If you are like me and love the new USA Network show White Collar ( or just enjoy seeing Matt Bomer in action:) then here is what you can do to make sure it comes back after this season. A lot of fans were confused , upset, thrown off, etc. by the fall finale. I know I was one of them. Think about it: a good twist is always a reason to keep coming back for more. If we didn't have them, then things would be yawn...boring. Jeff Eastin the brilliant creator behind the magnificent characters encouraged us the fans to email USA Network directly and request that they keep this show on the air. It is in its fledgling state and as with all new brilliant shows can use help getting the word out!!!! SO please pass it on, email the network and do your part. If you have never seen this amazing show look for it on USA Network and see its return January 19, 2010!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Jeff Eastin,
USA Network,
White Collar
If you are like me and love the new USA Network show White Collar ( or just enjoy seeing Matt Bomer in action:) then here is what you can do to make sure it comes back after this season. A lot of fans were confused , upset, thrown off, etc. by the fall finale. I know I was one of them. Think about it: a good twist is always a reason to keep coming back for more. If we didn't have them, then things would be yawn...boring. Jeff Eastin the brilliant creator behind the magnificent characters encouraged us the fans to email USA Network directly and request that they keep this show on the air. It is in its fledgling state and as with all new brilliant shows can use help getting the word out!!!! SO please pass it on, email the network and do your part. If you have never seen this amazing show look for it on USA Network and see its return January 19, 2010!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Please vote for me at Infectious.com!!!! Ipod Design and More!
car decals,
ipod skins,
Hey all,
LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG time no write. the world has been pretty basic: kids sick, husband working mad overtime, working a bit on my book and my new passion: designing ipod skins! I was fortunate ( after several rejections) to be able to get two pieces into voting at www.infectious.com
Great site and lots of cool art! I am now in the process of claiming as many loves and comments as possible to be able to win a chance to have my designs on their ipods, car decals, etc. please, please, please ( did I say please?) I need YOUR votes!!!! Here are the links and the images Drop me a comment and a bit of love and I will be so very grateful:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Friday, October 2, 2009
rambling...art...rambling some more
I know...I've been bad...no blogging:( Things have been busy and I haven't been feeling 100%...ahhhh now that I got he excuses out of the way:) Hope everyone is well. I have been keeping busy: entering art shows ( some rejected:( some accepted:)
My art was on Projekt 30 month of September. I felt very honored to have been chosen and know that I couldn't have done it without your votes so thanks everyone!
I also recently found out that I was chosen as a finalist at Art Scene Today's website ( www.artscenetoday.com) for the Women and Children First Show. Mine is the picture of the little girl in the rocker ( digital art). you can also see my little children in their sleds in Somerset Life titled
Three Wishes.
My first time in Somerset Life and I am so excited about it!!!! Here is a preview on their website. It is filled with lots of great art and inspiration! ( when is it not right?) http://www.stampington.com/html/somerset_life_autumn09.html
So what else, what else....the kids like school. I was terrified my youngest wouldn't but lo and behold HE DOES!!! I am thrilled. He is also taking dance classes and my eldest karate. he also wants to join the Cub Scouts. Busy days ahead.......
Our school is doing something interesting with the kids: a word of the week. These words are from the SATS and not normally used in elementary schools. I am even teaching them to my kindergartner:) The first few were: archaic and hardy. If the children use it in a sentence they get a pass of some sort. Pretty cool huh? Only at John Hancock Demonstration School from what I hear so far.... if anyone else is doing it I'd be curious to know. I think it is a great idea! If not, suggest it to your school. Why not right? Well, that's all for now folks. Leave me comments and if any of you are interested in fanfics ( I LOVE them-you find some really great writings there!) Check out my links at the bottom of the page.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Letting Go....
It seems like yesterday...for one of my children it actually was but for the other , the journey to school began a few years earlier. When my eldest had started kindergarten, I was OK with it...well not 100 % alright but better than I felt yesterday. I looked to my youngest and told myself I still have two more years before you're in school. Plenty of time, right? plenty of time to spend one on one, play all those games he wanted, just hang out, just the two of us. Don't get me wrong. We did do those things, but looking back i don't think it was enough. Then again what parent thinks what they do is ever enough...
When the two years were up as of yesterday, my husband and I took him to school. he had never been to a pre-k since I am home with him. WE work on schoolwork and would just spend time together. I was waiting for the "Mommy I don't want to go!" since that is what he had been saying for so long. When we got there, he was a bit shy as is his nature but went right in. I kept waiting for the phone to ring telling me to go down there because he was upset, but it never came.
My husband remarked how quiet it was ( he works nights so now it is just us.) It was...too quiet.
I must say I feel better today than yesterday. After hearing how much fun he had even if I wasn't there to enjoy made me realize ( just a little) that it was time to let go:)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
10 years and counting!
I know this is a bit late but I just had to share some images form the amazing Barley Sheaf Farm Estate and Spa we went to for our 10th anniversary as well as one of us from that day. Even though the weather was a bit rainy the first few days it didn't; spoil the mood or the atmosphere of this beautiful place. The staff was excellent and the food incredible! I found antique places ( as we were near Peddler's Village and New Hope which are big tourist attractions where I live.) I found way too many things and spent way too much money but I couldn't resist:) We also went through a nature trail at Bowman's Wildflower preservation. Too much beauty in one weekend ....I just don't know what to say
Here are some pictures from the outside and inside of the Estate. Hope you enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hershey Park Here I Come!
I feel like I haven't slept in my own bed very much lately but that is a good thing! The fam and I went to Ocean City for a few days the beginning of the week and Hershey park over the weekend. It was just for a night but it was so much fun!!! between the beach and the park, I believe we have all filled out exercise quota for the month:)
Both trips were sweet ( pardon the pun). WE got to spend the first one with family ( cousins, aunts, uncles, mom-mom), and the second was just us. We ate a lot of chocolate, played a lot of games and spent a lot of money, but that's what vacations are for right? On top of that, I also got to go to antique stores and bought a bunch of stuff for under $30.00!!! Amazing...ahhhhh
Friday, July 31, 2009
Become a Fan on my Facebook Page and add YOUR art too!
altered art,
fan page,
sharing art
Digital art titled Trapped
I am trying something new. I decided ( as many of you know from my constant updates:) to start a fan page on Facebook. I want to try and make this page different so it 's not all about me, me, me...but rather a way about us, us, us. I want fans to add their links whether it be to their blog or etsy shop or to advertise an upcoming class they have as well as start a fan album including their best work. This way the page will be beneficial to everyone , promoting everyone at the same time as well as making new friends and seeing what's out there. I know how difficult the art world or the world in general can be . We are all struggling, fighting and protecting ourselves and what little piece of recognition we can get. While our insecurities and jealosies may come forth at times ( I know I have them big time:) this is also a good chance to deal with it, realize we still have a lot to learn from others and share what we can do as well as taking a chance to see all the amazing beautiful art others have to show, I hope to make this fan page something we can all be proud of.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Embrace Today
I found out yesterday that I lost someone I had known half my life. She was a beautiful person not only on the outside but more importantly in her actions and deeds. She was a cancer survivor ( breast) and had the fortitude any soldier would be proud of:) She continued to push forward never looking back, always concerned with others and simply adored her family. I've known her since I was at least 14 ( but as I think about it more I think perhaps even younger closer to 11). She gave me my first colored pencil set ( Prisma colored ones-good kind:). I had those pencils for the longest time. A part of me know wishes I still did.
She always encouraged me in my art and was a brilliant artist herself. She loved the elderly and was at home with them working many years in a nursing home. When she had her first child ( who is now graduating high school) I was the one chosen to watch her, a responsibility I have always cherished and taken pride in. All three of Traci's children and her wonderful husband will need prayers and support of family and friends. I ask that even if you do not know her, keep them in your thoughts at this time. Her daughter will be walking in her mother's place for the Cancer walk in the Fall. I will keep you all posted for Wings For Traci! God bless you. We love you Traci!
She always encouraged me in my art and was a brilliant artist herself. She loved the elderly and was at home with them working many years in a nursing home. When she had her first child ( who is now graduating high school) I was the one chosen to watch her, a responsibility I have always cherished and taken pride in. All three of Traci's children and her wonderful husband will need prayers and support of family and friends. I ask that even if you do not know her, keep them in your thoughts at this time. Her daughter will be walking in her mother's place for the Cancer walk in the Fall. I will keep you all posted for Wings For Traci! God bless you. We love you Traci!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Forever since I blogged!!!!
art drawing,
digital art,
free giveaway,
Photoshop CS4,
Hello! I know I haven't bugged you all in like what ? A month I think? Anyway so much happening here. As many of you know I got another book deal. This time with North Light Books! Very excited!!!! The book will be due out April 2011. Can't talk about it too much but when I am able to you will all know:)
The charity went well for Alexis. Thank you to anyone who participated. I will start another scrapbook supply drawing if anyone is interested. Let me know. Last time I didn't get too many responses.
I have loving my new imac and making tons of digital pieces. ( See a new one above titled Echoes) )The new Adobe Photoshop CS 4 is awesome! I know it will take me forever to figure out everything on it, but I love what I know so I will be happy with that so far. Speaking of digital ....I found out I have some pieces coming out in Stampington's Digital magazine this October ( I think it's October anyway). I am so honored. Love that new mag!!! I pulled a lot of them off my Facebook page because they will be published in case anyone noticed:) LOL
Anyway, trying to keep the kids busy which is hard since I am busy so it just seems like everyone is either bored or busy...too many b words here...anyway. If anyone is interested in the drawing, let me know. Leave me a comment! Thanks as always.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Silent Auction for Alexis!
Children's Hospital,
silent auction
I came across this info from Kerin Gale from the Mixed Media Art group. This little girl is in need of our help. I have posted the following from her mother's blog ( following info on the auction). There will be a silent auction through June 14th. Here are the two pieces that are in the auction from me if you are able to place a bid on. For more info or other works for auction check out http://countryfolkart.blogspot.com/
Here is the mother's blog:
It was a regular beautiful summer day, August 16th, 2006- Wednesday…meeting my mother & taking my 2 daughters (Austin Rose & Alexis) for my youngest’s well baby check up and going out for lunch. While our wonderful pediatrician was palpitating her abdomen, I was anxiously voicing my concerns about cradle cap, crying in the car seat….never did I notice that our normally bubbly, happy doctor’s demeanor had completely changed. He finally took a step back and said “I’ve found something in Alexis’s abdomen, I don’t like; I would like you to get an x-ray & an ultrasound at the hospital…you won’t leave here today until we know what it is.”
My sensitive mother (grammy Stella) started crying…. I said “Calm down mom! It’s not like it’s CANCER!”
The day our world turned upside down!
By the end of the day, our fantastic doctor, Dr. Oriel, had made us an appointment at Children’s hospital in Seattle the next morning and was explaining some form of cancer called “Neuroblastoma”.
The next 2 weeks were a blur, our 11 week old baby was being stuck daily by needles/ IV’s, NG tubes to her stomach and going thru numerous tests. Once the biopsy of the “main” tumor was in, we met with the doctors for the new- Worst day of our lives…they confirmed she had a very large tumor from her left kidney, and adrenal gland, that was wrapped around her aorta and pushing on major organs and inoperable and many tumors in her liver and also in her bone marrow and leg bone. It was called neuroblastoma, a cancer that only affects 600 children in the US a year. Her disease was progressive, MYCN gene amplified, which put her in the high risk, stage IV, 10% chance of survival category. How can an 11 week old baby have this horrible, monster of a cancer?
Now, it is March, 2009. She has endured 22 cycles of chemotherapy, 12 cycles of radiation, an 8 hour surgery to remove her primary tumor, kidney and adrenal gland. She has had 8 surgeries total. 44 sedations, 9 blood transfusions, many platelet transfusions, over 600 shots and countless numbers of medications being forced down her. She also had a stem cell harvest done to keep frozen if ever needed. Her disease is now considered “stable” the only disease left in her is small liver tumors; which there is no guaranteed treatment to cure. We aren’t doing any treatment at this time, she still has tumors on her liver that have remained unchanged/stable for the past 14 months, so we are at home, enjoying each other & family & go back to the hospital for check ups.
Thanks to our loving Heavenly Father she is still smiling radiantly, laughing, sparkling & has one feisty temper in lieu of all she’s been thru! There have been countless numbers of miracles on the way and we are in hopes & belief that God isn’t finished handing out the Miracles yet!
Thanks to everyone who has allowed Alexis to touch your heart, and all of the prayers being lifted up daily. God is good, we don’t know his plan, every one of us has only a chosen number of days on this earth, whether your 1 or 30 or 50. Alexis is living each moment to the fullest & we are trying to take her example and do the same and be ready just in case it’s our last.
Please read Alexis’s story, sign her guestbook or leave a comment, and take the time to view this amazing little angel that God has graced us with. Thank you God!
Please pray for Alexis Grace…
Please help the little girl if you can in any way! Shipping will be added to the item after you win it. Shipping for the bird art is $2.00 and shipping for the shadowbox is $4.00 Best of luck!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Carpe Diem Weekend!
carpe diem,
weekend getaway
I don't think I can ever recall doing what we did this past weekend ever before. In the past, my husband and I in our dating years might do spontaneous things but never like this and never with the kids.
On Saturday, Mark had decided that he would take a mental health day from work and we went for a drive, a long drive, to see the trains in Strasburg. While we sat in the car for two hours an heard some complaining from the kids in the back, it overall was a rather enjoyable ride. We pull up to the spot where the GPS said the station would be and see that it is not quite the place we had remembered. Moaning and groaning in the back for food led us to look for a restaurant while we decided what had gone wrong. We stopped at a Friendley's with WI-FI ( very cool) and I searched on my itouch. The problem ws that the train station was indeed in Strasburg but we had gone to Stroudsburg. This was a 2 hour difference. Not good. What to do now? There wasn't too much in the area and we wanted to see the trains ....so we decided to stay the night at a hotel. Yeah, we had no clothes, no toothbrushes nothing but ourselves...a real adventure!!!! The kids got really excited. There was a K-Mart across the street so we stopped in and got some cheap clothe and toothbrushes for the night and decided to explore the strange land we have landed at.

Apparently there was a beautiful park called Bushkill Falls with amazing waterfalls not that far away. We decided to check it out and had an amazing time. I also discovered exactly how out of shape I was when my kids were running though the trail and I was lagging far behind.

We stayed at the Best Western and I think that was one of the kids favorite parts. We headed out to the antique shops the next morning and finally the train station. Mike and Jake had loads of fun going in and out of the trains pretending to be conductors ( Mark did too:). Too many goodies and too much money was spent but indeed I wouldn't have traded this moment of carpe diem or memories for anything!
On Saturday, Mark had decided that he would take a mental health day from work and we went for a drive, a long drive, to see the trains in Strasburg. While we sat in the car for two hours an heard some complaining from the kids in the back, it overall was a rather enjoyable ride. We pull up to the spot where the GPS said the station would be and see that it is not quite the place we had remembered. Moaning and groaning in the back for food led us to look for a restaurant while we decided what had gone wrong. We stopped at a Friendley's with WI-FI ( very cool) and I searched on my itouch. The problem ws that the train station was indeed in Strasburg but we had gone to Stroudsburg. This was a 2 hour difference. Not good. What to do now? There wasn't too much in the area and we wanted to see the trains ....so we decided to stay the night at a hotel. Yeah, we had no clothes, no toothbrushes nothing but ourselves...a real adventure!!!! The kids got really excited. There was a K-Mart across the street so we stopped in and got some cheap clothe and toothbrushes for the night and decided to explore the strange land we have landed at.
Apparently there was a beautiful park called Bushkill Falls with amazing waterfalls not that far away. We decided to check it out and had an amazing time. I also discovered exactly how out of shape I was when my kids were running though the trail and I was lagging far behind.
We stayed at the Best Western and I think that was one of the kids favorite parts. We headed out to the antique shops the next morning and finally the train station. Mike and Jake had loads of fun going in and out of the trains pretending to be conductors ( Mark did too:). Too many goodies and too much money was spent but indeed I wouldn't have traded this moment of carpe diem or memories for anything!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Imagination Moving Along
Children's Hospital,
imagination movers,
Hello again! First of all, congrats to Crystal again for winning the contest. I will be having another one soon. IF you aren't interested, enter for a friend! There is a lot of stuff in there to go through:)
The weekend was hectic which was to be expected. My youngest turned 5 on Sunday and the day before we mourned the passing of my husband's uncle. Just the other day after doing nothing but resting from the weekend, my eldest wanted to sit outside and eat dinner. First of all mind you, the cushions from the patio furniture had been removed out of the weekend rain and sitting on uncomfortable chairs with a bit of a chill was not necessarily what I wanted to do. I tried to get him to eat inside but that didn't work so out we went. We decided to have conversation time ( which there is never enough of). He asked what I wanted to talk about and I told him I would listen and he could talk. He wanted to talk about ice cream. OK....what about it? He said that he would one day invent warm cream so that people without refrigerators could also enjoy the special treat. Great idea for those that lack electricity. I believe he could do it too. He wants to be a chemist ( as well as a gold miner and artist) when he grows up. Alhtough only 7 his mind is fascinating and he takes it all very seriously. ( He is also a huge fan of the Disney show The Imagination Movers!) Then we got on the subject of how to change something else (which unfortunately the particulars escape me at the moment) and he said " all we need to do is contact a magician..." If only things were that simple. Ah the imagination of youth.
Monday, May 25, 2009
the winner is....
Crystal! Congrats ! I need your address so I can send you your goodies. Remember there will be another contest soon. Stay tuned for more! Enjoy your holiday! Thank you again to those who entered!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Scrapbook supply giveaway!!!!
Hello all!
I was cleaning out the studio ( actually just a desk with a computer on it ) area and saw I had a lot of things I wouldn't use but rather not toss. I have decided to put up at least two sets to giveaway. This is the first. What you see is what you get ( minus the Doillie-that's mine!!!:) Note, there is Halloween chipboard from K & Company( not a full set), some rub-ons, cardstock die cuts, a little bucket, flowers, chipboard stickers for weddings and babies and probably stuff which I have forgotten. If you have any questions ask! I do request you do three things however. Always a catch huh? What you have to do is leave me a comment, add my blog link, and also add my badge (found on the sidebar) of my book and post it to your blog. Don't havea blog? No worries. You can still enter. Leave me a comment and tell a friend about the book. ( Yes I am pushing the book but I am broke so I am sure you understand:) Even though the book is concentrated on weddings, the ideas can also be used for other projects you have in mind. This is just the stepping stone . Thanks for reading and good luck! the contest ends May 23rd!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Romance is found at Pizza Hut
first date,
pizza hut,
photo from photobucket
Today 14 years ago, my husband and I had our first date. After each of us had broken off with our respective boyfriend and girlfriend a mere day or two before, we had found ourselves in a red pleather covered booth, sipping sodas over pizza and talking like we had always done only this time there was an added bonus: we had gone from just best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. I was only 18 at the time and he was not even 20. Now so many years later, married almost 10 this August, I made a mention of our first date the other night. He remembered of course. I had said I would love to go back there someday. Today he surprises me with it. We drop the kids off to grandma's and he takes me on a whirlwind adventure down memory lane through the tables and chairs of the Hut. Everything comes flooding back: everything from anticipation to the newness of the relationship so many years ago to nervousness...I mean what if we didn't make it? What if our beautiful friendship would be destroyed? I look to him now, hair a little less, me a little heavier (Ok a lot heavier) and think how grateful I am that I took that chance so long ago. We have been through so many ups and downs in our 14 year relationship and we are still going strong. Huh.... tO think...it all started over pizza:)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
check out jewelry for charity!!!
altered art,
breast cancer,
mixed media,
plexi glass,
Susan G Korman,
Tonia Davenport
At the lovely Tonia Davenport 's etsy shop are wonderful artworks. In one section, the artworks sold go to help various charities. When she asked me to do a collaboration piece with her I of course said YES!!!! The end result was beautiful. Tonia encased my little inchi in plexi glass with the most important word : LIFE. The proceeds for this piece go to the Susan G Korman fund. Love to know your thoughts and check out Tonia's shop! If anyone ends up purchasing this piece let me know!
Friday, May 1, 2009
the winner is....
Hello one and all! Drum roll please....the winner is ...
Congrats! Email me your address to aug2199@verizon.net and I will get your piece out to you. Thank you for all of you who entered. There was a bunch of you:) Thank you too for all the lovely comments you guys left. I had been having a really bad day yesterday but your words made it a bit better for me! Best wishes and stay tuned for more drawings in the future!!! That is all for now!
Congrats! Email me your address to aug2199@verizon.net and I will get your piece out to you. Thank you for all of you who entered. There was a bunch of you:) Thank you too for all the lovely comments you guys left. I had been having a really bad day yesterday but your words made it a bit better for me! Best wishes and stay tuned for more drawings in the future!!! That is all for now!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I wish for....infallibility
I do . I mean maybe it comes form the fact that my name means perfection or whatever but I can't stand to make mistakes. They can be very small ones such as forgetting to put the milk away to very large ones that keep me awake at night. We will make them. Can't avoid it I suppose. Especially as a parent I think that we notice our mistakes more prominently than if they just involved us. I made so many mistakes but when I make mistakes that hurt the peopel I love, ..well...then that 's the kicker. A part of me wants to cower in a corner all day weeping over the way I should have handled things (and let me tell you I have tried it) . Another part wonders if my family would be left better off without me around to drive them crazy while I checked in on them, periodically. My husband so clearly states when I go through one of these moods that that is not the best course of action. We must face our mistakes head on. I know. I really do but a part of me still wants to run away no matter what the problem or the mistake.
Yet, here I am. ..typing ...typing....ranting and rambling a bit trying to figure it all out. I wish I could be an infalliable parent in so many ways, but then if I was I guess....I wouldn't be me.
Thanks as alwasy for reading! Remmeber, if you leave a comment you are entered for a chance to win a piece of art ( see wall art below). Drawing is tomorrow!!!!
Yet, here I am. ..typing ...typing....ranting and rambling a bit trying to figure it all out. I wish I could be an infalliable parent in so many ways, but then if I was I guess....I wouldn't be me.
Thanks as alwasy for reading! Remmeber, if you leave a comment you are entered for a chance to win a piece of art ( see wall art below). Drawing is tomorrow!!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
art for drawing posted!!!!
art drawing,
hand sewed art,
handmade art,
wall hanging
Hello all! Here is the art that I am having up for the next drawing. It is a small approximately sized 6x6 piece ( not including ribbon) wall hanging. It says for my friend. It would make a perfect gift for you or for a loved one. Maybe a mother for mother's day who is a good friend?? All you have to do is leave a comment for me and add me to your blog ( if you have one-if not comment is fine:) Good luck! Drawing ends May 1!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Way We Were....
living in the moment,
old photos
I was given a bag full of photos to look at the other day from my father who is currently cleaning out and passing on items in his possession. I opened the bag and poured through what must have been over 100 photos, many of which I had in triples already in my house ( particularly wedding ones). As my eyes rested on some more than others I began to think of the past. I saw people who were married who no longer were, people who were once healthy who are now ill or have passed on. I saw images of myself and recalled the feelings of the past with events I remembered fondly as well as the ones where I have made mistakes and in which mistakes were made to me. The past is truly in the past as they say because these events can not be undone. As my husband always says to me: Learn from it and move on. While moving on for some may be easy, I find it to be one of the most difficult things to have to do. Still, living in the moment one moment at a time is an honorable goal and hopefully one I can achieve someday. Wishing you all the best in your moments always and thank you to everyone who replies to my ramblings. It makes my day! Stay tuned because tomorrow will be the start of a new drawing for a piece of art!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Celebrating Earth Day
digital art,
earth day
I know I know a bit early but for once I would like to get a jump on things:) Tomorrow is Earth Day as I am sure you all know. Everyone makes a big deal of it: sharing ideas on being green, helping save the world, etc. Why just one day? Why not everyday?
There are so many things we can do to celebrate Earth Day without pulling out the picket signs ( although picket signs made from recycled paper is also good). Just admiring the beauty that surrounds us ona daily basis in the form of trees, flowers, out children...that is all a part of Earth Day. Living day to day in a world of uncertainties can be frightening for everyone but taking a minute here or a minute there to relax an smell the roses ( LOL) can help us find out inner Earth Day more than just one day a year. Enjoy all and feel free to comment!!!! I love each and every one!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
and the Winner is......
free giveaway,
Hey guys! Thank you to all who entered the drawing and more importantly those who donated to the charity cause Free Arts for Abused Children. My youngest picked the name out of a hat ( or in this case a star wars mask:) and the winner is .....

Congrats Dolores!!! Send me your address when you get a chance and I Will send it out to you. Hope you enjoy!!!! Stay tuned for more drawings guys and thanks again for the support as always!!!!
Congrats Dolores!!! Send me your address when you get a chance and I Will send it out to you. Hope you enjoy!!!! Stay tuned for more drawings guys and thanks again for the support as always!!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Needing to seriously vent...GRRR!!!!
free giveaway,
recycling tips,
GRRR!!! I was in a bit of a jolly mood this morning until I looked out my window after hearing what I thought was the recycling truck coming by since *scoff*. One would tend to think this since they had taken my trash can with the large black letters RECYCLING written on the side and the top fo the can piled high with newspapers, only to discover that yet again, it was the TRASHMEN who had taken it. This has happened so many times and I am beyond frustrated...I AM ANGRY!!! We try very hard to recylce where I am. There are times when we have one can of trash barely filled and 2 cans yes 2 filled with recyclables. Way beyond any to fit in those itty bitty blue cans they offer. I was even told by someone who works for the Keep PA Beautiful that having the trash can labeled recycling is fine!!! Yet I am beginning to think that either people don't read it, don't care or ...wait I ran out of reasons... anyway if anyone else has this problem or knows of a way to correct it I am all ears:) Sorry for the rant. On a lighter note, last chance to enter the drawing is today!! Thanks to Jeannie, Dolores, Wendy and Carlene who have entered so far. A winner will be posted tomorrow!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Still time to enter the drawing! Etsy Spring Cleaning Sale only 2 items left in stock!!!
Hello everyone! I wanted to make those of you aware that the drawing is nearing a close. April 1st is the deadline! If you are interested in entering the drawing for a chance to win a copy of my book Wedding Journals and Keepsake Gifts, please donate either an item from the Free Arts for Abused Kids wish list or a monetary donation ( even $1 counts!!!)
Things are being a bit quiet here. My husband has a second interview with the company FILA ( shoes ) in Maryland. I truly hope he gets it. Not only because it has been a long 9 months of unemployment, but also because I really want to move:) We have been talking of moving for a long time now. The original goal was after 5 years in this house, have equity and leave....10 years later....you get the picture. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for us and the prayers. WE need it:)
Only 2 items left in my etsy store! I am cleaing out to make room for more items. These are the items left:

The shadowbox is $15 and that is including shipping in the USA. If you are out of the coutnry, email me for a shipping quote. The wall hanging is 9.99 plus shipping.

I have also picked up the items I will be sending to Free Arts for Abused Children (as pictured). My children and I went to Wal-Mart and grabbed a few things. It was good for my kids to be a part of this too. I try to teach them how to help out others who are less fortunate. I want them to realize that althoguth things are tough for us right now, there are others who have it a lot worse. Email me your comments. I love to hear from you all! Your input means a lot to me!!! Have a wonderful day and thank you again to those who donated to my cause! Enter the contest! Even if you are not getting married I am sure you know someone who is or who is crafty!!!!
Things are being a bit quiet here. My husband has a second interview with the company FILA ( shoes ) in Maryland. I truly hope he gets it. Not only because it has been a long 9 months of unemployment, but also because I really want to move:) We have been talking of moving for a long time now. The original goal was after 5 years in this house, have equity and leave....10 years later....you get the picture. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for us and the prayers. WE need it:)
Only 2 items left in my etsy store! I am cleaing out to make room for more items. These are the items left:
The shadowbox is $15 and that is including shipping in the USA. If you are out of the coutnry, email me for a shipping quote. The wall hanging is 9.99 plus shipping.
I have also picked up the items I will be sending to Free Arts for Abused Children (as pictured). My children and I went to Wal-Mart and grabbed a few things. It was good for my kids to be a part of this too. I try to teach them how to help out others who are less fortunate. I want them to realize that althoguth things are tough for us right now, there are others who have it a lot worse. Email me your comments. I love to hear from you all! Your input means a lot to me!!! Have a wonderful day and thank you again to those who donated to my cause! Enter the contest! Even if you are not getting married I am sure you know someone who is or who is crafty!!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Spring Cleaning and Recycling Tips
Hello again! I figured since this is the time that most of us do our spring cleaning, I would share some friendly tips. Many of you may already know this so just bear with me ( yes I do like to repeat myself.)
1. Try to recycle as much as possible. Sounds simple but many of us throw out papers in the trash without thinking about it ( me included:) If it is something you do not want someone else to see then maybe recycling isn't such a good idea ( especially important documents-always shred !!!)
2. While I was cleaning out under my cabinets, I came across so many plastic bags "I had saved", that I was overwhelmed. Many places such as Acme and Shop Rite take the bags and recycle them ( as well as those plastic bags your morning paper is wrapped in.) Take them to your local grocery store. You will not only have a much cleaner home, but you will be helping the environment as well.
3. For future shopping trips-take a canvas bag. They can be fashionable and of course are reusable and will save you trips to the stores to get them recycled which in turns saves gas....see where this is headed?
4. Remove caps from all jars and plastic bottles or THEY WILL NOT BE RECYCLED!!! I found it interesting . It seems since the plastic is too different kinds, they must be separated. I found this out after years of putting the lids on the water bottles.....
5. Last, stuffed animals. I know many of you who read this are moms and clutter from toys is a big one! I volunteer for an organization called SAFE (www.stuffedanimalsforemergencies.org ) that collects gently used stuffed animals to give to children in need. Some of the animals go to help children in hospitals, some go as reading buddies to kids in area schools, some go to raise money to aid schools in need of funds or they will face closure. These are just some of the ways my animals have helped kids. If you want to donate to me and live in the Philadelphia area, email me for more info. If not in this area, then check out the website for the closest chapter. This is also a good way for kids to help in charity work!
I hope this helps many of you. As I come across anything else you will be the first... no make that second to know since a lot of this is news to me:) Remember, donate any amount ( even $1.00 or purchase an item from the wish list) for Free Arts For Abused Children (www.freearts.org), leave a comment on my blog letting me know and get a chance to win a copy of my book!!! Drawing will be ending April 1st! My goal is to have 10 people enter. I have 3 so far. Thank you to those who have entered! Best of luck!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Donate to Free Arts for Abused Children and enter to win a copy of my book!
Thanks to my friend, Lia C. Kent, who sent me info on the wonderful group Free Arts for Abused Children, have I come to know another amazing charity. This is a group who aids in helping children who are abused or homeless find ways to release their pain and anger by throwing it into something creative. Along the way, I am sure it also helps the kids to make friends, find people who care about them, as well as build self esteem and realize that they are worthy of love from not only others but from themselves too. I have also discovered it has a Walt Disney Company member as their President!!! Way cool in my opinion:) Here is a list of items that they are in need of taken directly from their web site. www.freearts.org
Wish List
Art Related Supplies:
Acrylic paint (water based, 1/2 gallon bottles or larger preferred)
Baby wipes and paper towels
Canvases (various sizes)
Construction Paper (variety of colors)
Decorating materials (googley eyes, feathers, foam, pipe cleaners, shapes, sequins, buttons, pom poms, wood shapes, etc.)
Disposable cameras
Glitter paint / glitter glue (larger containers preferred)
Gray sculpting clay
Ink Cartridges for photo printer (HP Photosmart 385)
Jewelry making materials (including fancy beads, wire, fasteners, etc.)
Polaroid Film (600 speed)
Poster board
Sandpaper (Type: medium grade)
Sharpie brand markers (all sizes and colors)
Sketch Books
Small plastic bowls with lids
T-shirts (NEW plain white, all sizes)
Table coverings (plastic table cloths)
Tempra Paint
Treasure boxes (small boxes with lids that fit over the entire box)
Vellum Drawing Paper
Watercolor Paper
Wooden Spoons and forks
Office Supplies:
16oz. bottles of water
27 and 42 cent postage stamps
Bookshelves and shelving
Copier paper (standard)
Digital camera and photo printer
Folding chairs
Clear plastic storage containers with lids (16”w x 12”l x 12”h)
Toilet paper
Auction Items (gift cards, get aways, etc.)
Gift certificate for art supplies (Utrecht, Discount School Supply, Lakeshore, Michaels)
iPod speakers
Pizza Hut gift certificates
Smart & Final gift certificates
Costco gift certificates
Trader Joe's gift certificates
Professional Services (printing, legal, design, and more)
Free Arts for Abused Children
12095 W. Washington Boulevard, Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA 90066
310-313-5575 FAX
For every person that makes a purchase to help this group or donation, and leaves me a comment telling me they did ( we are on the honor system here:) then you will be entered for a chance to win a copy of my book Wedding Journals and Keepsake Gifts from Quarry publishers! The drawing will take place April 1st which gives people ample time . I will refresh your memories every few days! I can be a pest that way LOL Thanks for the support. I am sure every child will appreciate it!!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I've Caught the Digital Bug!!!!
*****image removed for publication*****
Needless to say I am a bit slow at times. It seems while the world around me has been trying new things with their digital selves, I refused. Then one day I saw a piece in a magazine (I believe it was Somerset Memories) and I decided why not? I wanted to share one of my attempts with you all to test the water so to speak. I call this piece modern creation. It symbolizes the merging of this world with the world of digital (as well as having a female Creator!!!) I sent it in to be reviewed for Somerset Digital. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Once again love to know your thoughts! Thank you all who read and post!!! It makes my day!!!!
charity for the day: www.standupforkids.org Many of you who read this blog were a part of this fantastic group a few years back when we had an art auction for them. Now they are collecting again for homeless teenagers for the necessities such as hats, gloves, even fast food gift cards so they can get food. If anyone is interested, please check out their website and if you can help out. I know the economy is tough but even a little bit goes a long way!!!! thanks as always!
Needless to say I am a bit slow at times. It seems while the world around me has been trying new things with their digital selves, I refused. Then one day I saw a piece in a magazine (I believe it was Somerset Memories) and I decided why not? I wanted to share one of my attempts with you all to test the water so to speak. I call this piece modern creation. It symbolizes the merging of this world with the world of digital (as well as having a female Creator!!!) I sent it in to be reviewed for Somerset Digital. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Once again love to know your thoughts! Thank you all who read and post!!! It makes my day!!!!
charity for the day: www.standupforkids.org Many of you who read this blog were a part of this fantastic group a few years back when we had an art auction for them. Now they are collecting again for homeless teenagers for the necessities such as hats, gloves, even fast food gift cards so they can get food. If anyone is interested, please check out their website and if you can help out. I know the economy is tough but even a little bit goes a long way!!!! thanks as always!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
mini wall art on etsy!
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a sweet Valentine's Day. I wanted to share some new art I made for etsy with you. These two are pieces of mini wall art approximately 3x4 (not including the hanging tassel) and ready to be hung. To see more images go to my shop! Shipping is FREE in the USA and $10 everywhere else. The pieces themselves are $15 each. Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Playing Hooky
Yesterday was a first for me. I have never (that I can recall anyway), ever played hooky until this past Tuesday. It was a family day of hooky including an escape to the beach for the day. (yes the beach! ) For those of you on the east coast you know that while it was warm it was not necessarily beach weather but still....the kids had fun. There was a few pouts at first (Michael). Even though he got a day off from school, nothing was opened and we hoped at least something would be! When we had gone before around that time, things were, but being the economy the way it is and it being a Tuesday as opposed to a weekend, places were tightly shut. While this was discouraging even to me because I was hoping to win some more stuffed animals to add to my collection, we made the most of it. The kids went on the beach searching for shells and had first pick:) The wind whipped about us but it didn't seem to bother anyone except me. My ears began to ache mercifully until my sweet husband gave me his hooded shirt. We trekked for about an hour searching for treasures. I found the carcass of a rather large fish. Completely amazed I snapped a photo of it. I have never seen that on a beach before. Since we had gotten down there rather early, we searched for other things to do. We went to the Cumberland mall, but didn't stay long. We traveled to a few other stores in the area but didn't see much. Finally, we capped our day by going to Applebees. The food was delicious! When we finally got to that part and past the earlier pouts from our eldest, he admitted to having a rather good day. We all did in fact. An impromptu trip was what we needed to lift our spirits. Today when I took Mike to school, we had a bit of an agreement ( or so I thought) to tell the teacher we were out of town for the day. He didn't want to lie and I didn't want to teach him to so going out of town sufficed. Then the dreaded question was posed.
Where were you yesterday?
Yeah out of town worked out really well:) Still, it was fun playing hooky for the day. NOW back to work and wash....ahhhh....tomorrow and hooky are looking good again....
Recycling tip:
Since I was at the beach I figured I would share this with you all since it was the first I had heard of it. When you recycle plastic bottles and jars, remove the cap/lid first or they will not be recycled due to it being two different kinds of materials. Thanks!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
work on etsy!!!
I have added the wedding album from my previous post on etsy as well as a shadowbox and a wall hanging. (The wall hanging is pictured. Here are a few more images of a wedding guest book from Wedding Journals and Keepsake Gifts! (These are ones I took from the book -for an inside look check out Here is a
Sunday, February 1, 2009
images from my book-Wedding Journals and Keepsake Gifts!
Sorry I have not updated in awhile. Been kind of in a funk...trying to get out of it...anyway, I wanted to share some images of the artwork that can be found in my book. Hope you enjoy! I have included a bridesmaid box with a necklace (one of my faves!) There is a also a book created to hold memories for the couple following their dating stage to the anniversaries to come! I will try to add a few more in the next few days. Check out my book on Amazon.com!
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