Showing posts with label heirlooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heirlooms. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Springing Back to Blogging

 The last few months have been so busy...I had to put blogging on hold.  Hopefully now I can get back to blogging now and then!  I sure do enjoy reading other blogs and seeing all the wonderfully talented and creative people out there! I'm posting a few new pics from in my house...just random!  Leave me a message to say hi ~ I'd love to hear from whoever reads my blog!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Heirloom Party

There is a blogger Heirloom Party going on - I have loads of heirlooms! I love to know where they came from and the story behind each item and person. This is my paternal Great-Grandma's Chair.
maternal Great-Grandma's Chair

Loads of family photos - one is my grandma and her brothers and sisters - all together my great-grandma had 15 kids! I can't imagine how she did that.

The blue chair belonged to her. These are my great-grandparents Margaret and Stephen. The man and his son are my great-great grandfather and great-grandfather. Would you believe my goofy relatives had these hanging in their basement ABOVE their washer and dryer???

This is my Great-Aunt Alice. See that necklace she is wearing?

Here it is in this shadowbox! She is also wearing it in this photo.

This is that little girl Alice's mother, Alma. She was from Sweden. I have her picture, her chair in my living room, and original papers from Sweden. (Lower right framed paper.) I have her sewing machine, too, with instructions in Swedish!

Alma's brother came from Sweden, made this while he was here, then went back to Sweden!

Alma and Alice's dishes.

A plate from Alma and Alice.
I love how victorian it looks. Plus that neat turquoisy blue color. Yum!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Aunt Ruthie's Chairs

While taking the garbage out to our alley I spotted these cute chairs by my neighbor's garbage cans. I quickly called her and inquired about them. "What's wrong with them? Why are you throwing them out?" I asked. She said "NOTHING! I have no where to put them in my house! It's breaking my heart to throw them out - they were my Aunt Ruthie's chairs!" I asked her if I could have them and she was delighted that I wanted them! I think they are so cute! Thanks Lea my awesome neighbor and thanks to Aunt Ruthie, too! I am glad to have your chairs! You never know what treasures you will find in the trash!