Let's pretend that it was filled with my usual razor sharp wit and you were dying at how clever I was.
Now back to reality-ville.
I am just posting pics and sources. Stupid undo button. Damn it.
flooring: Tranquility 1.5mm North Perry Pine Resilient Vinyl Flooring found here. $0.79.sf
rug: Olin Rug 30x50 from Crate and Barrel found here. $24.95 on clearance (I think.)
frames: Dollar General with added ribbon.
sign: made it from a 1 x 3 and some stencils
hooks: I got these a billion years ago off ebay and the wood is a 1x12 that was in our garage when we moved in.
clock: Was my mom's and she thought it didn't work anymore, so she bought a new one and I swiped it. Works just fine for me!! Thanks mom!
art: Was an old piece of art with an italian poster for wine. Painted over it and made the "What I love most about my home is who I share it with."
Now, a peek at my laundry room/pantry:
Yep, it's black and sexy as hell!! I freaking can't wait to show you all the pics, but I still need to put up a shelf and some art in there...and now I'll have to re-clean it because it's got folded laundry piled high on the dryer.
Do you do that? You know, pile laundry up, do you leave it in baskets? Do you restart the dryer so you don't have to fold it or to unwrinkle (dewrinkle?) it? Don't tell me you actually wash, dry, fold, and put it away. Braggin' ass. Or do you also iron it? Freak.
Right now I would pay upwards of $1000 for a decent nights sleep.
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FRIDAY: Fingerprints on the Fridge, Miss Mustard Seed, Remodelaholic, Chic on a Shoestring, Shabby Nest
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