Stallholder Profile for Robyn Osborne
Your name: Robyn Osborne
Your business name Robyn Osborne
The suburb/town you live in now: Tinnanbar
What is it that you make and what skills do you use?: I write stories, mainly for children and Young Adults. I have won a number of writing awards and been published in national journals, newspapers, anthologies and magazines. To date I have had seven books trade published (not self published), with my latest picture book - Bruno, the Boisterous Blue Dog from the Bush - being released in September 2018.
What inspired you to start your business?: I have always loved reading and writing. Once my first junior novel was published, I began to view writing as more than just a fun thing to do.
How long have you been creating?: All my life! I started to write seriously about 15 years ago.
Is it a full time/part time hobby or business?: I am a primary and special education teacher, but took a leap of faith in 2018 and resigned from teaching to concentrate on my writing career. This means I can actually call myself a full time writer!
Where do you sell your creations?: My books can be purchased directly from the various publishers, through on line stores and all good book shops. Local markets, such as The Handmade Expo are also an opportunity for me to sell my books directly to readers.

What makes you so special or different?: My stories are predominantly inspired by my canine companions and many people refer to me as the dog author! D.O.G., my very first junior novel was about a boy who desperately wanted a dog. Next came Dog Logic:a pooch's guide to dogs behaving badly. This was a dog training book with a twist - it was co-pawthored by my dog Sock. There is even a picture of him on the back of the book. Sock was also a famous canine columnist, writing for bark! Australia and Dogs Life magazines. Picture books Going Fishing and Going Camping were upbeat stories looking at the foibles of family life, with my dog Snowy making an appearance. Snowy was also the author of my next novel Midget Bones' Diary - a quirky look at life through the eyes of a feisty mongrel. My Dog Socks (2017) was a picture book based on Socks, who sadly moved onto the Rainbow Bridge, aged 14. My Dog Socks has proved to be extremely popular with young readers and adults alike. It is a 2018 Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Notable Book, a 2018 Speech Pathology of Australia Book of the Year Shortlist and is on the Premier's Reading Challenge Book List for Queensland, NSW and SA. Most recently my picture book - Bruno, the Boisterous Blue Dog from the Bush - has been released. Bruno is an an alliterative tale which celebrates mateship and introduces young readers to the quintessential language of the Australian bush. Once again, it was inspired by a dog, this time my dear old dad's dog.
What is the most rewarding part of what you do?:I get a real thrill seeing a story I have been working on for a long time transform into a real book. There is something magical about reading my stories to children too. Sharing a picture book with an entranced audience is hard to beat!
What is your favourite product to make?:I love creating new stories based around my wonderful four legged furry friends.
Do you teach classes or workshops?: Yes, I have presented author talks and run creative writing workshops for children and adults at libraries and book shops.