Showing posts with label Fair Oaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fair Oaks. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Daniel Sherwood-Civil War (Part 2)




Daniel Sherwood likely died in the Battle of Fair Oaks and Darbytown Road 
(also know as the Second Battle of Fair Oaks) on October 28, 1864.

Daniel's half sister, Maria, died the next year (1865).  A gravestone was made to remember Daniel as well.  This memorial is located in find a It is in the Angola Cemetery in Lake Villa, Lake County, Illinois.

This was a fortunate find at which is a "Register of the Reinterments."  Most of the soldiers were listed as Unknown.  Fortunately Daniel Sherwood was included.  He was a private in the 39th Illinois Regiment Company F and killed on October 28, 1864 as was listed here.

Where was he buried?  The Nationwide Gravesite cemetery Locator (for Vetereans) was checked for Daniel Sherwood.  For the first name Dan had to be used with "contains" instead of "exact match" under the search options.  You can then click "Fort Harrison National Cemetery" or "View Map"  Daniel is probably buried near the building.  Scroll down the page to "Historical Information" to find out more about Fort Harrison.  Again, it is fortunate Daniel Sherwood was found because "As of July 1876, 239 of 814 interments were known while 575 were unknown, including four  Confederate prisoners of war."

This document was obtained from  Note that it show Daniel was originally buried at Allens Farm Va.  He was later reintered in the Fort Harrisons Va National Cemetery.  His name is spelled Dan'l.  That is why Daniel could not be found in the Nationwide Graveside Locator until the search option was changed to "contains."

Daniel is listed on the Fort Harrison National Cemetery Graveyard list.  He is the only one from the 39th Illinois Inf to be buried there.  None of his friends could even be found in any National Cemetery.  How fortunate it was that Daniel Sherwood had a final burial place in a National Cemetery.  It is here that he can represent his friends who died on the battlefield near there.

Section B Grave 31

Daniel was originally buried at Allen's Farm.  If you are interested in where Daniel Sherwood was first buried (and near where he died)
1.  Click on Allen's Farm
2.  Spider Search.  Click  "Allen's Farm"
3.  Click "Display markers on map"
Allens Farm where Daniel Sherwood was buried before being his reinterment in Fort Harrison, Va. National Cemetery
4,  Enlarge the map leaving only one dash between the -.+
5.  The Battle of Fair Oaks and Darbytown Road may have been fought  West of here (near South Airport Road).  See map  of Fair Oaks and Darbytown Road.
6.  Go straight down to Darbytown Road.  It was on this road where Daniel Sherwood was probably in an earlier Battle.
7.  Go down past New Market Road to Deep Bottom Park near where Daniel's four friends would have lost their lives.
8.  Go left  to Fort Harrison on Varina Road (near Battlefield Park Road) where Daniel Sherwood is buried.

Fort Harrison National Cemetery where Daniel Sherwood is buried.  Section B Grave 31.

"There I stood at the head of my Regiment on the very ground.............General Robert E Lee was compelled to surrender by our brave boys.  It was to accomplish this very end that they had left home and friends and periled life and limb time and time again; and oh! How many of them are now sleeping the soldier's long, long sleep, unmindful of this great achievement."

"Here we recognized the end of this wicked rebellion; and you may be sure gratitude filled our hearts when we contemplated this grand result of all our toils, our hard marches, hard fighting and exposures."

Colonel Homer A Plimpton of Daniel Sherwood's 39th Illinois Regiment

Civil War Journals of Col. Homer A Plimpton

                                             Map Link (Park Tools--View Park Map)

This map shows some of the locations discussed in the two posts on Daniel Sherwood.  Fair Oaks (top center red dot), Savage's Station (top right red dot) is near where Daniel Sherwood was first buried., Darbytown Road (middle blue dot), Fort Harrison (bottom left blue dot) where Daniel was reinterred.   Deep Bottom (bottom middle blue dot) was where Daniel's four friends lost their lives.  Fair Oaks and Darbytown Road is the name of a battle Daniel fought in.  Daniel is listed as dying somewhere on Darbytown Road.  Daniel's Regiment was also in an earlier battle called the Battle of Darbytown Road (October 13, 1864).

Fort Harrison National Cemetery

This video reminded me of those Civil War soldiers