Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Been Busy Around Here

 First we had the blizzard...over 20 inches of snow!  The kids had no school for two days.

 My kids loved the snow, though!  They built forts and houses, making living rooms complete with "fireplaces" and places to sleep. I had hats, mittens, jackets, boots, snowpants everywhere!

 Then we had some birthday parties!  Maddie turned 8 and had a pottery party with her friends.

 Next was a ski trip to Steamboat Springs, CO.  What fun we had skiing and taking lessons, too.  The girls are starting to do black diamond slopes! I'm still on the blues.  They really like to ski!

 Back home, I've been adding a few new vintage things, of course.  Here's a needlepoint footstool that I just had to add. It opens so I can hide my treasures in it!

This old chair was at a resale shop for 10 bucks.  I couldn't resist it.   It's a little shabby but I thought it was so charming.

 I've put up a few St. Paddy's Day decorations, too!

 My mother-in-law gave me this darling sign for Christmas.  Isn't it sweet?

And last of all, my silly Elizabeth!  This is what she donned over her p.j.'s the other night.  Nothing like glamming up before bedtime!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Apple Picking and Fall Fun!

We went to an apple orchard in Wisconsin a couple weeks ago! It was so fun. The girls took a hay ride, then we picked apples and pumpkins! They had a shop that had delicious treats like apple cider, doughnuts, pies, wine, etc. YUM! Plus a bunch of cute craft tables. The weather was perfect - cool and crisp.

Here's my Maddie getting on or off the ride! I can't tell.
Bridget checking out the apples.

Elizabeth had a grand time picking apples!

Daddy made sure they picked good ones.

We posed for a picture...what silly faces!

My oldest, Brittany, with her pumpkin. She didn't want to pose for me. Ugh she is turning into a teenager and I am so uncool.

Elizabeth will pose, though!

And lastly, a snapshot of the girls on the morning of picture day at school. Bridget is in 4th grade and Maddie is in 2nd grade.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sailing Camp Summer 2010

My three oldest girls, Brittany, Bridget and Maddie took sailing camp this summer. They've been doing this for a few summers now. It's really fun! They spend a week learning and practicing, then on the last day they show us what they've learned and get a little graduation certificate.
This is my oldest, Brittany. She's been doing this the longest. She is 12 and practiced on larger boats this year.

Future Sailor Brittany!

Elizabeth came to watch. She's 4 so she's not old enough yet for camp. Instead her cousin Jack came up to visit for a few days and stay at our summer cottage.

Maddie - our girl #3 - she had to help carry her boat out of the water. She is all muscle! She is 7 and will start second grade soon. She's missing her two front teeth. This girl is a BRAIN...she will tell you all sorts of facts and figures. Loves to read and is so observant! We are always amazed at the details she'll give us on a particular topic. Especially animals!

Bridget - our petite daughter #2 - she enjoyed her camp, too! The instructors were really impressed with her and said she had a natural ability to tell which the direction the wind was coming from. Who knew she had this hidden talent! She also as a friend making ability. By the end of the camp she had another best friend. She knew everything about this other little girl - they had a play date the next day. (If you look at the group pic they have their arms around each other and yes they are the same age! Bridget is tiny!)

They demonstrated their sailing skills for us! It was fun to watch the kids in their little sail boats!

Such a beautiful day in at Lake Geneva!

Now my husband and Alan are going to learn to sail, too! We have to take 27 hours of instruction - 3 hour classes at a time. I hope I'll enjoy it as much as my kids did! I've had one class so far. I'll keep you posted on how it's going.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hawaii 2010

It began with a limo ride...
our trip to paradise...

where there are palm trees and ocean views year round!

This was the view from our hotel balcony - it was so pretty to see the ocean.

The kids and grandma took a ride to see the Big Island of Hawaii from a helicopter.

My oldest daughter, Brittany, went scuba diving with my husband. They swam with dophins and had such fun seeing the beauty of the ocean underwater. Brittany also did her first night dive!

We went on a glass bottom boat ride! We saw turtles, coral, and fish.

Grandma came, too! This is Grandma and the Handley girls.

We went to a luau. My oldest daughter, Brittany, got to go up on stage with the dancers! That's her in the black and white dress.

They also talked me into some overpriced henna tattoos by the pool.

My three littlest girls. They also were able to do a dophin quest! It as a wonderful trip!

Me looking out at a heavenly view. Sigh....

Fun in the Backyard

Elizabeth filled up the pool...she and Dover splashed around!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brittany Over Her Milk Allergy!!!

My oldest daughter, Brittany, has been severely allergic to milk since she was a tiny baby. We kind of discovered by accident that she has outgrown this allergy! She ate a regular waffle instead of one of the dairy-free ones by mistake and did not have a reaction! We took her to the allergist who tested her and she did not react so I got the go ahead to give her cheese and slowly introduce milk products to her. Isn't that exciting? Yea Brittany!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Maddie performing, Bridget waits in the wing for her turn.
Bridget singing.

Maddie got to sing and do the xylophone!

Elizabeth ready for her preschool Sing and party.

Merry Christmas from the Bungalow! These are just a few images from a recent Holiday Sing and a cozy fire we made last night while watching "It's A Wonderful Life." God Bless Us, Everyone!