i swap with Sharron from shaz dolls.. on etsy! and look at how beautiful the blythe clothes are! i love them! so well made and beautiful details! thank you Sharron!
Monday, June 29, 2009
swap from shaz!
i swap with Sharron from shaz dolls.. on etsy! and look at how beautiful the blythe clothes are! i love them! so well made and beautiful details! thank you Sharron!
flea market finds
i found these salt and pepper shakers at a little flea market this weekend.. for $2.00 each. i dunno why but i couldn't resist the funny character ones and the kokeshi ones i loved cause i have been wanting a kokeshi for a long time.
and no i'm not going to start collecting shakers! my hubby would probably throw a fit if i started a new collection!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
mikey has been busy lately....
he has learned to chew gum. he'll chew it for hours and usually doesn't swallow it. he learned how to open doors! yes he can open the doors by turning the knob now.. which is good and bad! he is understanding more things. you can tell him it's time to go bye bye and go get his shoes and he'll do it right away.
he cleans up his own spills with whatever might be around.. and if there isn't anything to use he'll use his clothes that he is wearing!
i showed him his sandals this weekend. usually i have to fight with him in the beginning of summer to put his sandals on.. well this year he wanted to wear them! even without socks!
i tried to give him a hair cut this weekend and right in the middle of it he refused to let me finish.. and to avoid a head banging tantrum we let him go.. so he has long hair in the back.. and get this.. his dad wants to leave it that way.. he thinks it's cute!
anyways there's a little insight into mikey! isn't he silly?
swap from amy!
we ended up doing two months together this time.. but she sent some amazingly cute and pretty stuff! i got fabric, paper, stickers, barrettes, paper parasols, trim and ribbons, teeny tiny googly eyes, flip flip buttons, an acrylic stamp block.. which i needed and a bunch of adorable hair bows that she made!
sorry the pics aren't great.. i took these in the bedroom..away from the graby, wild child!
thank you amy! i really love this swap! so fun!
snail mail...
Monday, June 22, 2009
jan adrienne has arrived!
my cute babyland exclusive cabbage patch kid arrived saturday. and she is so adorable! even better than i expected. he skin is a beautiful creamy color. she has the most adorable carter's baby outfit on and wears a real diaper. she is hand signed by xavier roberts and smells so yummy like baby powder. i will definitely try to get a few more for my collection!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
thrift store and estate sale finds
i am so behind on showing things... so i'll start with these. all from thrift stores or estate sale.
there is a thrift store that almost always has knitted dishcloths.. there must be a fast little knitter out there who donates them.. you can tell that they are new since they are cotton and they are not at all fuzzy. also a vintage pot holder.
vintage ribbons, lace, a doily and some really cool 1920's bras strap holders. you sew them into your clothes to keep your bra straps from falling...
from an estate sale.. box of 34 vintage hankies.. for $3.00!
vintage embroidered linens, hankie and some pretty fabric.

vintage ribbons, lace and a lacey doily.
vintage ribbons, lace and a lacey doily.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
i went on tuesday to the dentist cause two brackets fell off. so they removed them and put spacers in. the spacers look like tiny paper clips and they hurt! oouch! anyways they also changed my rubber band chain this.. so i am still sore today.. but not too bad. and hopefully i won't have to go back until july 6th now.
ok you're killing me!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
cabbage patch kids
well you can buy them online. cabbagepatchkids.com they have these new exclusive ones to babyland (where cabbage patch kids are born).
so my sweet hubby bought me this one.. isn't she adorable? can't want to get her! just look at that sweet face with the dimple! and i LOVE her panda outfit! these new babies wear real baby clothes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
yes style and yes asia
have you ever heard of yes style and yes asia? yes style is a really cool fashion site where you can order asian designer clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry. they have men, women and kids things. i have ordered 4 times from there and the clothes are so cute.. you have to be careful to look at the sizes. most of them come is one size (tiny!)
yes asia sell asian videos, toys and i think books. i have ordered from there once.. my ddung doll. and the shipping was super fast!
anyways go check them out sometime. i am adding them to my links section.
i did place and order to yes style today since i had a coupon. i got this cute lace trimmed t-shirt and this lace and pearl necklace. love! hopefully they get here quick!
Monday, June 15, 2009
i am annoyed.. two of the bracket things came off again.. so now i have to go back to the dentist...i didn't know this would be so much trouble.
Friday, June 12, 2009
mikey has been ok.. he seems to be in his terrible two's.. though he is six. he wants his way.. and when he doesn't get it he throws a tremendous fit. kicking, twisting, stomping, head banding etc...
other than that he is growing so big! and as always he is beautiful.. though in need of a serious hair cut! maybe i can do that this weekend.
i took this pic today. he is looking at me like i've lost my mind and he has something blue on his chin...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
a new dolly for me!
another view of my crooked teeth!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
annette himstedt
i was sad to find out recently that my favorite doll creator annette himstedt is no longer making dolls. apparently she was loosing money the past few years. i truly adore her dolls and hope she will start making them again sometime. so here are a few pics of lunna. isn't she adorable? she is from the 2006 children of atlantis collection. i love her funky hair style. she is redressed.
i'll try to show my other two himstedts sometime soon.
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