State of Wisconsin
Kenosha County
Know all men by the present that I Robert B French of the County of Kenosha and State of Wisconsin for and in consideration of One Thousand dollars to me in hand paid of Stephen Sherwood the _ _ ___ Where of I hereby acknowledge _ an assign subscribe ? ____ and deliver by their present do hereby assign ___ __subscribe ? and deliver to Said Stephen Sherwood all my right, title, claim & interest in ___ the partnership, rights, credits, property & demands of the late firm of Smith French __ of the City of Kenosha, State of Wisconsin giving to said Stephen Sherwood the ___interest and rights in said partnership of Smith French__that I am Entitled and ___.
R M B French
Kenosha Ws 8 Oct 1837
Possibly Stephen Sherwood used the $1000 he eventually received from the 1836 promissory note (bottom of page) from George J. Goodhue of LaSalle, Illinois for this purchase in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Deeds show Stephen Sherwood with land transaction in Lake County, Illinois and Kenosha County Wisconsin after this time. Some of the people he did business with included Albert P Smith, Morris Lampher, and Hiram Parker. A further study on his land transactions in Lake and Kenosha Counties would add to Stephen Sherwood's life story.