
Showing posts with the label romantic

COMING OUT... meet me:-)

Have you ever wondered why I chose the name Snowflower Diaries?  First of all I could not think of a better name.    I had participated on a business course for crafters last week where they spoke about the importance of choosing a good, possibly not too long, name.   I know that by any calculation mine does not fit the criteria and what is more, I LOVE misspelled words as I like all things that has a little 'mistake', a scar, a touch of difference.   My brand name is long, misspelled (snowflower instead of snowdrop, because this is how we call this flower in my language and I like it better), but fits me perfectly and I will not change it for all the treasures of the world. I thought to show you a photo of me and you will understand....:-)   Here is a true winter girl who loves white, big skirts, fun and who is very romantic, too:-))) IN HUNGARIAN Gondolkoztál már azon, hogy a búbánatban sikerült a Snowflower Diaries nevet k...