Hmmph, so I spent hours yesterday faffing about with bits of paper and card, and managed to make 2 1/2 cards, none of which I am overly happy with. Oh, well. I think I have Post Crap Craft Fair Depression. All my enthusiasm has gone.

I have at least made the Christening card, and the person who asked for it seemed to really like it. I hope he wasn't just being polite. So here's the card. It's very simple, and not exactly how I intended, but I like the backing papers and the teddy charm :)

I also made the 'Happy New Home & Cats' card, which was a bit of a cheat - just a photo from the internet and a cat font. Made sure I finished it last night, to hand over today. Forgot he had the day off today... to spend in his new house with his new cats! It's very sweet - he's much more excited about being able to get his new cats than the fact he now owns his house :)

I made a start on the Thank You card for Sanj's mum. All I know is she likes handbags, so here it is! I need to finish it, though. It needs a little Thank You on the front, and I'm not sure whether to put some nice paper inside or leave it as cream card.

I wasn't sure about the handbag card idea, but I quite like this. I used Bling Blang Glitter Paper from We R Memory Keepers (got it for 25p, reduced from £1.75), and used this template from Mirkwood Designs, although I didn't bother with the gussets.
I really have to get to grips with the craft robo, now! I hate cutting out, and the craft robo could do it all for me! I'd just need to tweak the template, and it would cut away like magic!
But anyway, tonight I'm going to add some sort of thank you to the front, and work out whether the inside needs lining or not. I'll probably leave it as it is, so it isn't too bulky and hard to fold...