Showing posts with label Bee Keeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bee Keeping. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Painting the Hives

The anticipation of getting our bees is mounting. They are due to arrive this coming weekend, so despite the crazy Northwest weather, I had to get outside in the fresh air and paint the hives. I am glad that it was a fairly clear day out. They look pretty boring without any color.

Here are the Deeps and Supers unpainted

David is still finishing up the lids and bases to the hives, that is why you don't see them in the pictures. But I was able to get the Supers and Deeps painted. So what do you think of the colors I finally chose? I think they will be beautiful in our someday orchard, bordered by luscious lavender bushes. I can almost taste the honey.

Here they are painted.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bee Keeping and Honey Eating

Oh I can't wait! Bee keeping and honey eating. I have wanted to keep bees for about 5 years but my adventure was always met with apathy from those closest to me. It is hard to pursue a dream if everyone around you is poo-poo-ing it. But, I have finally won over my best friend, my husband. And together we are going to keep these amazing, busy, little creatures.

Just last week we picked up our hive kits and soon we will begin the adventure of building our hives. Our bees are due to arrive around the end of March so we had better get cracking!

I already have a hive design in mind. Now, if they are going to be in our yard they will be wonderful to look at. Our bee keeping teacher just smiles at me every time I tell him that they have to be pretty. I envision copper trim and a tin tile roof with periwinkle blue and cornflower blue paint. When they are done I will post a picture. For now I continue to dream...