photo from photobucket
Today 14 years ago, my husband and I had our first date. After each of us had broken off with our respective boyfriend and girlfriend a mere day or two before, we had found ourselves in a red pleather covered booth, sipping sodas over pizza and talking like we had always done only this time there was an added bonus: we had gone from just best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. I was only 18 at the time and he was not even 20. Now so many years later, married almost 10 this August, I made a mention of our first date the other night. He remembered of course. I had said I would love to go back there someday. Today he surprises me with it. We drop the kids off to grandma's and he takes me on a whirlwind adventure down memory lane through the tables and chairs of the Hut. Everything comes flooding back: everything from anticipation to the newness of the relationship so many years ago to nervousness...I mean what if we didn't make it? What if our beautiful friendship would be destroyed? I look to him now, hair a little less, me a little heavier (Ok a lot heavier) and think how grateful I am that I took that chance so long ago. We have been through so many ups and downs in our 14 year relationship and we are still going strong. Huh.... tO all started over pizza:)