Showing posts with label York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label York. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

March 1, 1850--Stephen to Sophia Sherwood (Part 1 of 2)

Stephen arrived at the San Francisco Harbor
February 25, 1850

(Part 1 of 2)
Sacrament March 1, 1850

Dear Wife i in good health take my pen in hand this Evning to rite you   i was Deprived the privilege at the isthmus on account of mr Fergeson leaving so quick   we had a pretty hard trip   we landed at San Francisco on February 25   i Did not rite be fore Since I arivd I want ed to find York and Ingarsalls fokes  I can not find them a toll in narry (?) citty   i found Kimball   he is well   we start tomorrow morning for the mines   the prospects for mining is a good (?) here as at home but all bisness is over _____  in the sittes th (are?) thousands without a Dollar and we shant have per haps a Dollar left when in the mine (go to part 2 of this letter)

Quote from an article published in Sacramento, California April 1, 1850.  Perhaps this reflected the thinking of Stephen Sherwood at this time.

"The Middle Fork is now easy of access..........I find tht a great many persons are packing up provisions to supply the miners.  The Dry Diggings between the North and Middle Forks I think will prove richer than any yet discovered.........If my health permits me to remain in the mines my course is marked out.  I  shall go up the Middle Fork as far as I can get and work on the river until the very hot weather drives me off.  I shall then go up to the dry digging and prepare ground for a winter's work, throwing up as much as I can."