Jan. 5, 2011 ...
Outside my window... it is a cold gray morning, the kind of morning that makes you want to quickly grab the paper off the porch and quickly close the door as to not let the cold air into the house.
I am thinking... I am thinking about the activities of the evening and looking forward to fellowship with friends over dinner at church. I am also thinking that I have made some good choices to reduce the amount of commitments and that feels good as I head into another year.
I am thankful for...I am so grateful for the peace and quiet of the morning and children deep in study. I am grateful for several good nights in a row of peaceful sleep.
From the learning rooms... Today we are back to our studies in classical education. We are doing the Middle ages in History, Old Testament Kings and Prophets, Calligraphy and Art of the Middle ages, Latin, Math, Astronomy, and Literature. We have had a great start to our schedule. I know the kids are always grateful to get back to a schedule and so am I.
From the kitchen... tonight for supper we will be eating dinner at church. But I am thinking I need to use up the bananas that are turning so I will bake some banana bread. I might even put some chocolate chips in there, yuuummmyy!
I am wearing...Yoga pants, long sleeve shirt, fuzzy socks, the usual.
I am creating...I finished sewing the valances for the family room and was able to do a page in my fabric altered book on birds, I am close to finishing a page for the Mocking Bird.
I am going...to take finish up my lesson plans for bible and art for co-op so that is off my plate and ready for next week. I also need to update the bible timeline and have it ready for the other bible teacher.
I am reading...The Vicar of Wakesfield and The Magician's Nephew.
I am hoping... That our school day will be productive and enjoyable.
I am hearing... the groans and yawns of my children thinking and figuring while they work at their desks.
Around the house...things are sort of clean and picked up, we will get on that when school is finished. And every time I go into the kitchen I smile because it looks so beautiful since I painted it last weekend. Fresh and clean, warm and cozy!
One of my favorite things...Having done an honest hard days work where my body and mind ache for the comfort of my bed and rest.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I am making sure to get the rest I need to be on my game for my family and all that we do here at the Orchard Street Farm.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My freshly painted kitchen
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