
Showing posts with the label freebie


    Hello Darlings,  I was not only among the last people on Earth who recognised the Harry Potter series, but I am among those who just lately discovered all the wonders of Pinterest.   I have been making boards for a while now, but many times I forgot about them. Pinterest is a valuable resource for cross stitchers, offering a blend of creativity, inspiration, and practical tools to enhance the crafting experience. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cross-stitch enthusiast, Pinterest provides a visual playground where you can discover new patterns, share your finished work, and connect with a global community of stitchers :-) 1. A Source of Endless Inspiration I have to admit I am more of an Instagram girl for inspiration, but it is a fact that I can search visual inspiration much better on Pinterest.  I am also very happy when I find the boards of fellow cross stitchers and designers! 2. Organized Creativity with Boards The ability to create the...


      Dear Stitching Friends,    I have so many new designs for this autumn to share.   I hope to finish releasing them next week and post a #flosstube video about the autumn/Halloween themed designs of The Snowflower Diaries this year.    I cannot honestly say I missed my stitching business that much last year and this year, meeting my Husband, and the journey of our love and magical marriage made me so full that I truly didn't even notice the time had passed! Now that we are settled and enjoy our crafts together - he is a drum making master, - I have found great joy again in designing, stitching and sewing and he is all for it. He is truly the sweetest man.  Today I have released a small free pattern for the season.  If you go to my LINKTREE page here:  CLICK you can find the google drive you can download this free pattern among with other free patterns of mine.   Today is a very hot summer day here, school is...


    My dear Stitching Friends,    It has been a tradition now that I design a cute new year cross stitch pattern dedicated to the Chinese zodiac for my dear visitors.   The Chinese New Year begins on February and there are 12 animals to which certain years correspond.   2022 will be the year of the Water Tiger, which only occurs every 60 years. This Chinese zodiac sign is known for its power, boldness and predilection for doing everything big, and this year is all about going big or going home, according to Susan Levitt, author of Taoist Astrology: A Handbook of the Authentic Chinese Tradition. The design is for DMC threads, but feel free to use any other brand you like!:-)    The pattern is av...


 Dear Stitching Friends,  I am happy to share with you here the next round of my Halloween Minis series I run on my Instagram.  You can download the pattern in high resolution PDF file, click here: DOWNLOAD Happy stitching! You can also view the parts here:       

Halloween Minis 1-4.

Dear Stitchers,    I am happy to share with you the first four designs of the Halloween Minis free pattern series.  The patterns are going viral daily on Instagram .   I will upload the patterns here a couple days after.    You can download the pattern of the first four designs in PDF here, the size is 10,4 MB:     DOWNLOAD      Happy stitching!:-)      


My dear Stitchers,  We are in the middle of summer and it is time to release the August pattern of my JOYFUL WORLD calendar!  I chose one of my furry friends for the main role, a border collie!:-)  You are welcome to stitch along  this calendar in our Facebook group here: CLICK You can also download the patterns in the Facebook group (look for the files menu) and in this Pinterest album: CLICK  The monthly patterns are free for personal use, you are welcome to dowload them!:-)  Happy stitching! 


My dear Readers,  How are you doing?  I have been away from my designing for some weeks: I am refurnishing my house, especially the crafting space.  I love how it becomes more beautiful and more like I had imagined it in my dreams.   This big cupboard I bought for The Snowflower Diaries office. It was a brown old German cupboard that I painted.  It is still not ready - some aging and antiqueing is ahead, but I already enjoy it!  IN HUNGARIAN: Kedves Olvasóim! Hogy vagytok?  Néhány hétre háttérbe szorult a tervezési munkám: átalakítom a házunkat, különös tekintettel az alkotói, kreatív részekre.  Nagyon élvezem, hogy egyre szépül és egyre inkább megvalósul mindaz, amelyet elképzeltem, megálmodtam.   Ezt a böhöm nagy szekrényt a Snowflower Diaries irodájának vásároltam.  Egy barna ónémet szekrény volt, amelyet átfestettem. Még nincs kész - még kicsit öregítem, antikolom, de már most nagyon meg vagyok elégedve!...


My dear stitchers, How are you doing? I spend most of my free time in the garden.  I had been to Italy last month on a needlework show, Fili Senza Tempo, I will publish a post about it, I still arranging the thousand picture I took traveling in Bologna and Modena. As for today, please welcome the MAY pattern of the Joyful World Calendar!:-) The patterns of the calendar are all free for personal use.  You can also download them from T he Snowflower Diaries Facebook Page and its Pinterest board. You are also welcome to join our Facebook group dedicated to stitching along this calendar! We have 5,000+ wonderful members, I am so happy! Happy stitching!:-)


...and the APRIL pattern has arrived, enjoy spring and happy stitching, my darling!:-) You can join our stitch along (SAL) facebook group anytime here anytime: Today we have 4555 (fourthousandfivehundredandfive) members, I cannot believe it!:-) Thank you very much! HUGS++++++++++++++


Dear Stitchers, I am happy to share the February pattern of my primitive cross stitch calendar SAL, Joyful world. I hope you will like my little ducks:-))) It is absolutely free for personal use. Happy stitching! If you would like to stitch the pattern in a stitch along (SAL) with us, you are welcome to join our facebook group here: You can also use the hashtag: #joyfulworldSAL You will also find the latest news about the SAL at my brand new INSTAGRAM profile: @majamatyas Happy stitching!:-)  Hugs!


My darlings, I enjoy and appreciate summer holiday so much after I had a car crash this month.  I celebrate small things in life much more.   I am thinking of starting the #100happydays challenge on Facebook, too. Today I would like to give you a gift, so I designed you a lovely pattern for the summer holiday!  It is an easy stitch and it brings you the scent of sea, the summer breeze in your hair and the memory of relaxing days and walking barefoot:-) Please, feel free to download it, it is free for personal (non-commercial) use!:-) HAPPY STITCHING!:-)  IN HUNGARIAN Drágaságaim! Az ebben a hónapban történt, friss autóbalesetem után még inkább élvezem és értékelem a nyári láblógatós szabadságomat.  Sokkal jobban örülök (és észreveszem) a kis dolgokat.  Azon is gondolkodom, hogy a facebook-on elindulok a #100happydays (100 boldog nap) kihíváson.  Ma Benneteket szeretnélek megajándékozni valamivel, ezért terveztem nektek eg...

New Design: You Are So Loved

Please welcome my latest design, You Are So Loved. It is dedicated to the strongest and deepest love between human beings: the love between mother and child.    The model was stitched on 40 ct French Vanilla hand dyed Zweigart Linen by Nina with her threads (Coral, Artichoke, Iris, Caramel, Ginger, Espresso and Cigar).     It will be another free pattern if you would like to, I can upload the pattern in a couple days. Happy sunny day to everybody!:-) IN HUNGARIAN : Kérlek, fogadjátok szeretettel legújabb mintámat Nagyon szeretlek címmel.   A legerősebb és legmélyebb emberi kapocsnak, az anya és a gyermeke közötti szeretetnek dedikáltam. A modelt Nina 40 ct French Vanilla kézzel festett Zweigart lenvásznára hímeztem a fonalaival (Coral, Artichoke, Iris, Caremel, Ginger, Espresso és Cigar) Ha szeretnétek, szívesen megosztom ezt a mintát is veletek, de szükségem lesz pár napra a feltöltéséhez.  ...


This Easter I decorate our house in white and shades of purple with a hint of yellow here and there.   Of course ot of the million tulips I had planted in our garden during the cold autumn days none is happened to blossom in purple, but well, let's stitch some, right? :-) My latest design is called: TULIPS WITH CHICK.   (You can check its twin pattern: Tulips With Bunny here ). I have stitched the model with Nina's Threads (with the extraordinary and amazing Punk that is only for the bravehearted stitchers, Butter Squash, Artichoke, Daffodil and Oak) and black and white DMC.   I am the half-blood prince little white flower:-) IN HUNGARIAN : Idén húsvétkor fehérbe és a lila árnyalataiba öltöztetem a házunkat itt-ott némi sárgával fűszerezve. Természetesen abból az egymillió tulipánból, amelyet a hideg őszi napokon ültettem a kertünkben, egy sem bont lila szirmokat, de majd legfeljebb hímzünk párat, nem igaz? :-) Legutóbbi mintám c...