I sure am happy with the way this second-hand treasure turned out too!

At the beginning of the summer I went to the funnest place on earth! No not Disneyland - well this might be considered a kind of Disneyland for Farm-Girlie-Grown-Ups- but Farm Chicks! Wowee talk about super cute junk! Holy Cannoli, did I load up! It was so fun being with my gal pals and finding one-of-a-kind treasure. This silver butter dish was one of those wonders I couldn't pass up.

So here is the how to turn your second hand treasure into Posh and Pretty Up-Cycling At Its Finest: 

Flea Market Treasures to start
1)First I hunted down a wooden candle stick at a thrift store that was proportioned the way I liked. The candle stick I found was actually held together by a very long screw- a happy accident- because this allowed me to
2.) drill a hole in the bottom of the dish part and then
3.) re-assemble the footing of the candlestick to the underside of the dish and the main portion, to the inside of the dish.

bottom of candlestick to bottom of butter dish
4.) I then had my man drill 2 small holes through the top on either side of the finial and through the candle stick so that I could

top of butter dish bird feeder
5.) thread black wire through the top, through the candlestick, and back up through the top of the butter dish. This allowed me to  secure the top of the butter dish to the feeder but also allowed me to
6.)wire wrap a hanger to hang it from.

Ready for some wholesome bird seed!

Voila a most lovely bird feeder for all my little feathered friends! Don't you just love how a wee twig is the perfect little perch for the birds to eat from!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Painting the Hives

The anticipation of getting our bees is mounting. They are due to arrive this coming weekend, so despite the crazy Northwest weather, I had to get outside in the fresh air and paint the hives. I am glad that it was a fairly clear day out. They look pretty boring without any color.

Here are the Deeps and Supers unpainted

David is still finishing up the lids and bases to the hives, that is why you don't see them in the pictures. But I was able to get the Supers and Deeps painted. So what do you think of the colors I finally chose? I think they will be beautiful in our someday orchard, bordered by luscious lavender bushes. I can almost taste the honey.

Here they are painted.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

For Lent Fasting and Feasting

I created this for my studio

FASTING and Feasting

During Lent and always fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.

Fast from complaining and feast on appreciation.

Fast from bitterness and feast on forgiveness.

Fast from idle gossip and feast on purposeful silence.

Fast from judging others and feast on the Christ within them.

Fast from emphasis on differences and feast on the unity of life.

Fast from apparent darkness and feast on the reality of light.

Fast from thoughts of illness and feast on the healing power of God.

Fast from words that pollute and feast on phrases that uplift.

Fast from anger; feast on patience;

Fast from pessimism: feast on optimism.

Fast from worry; feast on divine order.

Fast from negatives; feast on affirmatives.

Fast from unrelenting pressure; feast on unceasing prayer.

Fast from hostility; feast on nonresistance.

Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion to others.

Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal truth.

Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.

Fast from shadows of sorrow, feast on the sunlight of serenity.

Fast from discouragement and feast on hope.

Fast from facts that depress and feast on anything that inspires.

Fast from lethargy and feast on enthusiasm.

Fast from suspicion and feast on truth.

Fast from problems that overwhelm us; feast on prayer that gives us the strength to get through.

What will be your fast? What will be your feast?


Monday, January 31, 2011

Feeling rather Grateful-January 2011

Usually winter brings me to an ordinary shade of gray. My hair seems grayer, the pacific northwest sky is gloomed in multi-gray, even the trees and grass of my yard are lensed in gray. Ordinary...blah-ness.

But this year I have decided to do some things different with the help of my gracious Savior. I have been pondering my perspective and have found that I am just letting life happen, rather than living out the moments. Where did the joy of each day go?

I wonder...

I seem to have found my self in this familiar place but can't recall which path I took to get here. Ever feel this way? I don't want to live out my days in passivity, giving me the opportunity to just idly complain.

I am choosing to be grateful.

But new habits like memorizing scripture (new thing #1) and choosing to live gratefully (new thing #2) have to be practiced. So I'm practicing...

Here is a snippet of my grateful list for January.

I'm Grateful for:
  • Dinner with a life long friend- talking about the deep things of our lives
  • Thankful for sickness- sometimes the only way to stop, think, and gain new perspective and turn
  • A programmable crock pot- my constant companion
  • A studio filled with treasure to create with
  • New books to read and enrich my life with
  • Seeing the value in memorizing God's word
  • A little boy who needs a talking to everyday about self-control
  • A husband who makes me feel safe
  • A friendly face at Starbucks, blueberry scones, and my sketchbook.
I also using a set of scripture prayers complied by Bob Hostetler called 31 Ways to Pray for Your Children. (new thing #3)

Todays's prayer:

Prayerfulness: " Grant, Lord, that my children's lives may be marked by prayerfulness, that they may learn to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests"
Ephesians 6:18

Monday, January 24, 2011

Livre de Oiseaux~Book of Birds

First pg.
Some of you may be visiting from Masterpiece Monday Welcome! I am glad you stopped by, let me know that you visited and leave a comment, I enjoy visiting with those who love the Lord, art, books and nature or any combination of those. Some of you have been curious from other posts to know what my "Bird Book"is. Here is a peak at my Altered Mixed Media Book, Livre de Oiseaux. I haven't finished it yet, it is a work in progress and something I find great joy in creating.

I was inspired by a book my friend Laura of LOC showed me called Nature Inspired by Tracie Lyn Huskamp. This book has great techniques and ideas to walk you through creating your own mixed media book. If you are an altered art fan then you will enjoy this book! My book is filled with artwork as well as poetry, bible verses and other sayings that inspire me to think beyond myself.

Become Radiant

This page features a verse from Isaiah 60:1 & 5a It reads:

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Then you shall see and become radiant and your heart shall swell with joy.

I Love the imagery. I think the birds do this every morning, don't you! To become radiant... it is only with the glory of the Lord that I could ever hope to be this way.

I have been building this book for some time but recently have come back to it and I have found great pleasure in it's creation, I almost can't stop making pages for it. I intend on using my own bird sketches for another 2 page layout but haven't decided on a color scheme just yet.

For the cover, I am using an old rummage sale book. I have taken out the insides so that I can use the cover and spine. And because I am so cheap, I use canvas drop cloths from the hardware store for the substructure. Then I start building the pages.

The Mockingbird details

The Skylarks details

I am a collector. My friend Laura and I call each other little squirrels, because of our gathering instincts. I tell you what, it is hard for me to throw out stuff I know I will use on projects like this. So consequently, I have drawers and baskets, pockets and piles of treasure all around my studio. I tell myself it is one of my best character qualities...hey, not everyone can turn trinkets and trash into soulful treasures from the heart, right?(I say that humbly)

This page is called Mrs. Robin

To be continued....Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Memorization~A Good Habit

My version of Colossians in a Year Challenge Memory Book

I have committed. There I said it. No, really, I want to... I want to hide God's amazing word in my heart, but I am not very good at memorization. It is true, ask my kids. Could it be that I haven't used that part of my brain for years? Perhaps.

My youngest enjoys watching me blunder our bible memory for co-op while he whips right through, not one mistake. I smile. My brain says,"Hey whatever works! Whoo hoo I am one step ahead of ya still little mister!" But my heart stings just a little knowing full well it is a weakness and one place I lack self-discipline.

Sometimes, I think there is just not enough room in there and if I start memorizing I will blow a fuse. Or worse...other important stuff will fall out. Maybe some of you know what I am talking about. You know brain space, that's what I call it. I only have so much. Right?

Well no more shrinking violet! I have decided to take the challenge. I was inspired by Ann Voskamp blog post on creating a habit. A good one. Ah-ha she is on to something! Note to self: you can create good habits- not just bad ones!

So I downloaded her free gift and put together my Heather-ified version. Creative and pretty are good motivators for me. I sure enjoyed putting this together. I used 3x5 cards from the $1 store and pretty paper I had on hand. Glued each weeks verses to the card and punched holes in the top. I used two rings to hold the cards and ribbon and a rosette to embellish the front. I have it right on my desk in the school room so I can look at it all the time.

Week one of my journey

I have faithfully started, but I have to say... it ain't pretty.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Simple Woman's Day Book Dec. 2011 Entry


Jan. 5, 2011 ...

Outside my window... it is a cold gray morning, the kind of morning that makes you want to quickly grab the paper off the porch and quickly close the door as to not let the cold air into the house.

I am thinking... I am thinking about the activities of the evening and looking forward to fellowship with friends over dinner at church. I am also thinking that I have made some good choices to reduce the amount of commitments and that feels good as I head into another year.

I am thankful for...I am so grateful for the peace and quiet of the morning and children deep in study. I am grateful for several good nights in a row of peaceful sleep.

From the learning rooms... Today we are back to our studies in classical education. We are doing the Middle ages in History, Old Testament Kings and Prophets, Calligraphy and Art of the Middle ages, Latin, Math, Astronomy, and Literature. We have had a great start to our schedule. I know the kids are always grateful to get back to a schedule and so am I.

From the kitchen... tonight for supper we will be eating dinner at church. But I am thinking I need to use up the bananas that are turning so I will bake some banana bread. I might even put some chocolate chips in there, yuuummmyy!

I am wearing...Yoga pants, long sleeve shirt, fuzzy socks, the usual.

I am creating...I finished sewing the valances for the family room and was able to do a page in my fabric altered book on birds, I am close to finishing a page for the Mocking Bird.

I am take finish up my lesson plans for bible and art for co-op so that is off my plate and ready for next week. I also need to update the bible timeline and have it ready for the other bible teacher.

I am reading...The Vicar of Wakesfield and The Magician's Nephew.

I am hoping... That our school day will be productive and enjoyable.

I am hearing... the groans and yawns of my children thinking and figuring while they work at their desks.

Around the house...things are sort of clean and picked up, we will get on that when school is finished. And every time I go into the kitchen I smile because it looks so beautiful since I painted it last weekend. Fresh and clean, warm and cozy!

One of my favorite things...Having done an honest hard days work where my body and mind ache for the comfort of my bed and rest.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I am making sure to get the rest I need to be on my game for my family and all that we do here at the Orchard Street Farm.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...My freshly painted kitchen

Mention my blog and offer a link back to the main page of my blog.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Christianity and Art

Simple Transformation

I have had the delightful privileged of being on an art discussion panel with 3 other very accomplished artists in my community, at an event called Celebration of the Arts, held at my church. What a pleasure to listen, learn and share with them. Here is some of what I have come to know about my art and how it is interwoven with my faith.

Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We're free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are (transformed) much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.
2 Corinthians 3:18 ~The Message Bible
Parentheses mine

In the art piece, Simple Transformation, I have used a mixed media style to represent my own fibrous existence- layered, tattered and textured, plain as it is. This piece represents my own transformation into a creature created by God. The beauty and freedom of a butterfly reflects the qualities that God sees in me. It is with the ever presence of the Holy Spirit that I am able to emerge each day and reflect the iridescence of my own winged-spirit and give my praises back to the King of Glory.

One of the great responsibilities God bestowed to the the butterfly is pollination. In a symbolic way as a Christian, I am like the butterfly. I am called to drink in the nectar of God's word and His grace and then spread that essence to others through my own life, by my actions, my words, through grace and with love. I freely fly and give to others, for this is what I am called to do. This is why I was transformed and broken from my cocoon of sin and shame. I am to take this pollen of truth to others. Regardless of the type of flower. Regardless of where you come from, what your background is, how you have gotten to this point in time. Here, let me share with you what you need to emerge from your cocoon of sin and live transform into the creature God created you to be.

I have come to learn that for me, my art and my faith are inter-dependent. For without one I would not have the other. Alone they are ineffective. Together I can use this gift to spread the love and Gospel of Jesus and to bring beauty to a world in desperate need of knowing the Savior.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2 NIV

Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Year

A new year, a clean slate, a blank page. I am so grateful for this time of change. Just last night my sweet husband took me out to a fun, lounge-y, coffee shop so we could set some goals for 2010. I was trying to remember the last time we had made our list and neither of us could remember. Oh dear! How life gets in the way and often distracts us from what is truly, 2010 is the year of the new list!

I am a list maker by nature. It really does help me stay focused and steer free from distraction.

Here are some things from our list:
  1. Be good stewards of what we already have.
  2. Don't over commit our time
  3. Prepare our children for the next season of life-big changes are on the horizon
  4. Stick to priorities
  5. Have more family fun

  1. I want to start a regular routine of practicing and doing my art.
  2. I also want to streamline my time on the computer and be more affective in my day.
  3. I also will be giving more time to my online business and liquidating inventory.

This is good news to those who like a good garage sale! In fact I will be having a Winter Attic Sale starting next week so stay tuned! All kinds of bobbles, bits and bundles of treasure and at a good price -what a great way to start the new year!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Gift

I was given a gift today.


Isn't it a beauty? I have been collecting these treasures over the years and I am up to about seven. They have all been abandoned or blown from the trees in our yard.

I just marvel at all the layers and funny fibers that are found inside some of these nests. This one has a bit of red curling ribbon and a beautiful stem with the seed pods still attached.

The outsides are always tattered, matted and rugged.

But not the inside. In the roundness of the inside I can see the smooth indentation of where small eggs were cradled and where small babies were care for. It really is so sweet to ponder.

My husband brought this in on the first afternoon of home school, as the kids and I tackled our classical writing exercises. It was rough day, we were tired in our thinking and progress had been so slow. It was such a kind gesture. I really felt such a deep warmth come over me like peace.

Thank you dear husband.

Even the birds of the air are cared for and not forgotten like it says in Matthew 6:26. You can see the Lord's provision for these amazing creatures. It reminded me in a tangible way that the Lord will make a way in this chapter of our lives and bring me peace.

He does care for me.
Do Not Worry
26Look at the bird
s of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26
This is my chicken's egg and feather

Monday, August 31, 2009

Doing Hard Things

Oh am I being stubborn!

Not the kind of stubborn you are when you are right and someone else is wrong, its the kind of stubborn born from not wanting to plunge into something you need to do. Some call it procrastination. For me, this type of stubborn is formed from the later and therefore, it is an attitude of the heart.

Yea, I know not so good.

Usually, I love a challenge and I am anxious to try new things but, I am not feeling that way about some new things on my horizon...isn't that strange? I wonder where this is coming from? I have a feeling it is a sense of having to give up other things in order to do something I know is important. Perhaps it means rearranging my priorities to serve others for awhile.

So in other words it comes from the desire to serve self first....ohhhh.

Boy is that disappointing. You know, when you do "the-reflective-inward-look" and it isn't so pretty. The whole dying to self thing is a tough one in the life of this Christian. It is times like this that I am grateful for the loving grace of Jesus. I am glad that He is the bearings by which I can reset the compass of my life to when I get off course.

Well, this home school year is looking to be a great challenge for me. I have 2 middle-schoolers this year and the challenge comes in the form of Latin, Classical Writing, and Formal Logic. Yes, I know isn't that crazy? Would you want to dive right in? I didn't think so...see what I mean?

The upside to these classes is that I will get all the knowledge and skill as a by-product from teaching these things to my children. The bonus of homeschooling! Not so convincing is it....

So say a prayer for me this year, as I dive into these challenging subjects. We will all have our noses in the books of great writers and philosophers from ancient times. I am sure the Lord will bless the effort and we will learn wonderful things from our journey through time. I know I will enjoy following the golden thread of providence God has woven in the tapestry throughout all of history.

Lord, you know my heart... I pray that I would give my selfish desires a rest and give them over to you. Bless our efforts to study new and exciting things even when I fail to be obedient and humble, use these lessons and this homeschooling time for your glory and our refinement, especially mine. Amen

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If Friends were Flowers I'd Pick you too!

I got a lovely gift from my friend Laura at Layers of Color! What a delight to get this from her, she is so gracious. And she is the kind of friend I can truly be myself with, warts and all.

This is a little gem! I had admired it when she posted it on her website- Wow!- to think she had created it for me. These are some of my favorite colors too. She is the fair haired beauty and I am the dark haired maiden. Thanks Laura, I would pick you too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Preservation Project

This summer I have taken on a preservation project. My daughters “NeeNee” has become so frayed with love that she is in danger of, dare I say it? Becoming extinct. So I am attempting my hand at quilting. So far it is a very rough and amateur attempt. However the good news is I think it will do its intended job and protect NeeNee.

My inspiration was to make a quilt using pretty fabrics on the top and then to sew the NeeNee onto the back. This way my daughter can still see her and feel her NeeNee. I am hoping that by sewing her directly onto the backing she will be girded up and won’t fall apart.

Now NeeNee can live forever…can you hear the fairy music?

I know that when I am feeling worn and frayed it is a good hug from my hubby and the word of God that grids me up, reassures me and steadies me on. The word of God also talks of sowing seed could I be so bold as to interpret the imagery of that to a different picture? How about, sewing the seed of His word onto my heart? Aaaahhhh I feel an art inspiration coming on! Oh happy day….

I will post the end results when I am done with the art and the quilt.

Thank you Lord for your word and the gift of words your inspiration is astounding to me. Lord I hope I will always bring you glory with my creativity. You are the song I hear in my heart and the colors by which I create. I love you Amen.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fighting with Ourselves

Today I saw my youngest fighting with himself. The inner battle of pride joined with independence and determination. I had asked him to move some lumber that had been sitting in the yard and to stack it neatly until we could get to it. After a while, the bad attitude coupled with lots of raw emotions, displayed with fist of frustration well, it started to really grate my nerves.

My first inkling was to quickly chastise him for his outburst and poor attitude, but then it occurred to me, that all he really had to do was ask for help. As he tried to untangle this heap of wood and boards by himself he got more upset and more frustrated and more determined to show it who was boss. Tears came and went, soon grunts and groans. Pouting in defeat. All the while I kept praying please just ask mama for help and I will gladly come help you...

Oh how I know this place.

If you threw in a few cuss words that could've been me! Not such a pretty site mind you, especially when you are 40 something and striving to live a life for Christ...there is no secret I fall short more often than not.

It got me to thinking about how so many times my heart would have been spare so much discouragement and frustration if I had only asked the Lord for help.
In my pride and determination to be independent I learn the hard way.

So, here is the lesson, it is much easier to be interdependent than alone.

Lord I pray for my son today, it was difficult to watch him struggle. It must be difficult for you as well Lord, watching us struggle as we so often do. Give him courage today to die to self and ask for help from someone who loves him. Lord I pray that he will come to you first with all that he has in him, that you would work mightily in his little heart and teach my son your loving ways. Amen

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rites of Passage

Isn't this a beautiful picture? One generation leading the next. You might see dirty, grease-caked hands but I see something beautiful and oh, so precious.

I see ...a father teaching his son a valuable skill,

time well spent together,

a living example of fatherhood,


a job well done,

something new was learned,
a father's love for his son,
I see...
a rite of passage.

Lord thank you for this man, my husband. Thank you that you gifted him with many skills and a mind and heart that teaches his children. Thank you Lord that through the drudgery of fixing a car you orchestrate something beautiful and fulfilling. I am grateful for this man who lives a life carrying out your commandments to teach them diligently as he sits in his house and walks by the way and when he lies down and when he rises up... Bless them Lord bind them stronger and closer to one another, and to you. Amen

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Quote of the Month

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Big Blessings in Small Sweet Packages

I have been maneuvering past lots of life bumps and emotional potholes on my path recently. Lately, it seems like the weight is draining my joy. I hate it when that happens! I write this with a bit of tongue and cheek in mind but, I really do hate it when I lose my handhold on joy! I find it most irritating because I am a fun loving creature by nature. I just am not me without it.
But grace is new every morning and this morning was no exception. I woke rested, physically refreshed and ready for the day, this was
Big Blessing numeral uno!
As I went about my day I had clarity of thought, and diligence in action. It was a good day of tying up loose ends and accomplishments. Out of the corner of my eyes I kept getting glimpses of two little impish elves(two of my kids) flittering about the house.
What were they up to?
Oh ...stay on task, Heather.
Stay focused.
Pretty soon, as I came into the kitchen I noticed this on the counter:
Big Blessing #2

Then a sweet little boy of mine told me with a twinkle of delight, to check in my bedroom, "there was something on my bed!" Well, that's strange because I hadn't made my bed yet. And this is what I found on my bed:
Big Blessing #3
Sometimes God sends me small sweet packages filled with Big Blessings. Tiny collections of trinkets, little bits and pieces of love tied with ric rac.

This was one of those days where my children were the bearers of God's kindness, the messengers of encouraging words to a tired mama's soul. They were just the map I needed to avoid the bumps and potholes and find my trail back to joy again. They lead me straight to the foot of the cross and the refuge of a loving Savior.

Oh Lord, you are such a wonder to me, who am I that you are mindful of me?
Thank you Father in heaven for your refining fires that I may count it all joy. Amen

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Snowing in Spring

Our Cherryblossom Tree

We had a glorious day on Friday! The sky was the best color of blue like cornflower blossoms and the sunshine was good medicine for my tired soul. It was so warm and bright, no wonder the bulbs and seedlings reach out for it pushing through the darkness of the earth. I have felt like that lately, reaching out to the light to be warmed and nourished. It is amazing what an afternoon in the sun will do for a busy mama!

I decided since I wasn't feeling well that we could finish up our schoolwork outside on our new homemade picnic table. The sunshine and fresh air would do us some good! Something about a change of venue and the promise of being outside more often, was a great remedy for our lack of
enthusiasm towards school.

The breeze was balmy and so relaxing. To our delight as it blew through the boughs of our cherry tree it took with it, its billowy, soft-white, petals and then dropped them all around us. My youngest, with awe in his little boy voice said,

" Look Mama! Its snowing..."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Laundry List of Things to Do

Washing day- Our linens on the line

Of all the chores in the universe my downfall is laundry. Anyone with me? It is the last thing I feel like doing, even if it is my own laundry! Yes, I am one of those that waits until I am out of undies...a true confession. My poor family! So, here is the weird part, you are going to die...I love doing laundry in the summer when I can hang it on my clothesline to dry! Super weird huh?

Here is what I think this Heather-ism is all about. I think it comes down to this organic connection with the simpler things in life. Then of course there is doing your laundry outside in the fresh air and sunshine too! Gotta love that! The wonderful smell of linens hung on the line(trust me there is one) and the crisp feel of them too, it really is a simple delight of life. I think my clothes fold easier and into nicely creased folds, ahhhh!
Oh I know what you are thinking...she has got to haul it out there, pin it up, take it down and fold it- how is that simpler? Well it probably isn't, but I can say with all certainty I like it better and I actually DO it! My husband would say it is in the same idiosyncrasy vein as why I have to chew two pieces of gum. Yea, I know super weird!

Here is my two-cents: I think old fashioned clothespins are the best. Stay tuned...I am making a new clothespins pouch too. I will post this soon so you can see. An old-fashion pattern with a new look, I think you will like it!

My clothepins!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Books! Books!-I Love Books!

As spring breaks forth into her glory, I love to get out my nature and gardening books to inspire my imagination. This brings me the hope of sunnier days ahead. My absolute favorite book to sit down with is a book by Edith Holden do you know it? If you are an old soul like myself, one who is a country girl at heart, loves nature and art then you know that I am talking about the book The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.

This is the entry at the bottom of the April cover page. Mrs. Holden was a wonderful artist and so on each page denoting a new month she has illustrated what she sees in the country side in that season. For April she has painted a bird amongst the primroses and wild violets of the British country side. Just delightful!

"When Daisies red and violets blue,
and Ladies Smocks' all silver white
And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue
Do paint the meadows with delight."

Edith Holden-The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady

She also includes lots of poetry, factual information about the month and seasons she gathered, mottoes of her day and lots of illustrations and watercolor paintings. She was a rather accomplished artist. But really her fame came 70 yrs. later with the publishing of this lovely and humble nature notebook.

Well, I am now spending the still chilly nights reading The Edwardian Lady~The Story of Edith Holden This book is biography. It tells of Edith's life as a child, her family- she had 4 sisters and 2 brothers. She was well educated and went to art school. In my opinion she was the pre-cursor to another of my favorites, Beatrix Potter. They seem to run along the same country path so to speak.

These are two books you should read and have on your library shelf . Both will bring warm sunshine to your soul. I enjoy reading about ordinary lives that appreciated the simple complexities of nature and the world that God created. I love that Edith Holden documented this in her art and journaling. This is a reminder to me to do the same. To place myself in nature at a particular time to remember it. This lovely journal has a well-worn organic feel to it- that old soul feel.

I know I would have liked Edith, I like to think we would have been great friends. Her country diary makes me want to get outside. It makes me want to take a stroll along the banks of a brook, on a forgotten country path and listen to birds sing and do art. And be inspired.