Today is a strange post...Well it is for me.I am elated beyond belief but scared as well..Seven weeks ago Kerry (my daughter) and her partner Emmanuel went away to the snow for a holiday what I didn't know was Kerry had gone shopping and bought something to which she used on the Friday night before they went to the snow and this has changed every ones lives forever....
Below is what happened on the Monday.......I wrote the following after she left me to go spread the news.. the feelings i experienced were so intense that I had to put my thoughts down so I would always remember how I felt at that moment....So the story begins......
Monday 9th July....
Kerry went away to the snow this weekend and was suppose to go on to Melbourne.But she rang and said she had to come back home.I thought nothing of it till I saw Emmanuel walk in with her..OMG I thought they have gotten engaged ...my tummy was doing back flips but I kept my cool.I looked down at her hand and no diamond was there ! What !!!!!!!!!!
Finally Kerry said she has some news for me.They wanted to wait till Kev was here but couldn't wait till he finished work ......
Big breath here....drum roll......
This picture was taken at the snow knowing they were going to have a baby...

I was stunned and couldn't talk Kerry kept saying sit down mum sit down.Then the tears came and they haven't stopped.....My baby girl is going to be a mother,Yeah she is 29 but she is still my baby
and now there is a little peanut on the way,She is 5 weeks pregnant,and I am going to be a Nana,The whole time while I was sick I have had horrible and dark thoughts that I didn't have a grandchild and maybe I wouldn't be around to see it or Kerry but I prayed to God to get me better so I could see this happen and to hold my grand baby.I prayed and prayed and although I never told anyone not even Kevin or my mum The thought of one day having a grand baby is what I feel got me through and put me on the road to getting well.
Kerry is my only child ...I left her father when she was 15 so it feels like it has always been me and her against the world and now ...Oh thank you God thank you for keeping your part of the bargain...
I cant post this yet till she is 12 weeks pregnant as she has asked me to hold off till they have a scan to see that all is well The joy and happiness I am feeling at this moment is unbelievable.my heart is so swollen with happiness (which probably isn't a good thing considering I have a heart problem ha ha )I wish both Kerry and Emmanuel all the best as they embark on this journey called' Children.'..
Please God keep Kerry and Peanut safe.
So fast forward to today.....Kerry had her 12week scan and everything is fine....Peanut is good 10 fingers 10 toes and a healthy heart beat ..We have to wait till 20weeks to see if it is a pink or a blue peanut...Aidan said it is a little girl.
He has heard Kev and I talking and he asked Kerry if she had a baby in her tummy'.Yes' she said to which he replied"did you swallow it? " I quickly changed the subject while on the inside I was laughing a treat both at what he said and the look on Kerry's face.
So below is another shock.Or at least it was for me. A 3D scanned picture of Peanut....
I have never seen a 3D scan so this really shocked me. Mostly because I thought Peanut would still look like a embryo and not like a baby and when Kev saw it he said "Peanut looks like he is playing peak a boo" with his little hands up to his face...So I am already getting joy from him. I keep saying HIM I would love to have a granddaughter FIRST but I think this time Peanut is a little Boy.Who cares I love him so much I don't really care as long as he is healthy.
We laugh alot because Kerry is dark hair and olive skinned and her father was French while Emmanuel is also olive skinned and is Portuguese.....We said they will have a little brown eyed - olive skinned baby with RED hair...(after me he he he )
So that's it for today .I am just so happy and happy and happy words fail me.Although you wouldn't think so reading my post .Thanks so much and hang on and enjoy the ride with me....
Oh Shit I really am going to be a Nana -poor Kevin is sleeping with a Grandmother.