Showing posts with label entry way. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entry way. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Entry Way Makeover and some Laundry Room pics

I deleted my first post over all this because alas, I am a dumb ass.

Let's pretend that it was filled with my usual razor sharp wit and you were dying at how clever I was.  

Now back to reality-ville.

I am just posting pics and sources. Stupid undo button. Damn it.

flooring: Tranquility 1.5mm North Perry Pine Resilient Vinyl Flooring found here. $0.79.sf
rug:  Olin Rug 30x50 from Crate and Barrel found here. $24.95 on clearance (I think.)
frames:   Dollar General with added ribbon.
sign: made it from a 1 x 3 and some stencils
hooks:  I got these a billion years ago off ebay and the wood is a 1x12 that was in our garage when we moved in.
clock: Was my mom's and she thought it didn't work anymore, so she bought a new one and I swiped it.  Works just fine for me!!  Thanks mom!
art: Was an old piece of art with an italian poster for wine.  Painted over it and made the "What I love most about my home is who I share it with."

Now, a peek at my laundry room/pantry:


Yep, it's black and sexy as hell!!  I freaking can't wait to show you all the pics, but I still need to put up a shelf and some art in there...and now I'll have to re-clean it because it's got folded laundry piled high on the dryer.  

Do you do that?  You know, pile laundry up, do you leave it in baskets?  Do you restart the dryer so you don't have to fold it or to unwrinkle (dewrinkle?) it? Don't tell me you actually wash, dry, fold, and put it away.  Braggin' ass.  Or do you also iron it?  Freak.  

Right now I would pay upwards of $1000 for a decent nights sleep. 


SUNDAY: The DIY Showoff 
 MONDAY: Thrifty Decor ChickDittle Dattle,Between Naps On the Porch, Homemaker on a Dime
TUESDAY: Tip JunkieToday's Creative BlogStrictly Homemade
WEDNESDAY: Not Just A Housewife Sugar and Dots The Mommy Club  THURSDAY:My Repurposed LifeHouse of HepworthsBeyond The Picket FenceThe Shabby Chic CottageSomewhat Simple 

FRIDAY: Fingerprints on the FridgeMiss Mustard SeedRemodelaholic, Chic on a Shoestring,  Shabby Nest
SATURDAY: Funky Junk InteriorsTatertots and Jello 

Monday, May 14, 2012

mama needs some opinions....

So, I am working on knocking some stuff off my living room list.  This week I am working on the entry way.

It usually looks like this....on an organized day.  Of course, I have changed the artwork due to my decorating ADD.  I have at least completed painting the trim white :)

This was a huge upgrade from what the house originally looked like when we moved in and the piles of crap/junk that made it look completely unorganized.  I have since decided that this is too unorganized for me and that since we have a large closet in the living room, all of these lovely things can be hidden stored in said closet!

Mommy needs a more grown-up entryway.  :)

Mr. TSL has this super old dresser that he grew up with and his mom redid and I'm sure it was nice until he got a hold of it.  It's a giant eyesore now.  But, I can fix it!! :)  He decided to bumper sticker it.  I loathe bumper stickers.  It's not that I don't laugh at a good one, but overall I just despise them.  They don't look good on furniture either.

It looked like this before:

My original plan was to paint the shell of it gray/grey and stain the drawers dark wood.  Something like this:

this will be the color of our new floor too! :)  It's not in :(

Then, I saw this from East Coast Creative formerly The Real housewives of Bucks County:

And I am thinking it would look great all gray/grey sort of like this, but with the drawers missing like the one above:


See our living room is laid out like this:

-Make your life beautiful!!

The lovely pictures are all from my living room board on pinterest.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

camps signs and scrabble

yesterday i decided to change up the entryway a little :

before before:

first try:
yep that's how organized it always looks :)
and now:

super cute pics of my little girls in glasses as babies!!

made the signs with some pallet wood....gotta love free art!!

poor hayley is home sick today, so we played scrabble...she wanted me to take a pic of our game and put it on the blog :)

-Make your life beautiful!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My living room-so far so good!!

I also have a few pics of my living room...not just my dining room!!
Here is the before of the entryway:
It seemed more organized before I took pictures :)

Anatomy of my entryway:
Yes, that's a swim noodle above the hooks!
Hey what can I say, it's a real house where the entryway is the catch-all of the house.  :) 

I made the curtains from 1 twin size white bed sheet from Wal-Mart (More on that later!) 

But, here are some more pics of them!

-Make your life beautiful!!

Skip to my Lou


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