
Showing posts with the label snowflower

COMING OUT... meet me:-)

Have you ever wondered why I chose the name Snowflower Diaries?  First of all I could not think of a better name.    I had participated on a business course for crafters last week where they spoke about the importance of choosing a good, possibly not too long, name.   I know that by any calculation mine does not fit the criteria and what is more, I LOVE misspelled words as I like all things that has a little 'mistake', a scar, a touch of difference.   My brand name is long, misspelled (snowflower instead of snowdrop, because this is how we call this flower in my language and I like it better), but fits me perfectly and I will not change it for all the treasures of the world. I thought to show you a photo of me and you will understand....:-)   Here is a true winter girl who loves white, big skirts, fun and who is very romantic, too:-))) IN HUNGARIAN Gondolkoztál már azon, hogy a búbánatban sikerült a Snowflower Diaries nevet k...


Dear Stitching Friends,  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I had some work to do, but now after some chocolate and mulled wine with my husband, I feel much better and relaxed.  I am very excited to share my second winter design this year, it is called ANGEL'S BLESSING. It is available in our Etsy shop or via emai in digital (pdf) pattern and it will be available in high quality printed form and in kits from November 29th! The model was stiched on 32 ct Zweigart linen hand dyed by Nina . Threads:   Nina's Threads Hunter, Brown Rust, Caramel, Clay, Soot and DMC 5200 I have used rusty-orange glass beads, too.  I wish you a nice week, happy stitching!:-)  IN HUNGARIAN: Kedves hímzős lányok! Remélem, jól sikerült a hétvégétek.   Nekem sajnos dolgoznom kellett, de némi csokoládé és a férjemmel történt forralt borozás után máris sokkal jobban érzem magam, és izgatottan mutatom meg nektek második téli mi...