Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

Meet Brooke

This is our new puppy, Brooke! She is a Portuguese Water Dog just like our Dover. They are becoming fast friends! She is a little whipper snapper! We are all enjoying her so much. Dover really likes her, too! They play together already, although as you can see he's a little big for her at the moment!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dover = Water Dog

This is Dover. He's our Portuguese Water Dog. We picked his name because "Dover" has a Welsh origin meaning "Water." We spend much of our summers in Lake Geneva, WI where we go boating. My husband wanted a dog that would enjoy being with us and swimming. Well we got that with Mr. Dover Dog! He is such a great dog! He is friendly and has a huge heart. He has become a member of our family! Isn't this a great photo of him? He is definitely in his element when on the boat!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's Hurry Up On Treats, Lady!

This is Mr. Dover dog and his sidekick, Miss Daisy. He is sitting nicely because he'd like a treat. He gets A LOT of treats. His favorite are the chewsticks with chicken wrapped around them like a piece of bacon only available at Target. They are ten bucks a bag - he eats about three a week!
He expectantly waits for the goods. My cabinet has TONS of scratches on it from him pawing at it to request a treat. Despite my generous treat-giving, he still finds mischief. He continues to chew on things he isn't supposed to - pretty much anything on a daily basis. He says he can't help's in his Portuguese Water Dog DNA!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Silly PWD

This is Dover. He's my Portuguese Water Dog. Or should I say Portuguese SNOW dog??? He turns one on Jan. 1st!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Daisy and Her Matching Figurine

Daisy is our Silky Terrier. Silky Terriers are their own breed recognized by the AKC but are originally from a Yorkshire Terrier and and Austrailian Terrier. She's 11 years old! She is what the dog books about Silky Terriers call "a wagger" because when she wags her tail her entire body makes a "u" shape. She also likes to lie in this crazy position with her butt in the air. I found a figurine that looks like Daisy in this position! How funny is that?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dover Dog

This is Dover, my Portuguese Water Dog puppy! He was born on New Year's Day! He is full of mischief - likes to rip apart the Hostas in my garden and rip my daughter's bows off her ponytails then take off running around with them in his mouth! Naughty! Also enjoys grabbing the toliet paper and running through the house with it. He is very lovable and sweet, though!