Showing posts with label family room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family room. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Five Dollar Desk


While out thrifting a week ago I scored this cute little school desk for $5! It just needed a little cleaning. I already had the now I have the whole ensemble!  I dressed it up with a darling old school book that came from my great-aunt's home.   Then I added a few other books, an old flag, ruler, and some cute little children's games! 

Oops, sorry about the shadow!


Here's the cover of that cute little reader.


My kids came home from school and liked it, too!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lovin' My New Hardwood Floors

New couches to go with the newly refinished hardwood floors came last week. Can't wait to start putting up fall decorations! Is it too early?
I brought up Great-Grandma's trunk and added it to the room.

Dover got a new dog bed. Stay off those new couches, Dover!!!

He's not too sure about that.

Then I took my white table and a corner shelf and painted them black. I like the change!

My antique chair is here for now. I feel like I'm in a new house! The kids are back in school. Elizabeth starts preschool next week. The house is so much more organized when I have time to get things done and not "mom" requests all day long! Hooray for school! :-)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Few Random Shots

Just "putt-zing" around my house, cleaning here and there, rearranging... thought I'd share. Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon! I think I'll take a break now and go look around my favorite antique store.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Time to Rearrange Again

My dear husband has been complaining that he does not like my new furniture arrangement in the family room as he cannot see the t.v. in the comfortable way he is used to. Although I like the way it's arranged, I have to redo it so he can be happy. I'm off to do some creative rearranging today...and might as well clean while I'm at it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cleaning Up the Family Room

Today I washed floors and tidied up my family room. I am thinking about starting to take out some fall decor. Am I too early? All that stuff makes my home seem cozier. I love fall colors! Are you decorating for fall yet? (Plus the cooler weather is also prompting my mood!)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Family Room

This is my mom as a baby in the 1940's. How sweet! Would you believe the daffodil tray was in the trash!! Now who would throw something as cute as that away! That old screen was from one of my old basement windows. I love the rust color on it. The shades and lamps are from two different garage sales - I hot glued the fringe on them.

A cozy spot to sit and watch t.v. and relax by the fire. Maybe read the paper?

Another resale shop find. How about that old teddy bear? Someone must've loved him to have kept him so long!

A shabby french looking table in my corner. One of my favorite antique shop finds! I hang my old aprons on a coat rack next to the table.

This is where we mostly hang out. This room is open to my kitchen. Originally the space was two small bedrooms. We knocked walls and closets out to create this space. I can cook in the kitchen and talk to everyone while they are reading or watching a program. Even though it's a "modern" space - I still try to keep it with the vintage 1920's look.