Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

the week {Feb 29-March 7}

I'm still in a period of waiting for a test. When you have to rely on insurance companies to authorize whether you need a test or not, it gets frustrating just because you are having to wait and rely on end result of that decision. Hopefully I will know something this week. 
I've been thinking lately that I want to share my journey and bring awareness to my disease, but I also don't want to be defined by my disease. It's a fine line isn't it? The disease will always be a part of my life and at times, a major part of my life (like right now.) I knew so very little about this disease before I was diagnosed, and I'm still learning about it. It is basically my body turning on itself and it wreaks such havoc. 

Last Monday evening, our Sunday school class hosted a baby shower for one of our ladies who is due with a sweet little boy very soon!
I made some blondies to take to the shower. So yummy!
I also bought the Pioneer Woman plate at Walmart and used it! Isn't it so pretty?!
Tuesday was a full day for me. 
This sweet cat came in before I started my day and she stayed in ALL day!
I had Bible study, lunch with my church mentor, and Tuesday folders.
Tim took the kids to a choir concert at his school that night. They love going to school events with him!
I'm doing a study on Ruth in my Tuesday morning study and I'm enjoying it so much. The book of Ruth is such a great book in the Bible.
The kids can get their devices close together and play in the same "world" in Minecraft. It is one of their favorite things right now.
Sorry for the cat overload. I just love these girls though :-)
On Wednesday, I met with the 5th grade girl that I'm mentoring. She is such a sweet girl and I'm enjoying each visit that we have.
The kids had Awana that night. 

The next day, we planted B Boy's cabbage plant. The 3rd grade do this project every year to see how big they can grow their cabbage plants. C Girl participated last year, but her plant got pulverized in a hailstorm. We are hoping for better results this time!
Tim had a meeting and got to come home a little early that day! We love having extra time with him- especially when the weather is so nice!
And somehow, they talked me into going to Sonic to get ice cream before bedtime that night! They were thrilled!
Friday night was B Boy's first baseball practice of the season! He is playing with 9 and 10 year olds this season. The practices are longer and they are now playing with live arm! It's going to be a really fun season!
C Girl always has to find things to do while at his practices!
We had a spectacular sunset!
On Saturday, we took the kids and went to our first Razorback baseball game!
The weather was amazing and we had a lot of fun!
We grabbed supper at Whataburger and then headed to another baseball practice for the boy!
Sunday was a typical day with our normal activities. Monday was a busy afternoon going from piano lessons to another baseball practice. B Boy did great and even got to pitch! 
We don't have another practice for a week so we get a little break after what feels like a marathon of practicing!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

the weekly recap {January 29-February 4}

This is a hawk that frequently flies around our house.
We love birds :-)

Tim played a part in the junior high's production of Aladdin Jr. this weekend. 
He took B Boy to see the show on Saturday afternoon. C Girl was fighting a yucky cold all weekend.
 I had a sweet picture of B Boy sleeping but he told me that I could not post it. Ugh! 
My kids are at the age where they have a big opinion on these sort of things!
I love watching them sleep!
 I've been working on organizing B Boy's room better. One of the projects was sorting all of his millions of Legos.
A nice long, afternoon nap for this kitty.
 Tim had basketball duty on Monday evening and the kids always love going with him. 
Their thing lately is helping in the concession stand. He said that they were really working, giving change and everything!!!
 This girl has been enjoying our new rug :-)
 We don't always have calm, quiet afternoons after school, but Tuesday the kids were occupied with reading and a Word document. It was sweet and I had to capture the memory.
 C Girl's class has been working on practicing writing for the big standardized testing that is coming up this spring. Our job the other night was to help give her tips on writing and revising an essay she had written.
I love watching these two together.
I'm mentoring in our school district and met my mentee yesterday. She is a sweet girl and I can't wait to get to know her more!

This girl watched the Dem town hall meeting with Tim and I last night. She's never far from her mama!
 This has been a busy week, but I was so excited that it's also the week of Adnan Syed's post conviction relief hearing! It was thrilling to see this in my podcast feed today!
I spent yesterday keeping up with the proceedings and will do the same today!

Friday, January 29, 2016

How a cat plays catch

When B Boy isn't begging daddy to play catch, he is wanting to play solitaire or checkers or some other game! 
Wednesday I had a hair appointment. I always love catching up with the lady that does my hair.

Wednesday afternoon was beautiful so they did go outside to play catch. 
Our stray girl was here and wanted to play as well!
Isn't she pretty?
Look at that playful girl!
Both kids have been doing great in Awana. They are both in Truth and Training.
B Boy finished a big section and got a patch for his jersey!
I'll take sweet girlie hugs whenever I can get them!
I haven't taken a picture of these two before school in quite a while!
Today I had a meeting with my fellow BPTO board members and the new officers of the BWHS PTO. Our town is going to have two high schools next year! Crazy!

Tonight, the kids and I are watching the movie Max. 
Tim is at school playing a part in the production of Aladdin Jr!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Our Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas! I hope you did too!

Every year is so different with kids as they get older.
They are more aware now and they ask for more expensive things! 
They still believe in Santa and we wonder how many more Christmases we will have of that!
They were SO excited this year!
 B Boy had a Harry Potter wand and glasses in his stocking. Big winner there!
 I love the expressions that B Boy has when he opens presents!!!
 C Girl has been wanting a study Bible so badly!
 such cuties!!!
 She can make some good expressions too!
 Is he the sweetest brother or what?
 They got tablets from aunt Marie!
 They also love watching us open our presents!
Tim's big gift is our trip to the Super Bowl in February.
We finalized our travel plans today and that has been such a relief for me. 
I was so stressed out!
 I love capturing the aftermath of Christmas morning!
Sissy girl likes to be all up in the excitement!
 A Razorback gift is always a winner with him!
 It took him just the afternoon to build his Harry Potter castle. Crazy!
 It didn't take her long to put the Frozen castle together!
I finished another coloring page!
 We had the best day. 
We were up before 6 am, had a great breakfast (breakfast casserole and cinnamon balls), I got a Yeti tumbler that I was not expecting but now dearly love, we watched Apollo 13, made a yummy dinner (ham, mashed potatoes, asparagus, deviled eggs and homemade yeast rolls), and watched the Polar Express!
Today it has been POURING rain. We were even briefly under a tornado warning.
We have been cleaning the house and getting ready for the Sparacino family Christmas that we are hosting tomorrow.
I love how clean our house is right now especially being one day past Christmas!
This gal below is a stray from our neighborhood. She goes around and visits several houses. She usually comes in to eat and then leaves. Today, she needed a safe, warm, dry spot and we were happy to let her stay! She has been in since this morning and with this rain, I'm afraid she'll be here until Monday!