Showing posts with label Personal News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal News. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Enchanted Gallery is moving to + artwork now on YouTube and Instagram!

There are a lot of website updates in the work for The Enchanted Gallery, including an entire website redesign. The overhaul progress can be seen at

The Enchanted Gallery rubber stamps pendant trays online craft store DIY

The new site will take a few months to complete as we move one item at a time over from the old site, while creating new content like a built-in art blog with YouTube videos for art supply reviews, painting, alcohol ink and other crafting tutorials.

Pendant trays open back for resin online craft jewelry supply store DIY
If you have feedback on the new site layout compared to the old one, please let us know!

Over the years we've heard customer feedback about feeling limited to the PayPal only cart system, along with some technical errors for I-Pad, I-phone and Safari browser users. To help with that, we've made the new website mobile friendly with an improved cart system.

Kim has been hard at work on her YouTube channel for art supply reviews and painting videos. If you are interested in specific craft projects, especially from our old tutorials, being turned into videos - please leave a comment on a video to let us know what to create next time.

Kimberly Crick's artwork can now also be found on Instagram @kimberlycrickart

Friday, October 02, 2015

The Enchanted Gallery website updates

Just in case anyone is still checking here for updates regarding there are loads of new items and many website browsing errors have been fixed.

Problems fixed: The 50+ web pages for individual rubber stamp sets with example art have had all outdated links updated.

Also fixed a shopping cart issue causing anyone who bought stamps to be redirected to a page that said “store doesn’t exist” error that created panic in quite a few people. I'm very sorry about that! :)

Problems NOT fixed: It has come to my attention that many people are seeing old, not updated, versions of my web pages. I get orders for items that were removed from my website weeks ago. This is caused by web browser settings, your "cache" and cookie files, that save the webpage contents you viewed for faster loading on your next visit. This only effects people who have recently visited my website and then later returned weeks later.

In order to make sure you are seeing the most recent content on any website you have visited before, click the reload/refresh page option on your browser.

Every time a new item is added to any page within it is also posted on Pinterest. If you follow for updates, or just check periodically you can see what new items have been added. When clicking any picture at Pinterest it takes you to the webpage that contains that item. If you don't see the new item, you may be viewing an old page and have to hit your browser's reload/refresh button.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Enchanted Gallery Regularly Updates at Pinterest!

The Enchanted Gallery is now regularly updating all new photographs added within the many pages of at one convenient place - PINTEREST!

If you're new to Pinterest, basically it is a picture board website where you can "pin" (post) photos you find around the internet onto easily organizable "boards" (custom categories.) It also allows you to see what new items have been added to a website you want to follow. Since this blog requires a lot more time and effort to make posts about new content, I have decided to put the bulk of my efforts into Pinterest for website updates.

You can follow all of my boards to be notified of everything I update, including all new products, tutorials, photography, artwork and craft project inspiration from my favorite websites. You can also follow/subscribe to specific "boards" (themed folders of images) for just the things you want to see. For example, alcohol ink projects OR jewelry making supplies and pendant trays OR new rubber stamp sheets. Unlike this blog, you can choose to follow only the types of projects that are within your interest, or you can follow them all to see every new product and tutorial as soon as it comes out.

Here's an idea of what the Pinterest website looks like:

I may still periodically post here in the future, but Pinterest will be much more active since it allows me to instantly place an image onto my boards as soon as it is uploaded to my website. For the most current look at what is new at The Enchanted Gallery, I invite you to come visit me at

Thank you :)

Kimberly Crick

Friday, September 04, 2009

Potential Delays / Health Update

I'm very sorry for the lack of activity here on the blog this summer. I have also been unable to update my website with new products quite as frequently as I have in the past. Some of you may already know that over the past 5 years I've had some major medical problems (cancer/chemo/radiation.) The type of cancer that I had (Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma) has not returned. However, I have had a lot of side effects/damage from the disease and treatments. Some of the scar tissue has caused adhesions (bonding muscles and organs together,) ruined my thyroid (lowered metabolism/energy,) and now I have ulcerations in my colon and a large 2" mass (cyst) in my lower left abdomen.

Currently my doctors are Guinea Pigging me with some prescriptions and pain medications to see if anything improves over the next two months before resorting to surgery. It is likely that surgery will include removing the mass, resection of my colon and possibly more if other organs are effected. For now, because of the pain and medications there have been some days where I am not feeling up to working.

I am trying very hard to keep up with orders within my stated 7 - 14 business day delivery time. There may be bad weeks for me where I'm running a few days later. Once my surgery is scheduled I will post a notice on my website about any longer delays during a specific time frame. Once this all gets sorted out I'll try my best to get back into crafting and creating new products :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Scenic highways and nature destination photographs!

Yay! It's summer travel fun time!

I'm a huge fan of scenic highway drives and nature destinations. I take thousands of photographs every year, especially of the Oregon area. While I have them organized in folders on my computer, I find that I rarely look through them. So I've created a section in my website for the highlights of my travel photography. This is mainly for my personal enjoyment, but I'm hoping some of you might like it too :)

I've posted a map showing all of the places I've driven here. These pages are image intensive and I don't recommend it for dial-up users.

If you don't have much time to browse today, I think the Silver Falls state park and Oregon Garden trip is a beautiful place to start here!

I love the mountains, but they can be dangerous to drive through November through April. Now that most scenic highways (that are usually closed in winter) are opening, it's time for more road trips. In the southern part of OR is Crater Lake and in northern CA I'll be stopping at the Redwood Forest in a couple weeks. I'll also be heading off to Yellowstone National Park, WY soon (thank goodness it's only an 8 hour drive from here.) I'll make another blog post when new images are uploaded. Back to crafting until then!

Have a fun summer everyone :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hooray! Tax day is OVER! + Stampbord Sneak Peek

Cats are ridiculous :) Last night when making a last minute double-check of all my expenses, I laid out all my receipts on the floor. The cats came in, and even though there's lots of places to lay down, they decided to plop themselves right on my paperwork. I let them sleep there for a while since they seemed so comfy on the paper. They lay down on anything new. I bought a laundry tub yesterday, set it down when i walked in the door... as soon as I turned around both cats were sitting inside of it.

I am so glad that tax day is over with! I had an unusually complicated return this year due to having to file a business loss. There were over a dozen forms I had to fill out :( There's got to be a simpler way to do this stuff... someone please invent it? Even though I'm not sure when the economy will start to recover, I'm hopeful that I can do better this year. I have lots of great new stuff planned and now that this is over I can get back to posting projects.

When I got to the post office there was a HUGE PROTEST going on. Swarms (hundreds) of people gathered and lots of noise as cars went by honking. They were all very upset about the insane amount of government spending. Something about how it equates to us being taxed and we the people have been taxed enough. It was wild, I had no idea I would have to battle my way across the post office parking lot to get in.

Stampbord! I've completed a few projects for the Stampbord website. I have no way of knowing which artwork will be posted or when, but at least one project will have a full tutorial on their site in May. Until then, here's a little sneak peek of a domino size Stampbord project. I won't be sharing any more of what I've done until they have posted them on their website. I'll be sure to post a link to the step by step tutorials once they post it.

Here's my little domino size flower pot paperweight:

I'll be 'craftin it up' some more soon :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Upcoming, delays and misc.

Hi all! I know it's been a while and I apologize for being a bad blogger.

I will have tons of exciting news to share with you very soon. I recently purchased a Quickutz Silhouette and a Cricut die cutting machine (I like them both for different reasons.) I'll be doing a nice comparison of those machines and showing off some pictures soon. I plan to introduce a couple new products to my website including stencils, die cut paper shapes/stickers/embellishments, image cds for people to cut my designs on their own die cutters or to print out and use with paper crafting.

Many of you have suggested collage sheets of my color art, however I've decided against the expense of a nice printer and especially ink cartridges. Instead I will be offering large versions of my images on cds for you to make your own products from.

I've also been working on tutorials for Stampbord's featured how-to project of the month and galleries. The first of my tutorials will be their project featured in May. I have a few other nice long tutorials in the works to share with you soon!

On the not-so-bright-side, Ranger Ink, the manufacturer of Mold-N-Pour has been out of stock for about a month. So I'm running terribly low on mold compound and there is about a week delay on any order I receive with a lot of molds/compound. This should resolve next week, but I am forced to wait for them so I can't say for certain :(

It's tax time again! I always wait until the last week before I do my taxes. This is mostly due to the outrageous amount I end up owing as a small business, I need a lot of time to save up enough money to pay them! If you have any plans to start a small business of your own, my advice is to keep 30 percent of all your profits set aside for taxes. Depending on your state, this could be more or less. I think here in Oregon I get taxed more severe than some states due to our wealth of public services. For example, last year I only made $8,000 and I still had to pay over $2,000 in taxes. How the government expects me to live on $6,000 a year total is beyond me... But where there's a will there's a way (or at least a credit card.)
Anyway, point being I'm doing a lot of paperwork to try to maximize my business expenses/deductions and this is a very stressful time. If you have placed an order this week, I apologize again for any delay. Most stamp orders should be moving quickly, but mold orders are running about a week late.


Monday, December 22, 2008

New flexible push molds for polymer clay, paperclay, etc.

Hi all, here's a few molds that have been added today:

They can be found at:
Nature Spirit Molds
Face Molds

ps. A few months ago I got some kittens to keep me company. I have to admit I've always been more of a dog person, but health wise I didn't think I'd be able to keep up with one. These kittens are cute, love to cuddle (for short periods of time before going to amuse themselves elsewhere) and are generally pretty low maintenance :)
Oh no! Kitten pictures!

Friday, December 19, 2008

News, cling cushion mounting foam, polymer clay push molds tutorial

Hi all, I'm happy to announce that my latest CTscan was all clear - My cancer has been in total remission and remains so! I've had some side effects from treatments, but they are entirely manageable. Everything pales in comparison to cancer, so I'm feeling very positive about it all :)

I've made some improvements to my website this week, including adding new buttons to the main store index along with a new product - cling cushion foam for mounting your unmounted rubber stamps. I put up step by step images on the mounting page.

Updates have been made to the flexible push mold instructions. I can't believe I have forgotten to add this string of images that shows just how easy it is to use polymer clay or paperclay with the molds. There is also a few extra pictures about painting your clay. I'm almost done with the example art for a few new molds, I'll make another post this week with the new designs.

ps. To address a question I received about coloring on Stampbord last week:
I have a random assortment of color pencils including Prismacolor, Crayola, Rose Art, Prang etc. They all seem to work comparably on the Stampbord surface. However, the color intensity is at its best when used on the plain white surface. I also make sure my pencils are well sharpened.

Once you add inks or paints to the Stampbord the color pencils will react differently. For instance, alcohol ink, depending on the color and thickness of application tends to dominate the surface. Any color pencil you use over it will be a few shades away from the base color. In other words, you'll still be able to color over it, but it will be more of a transparent tint. Here are some I did with alcohol ink, stazon then color pencil:

For instance, if the alcohol ink is yellow and your pencil is green, the color you might end up with is a light yellow-green. This is usually enough color for me, but you will never get full color intensity when using them over a colored surface. You may also try using different inks, like dye inks or watercolors to stain the surface, which have less of an impact on the saturation of color pencils.

Monday, December 08, 2008

ATC Stampbord rubber stamped wall art project

I recently discovered Stampbord which is a sturdy board (like compressed wood) with a white clay coating. What's super neat about it is you can stamp on it, use all sorts of ink, paint, pencils, markers etc. on it... Then you can take an etching/engraving/scratch tool and carve away the top layer to expose the white clay underneath. I love how easy it is to make highlights, like the light is shining on your artwork.

Anyway, I ordered some ATC size (2.5" x 3.5") Stampbord pieces online (they also come in domino 1"x2" size.) I covered the surface with alcohol inks, stamped with stazon, colored with color pencils and (optionally) put a thin coat of mod podge to protect the surface.

This board is very sturdy, so a regular hole punch won't work - but I used my Cropidile punch tool. That Cropidile is amazingly strong (can punch through tin, wood, chipboard etc.) The board is too thick to set eyelets in, but I glued them into the holes and added beads for hanging on my wall or door. A couple more images on this project on this rubber stamp sheets page.

I've got so much more to do, I'm a million years behind schedule on making example art for my rubber stamp pages.

Medical update:
On a personal note, I had a CT scan on friday and have another test on wednesday to screen for cancer. I should know within the next week or so if I'm still doing ok with the Hodgkins Lymphoma. I found out that the radiation treatment damaged my thyroid worse than I thought, so I've been pretty tired lately while my blood levels got all wonky. My new doctor is really nice though, I think I'm in good hands.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How do you cut corners during this time of economic crisis?

How are you saving/making money?

I hate to admit it, as I was feeling optimistic for a long time, but I'm feeling the pinch from our economy being in shambles. I've had to work really hard to keep a loose grip on "middle class" standard of living throughout the years. Or at least whatever you call that "class" that is above poverty - the ones that can afford to eat what they want and have a car & insurance, but could never afford to own a home. I fear things getting worse if this trend continues for (many?) years.

In the past I've always believed that in America you can always make more money by working harder / being inventive / creative. Lately it seems much more difficult as good jobs disappear and the general public is trying to save money, so less spending goes to support businesses who are hurting. I don't really know how that cycle ends, but I certainly hope that our next president actually creates tangible change (even if that's not in his power, at least help our government stop wasteful spending.)

And as much as I hate to add to the problem, I was forced to apply for a new credit card this month so that I can pay for my next cancer test (a 4k petscan) and the unexpected expense of some root canals (how on earth can dentistry be this pricey?!)
It makes me feel bad that I can not live within my means, but I live in a cheap apartment with a roommate and I eat as inexpensively as possible for not eating garbage (no junk food here! I <3 Trader Joes.)

The lease agreement for my car is almost up (January) and I've moved to a much more public-transportation friendly town (Portland, OR.) Once I turn in my car I'm saying good-bye (forever?) to the expense of monthly car payments, insurance and gas. That should certainly help my budget! I'm hoping that some of you have also cut corners somehow or found a way to make extra cash and would like to share your tips? As it turns out, my roommate has a Costco membership so the next time we do grocery shopping I will see if there are things I regularly buy that I could get in bulk cheaper there.

I certainly don't want to sound like a sob story, but with this scale of economic stress I don't think it should be a secret when you're having a tough time and need ideas! I plan on opening an Etsy shop in addition to my Ebay store next month to sell some handmade jewelry (like the domino pendants and things I make for example art around my site.) I also hope that I've been of service to you all with my angel policy allowing you to sell your handmade items created from my rubber stamps or molds.

As a business I'd like to expand the products I offer. If you have anything design-wise you're looking for in stamps, I'd love to hear it. (I've gotten a couple requests for Skulls and unusual art in domino sizes, so that is coming soon.) Also, I have an account with Ranger Ink, so in the future I may stock some of their products. They make the Tim Holtz ink pads, distress paints, stickles glitter glues and alcohol inks along with a variety of other neat stuff like UTEE. I'm not sure what people who are already shopping at my site would be interested in the most though. I may carry jewelry supplies like acrylic charms or domino size stampbord for making rubber stamped jewelry. Do you have a product in mind that seems to fit in with my site?

It's been a hard week, the signs of businesses cutting back and people in need is tremendous. Everyone in our apartment complex got a note on their door today from the Oregon Food Bank, which is in charge of donating non-perishable food to families in need. I quote their letter "With the economy at a low point and the cost of gas driving up prices, the number of families needing assistance has skyrocketed - as much as 30% in some areas." There are now collection barrels all over my neighborhood. I'm sure I don't need to mention the stock market, as I'm sure you've heard about that roller coaster ride and this crazy bail out plan... but my bank (WAMU) went under, so all my credit cards and savings accounts have turned into Chase. Others of my money market accounts have been on a steady decline since last year, when I was earning 5% + interest, but now is closing in on 1% (it can go negative) so I've gotta pull my money out :(

Even the big companies I buy wholesale or services from are making obvious cut-backs. Yahoo this week announced a 1,500 person lay off, the second mass-firing this year. The company I buy my mold compound from has cut back on their packaging materials (I don't mind, I hate excess paper waste) but it's gone from nice big boxes with smaller cases all contained inside, to everything dumped in a small box. Thankfully the prices of products have not gone up yet, but since my items are made of rubber I worry about the rising cost at some point.

Super sorry for the long post. I really needed to get it off my chest and it's hard feeling alone when you're scared. I hope that instead of being bummed, this will help spark your creativity on ways to deal with this financial problem effecting so many of us. I also hope that the bright minded people out there are working hard on new inventions, creative projects and alternative energy that will help put the USA back on the right track. We can be great, let's show em how it's done!

Next post will be fun, light hearted and artsy I promise!!!


ps. Anyone out there (on the west coast) have independent dental insurance? (Any coverage you bought on your own, independently of a job or health insurance?) I can't find anyone who will let me sign up without also applying for health insurance (which I can't, cause I'm classified "uninsurable" due to the cancer, so I can only get government high risk pool health care - no dental.)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Goddess of the Seasons - Art Nouveau Domino Magnets

It's been a crafty week around here. I just finished making a bouquet of paper flowers and I'll be posting tutorial pictures soon. For now, here's a set of four seasons Goddess domino magnets. (I made these using the chalk palette coloring method, the tutorial I posted about last.
Full tutorial

I don't know what it is, but I've gotten a lot done (creatively speaking) this past month. I wonder if it has anything to do with my birthday coming up in a couple weeks? I think sometimes a reminder of time ticking by helps to motivate me... I'll be 27!!!

Which is just unbelievably great considering for a long while I wasn't sure I'd make it this far. While I've still got some left over aches, pains and sporadic failing of certain nerve and thyroid functions, all in all it's been a decent and happy recovery since my chemo / radiation treatments a few years back. Especially considering the not-so-polite (and very incorrect) speech a doctor gave me about my stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma case being terminal back then.

My last Petscan (a cancer detecting test a little like a catscan tube but they inject you with radioactive sugar instead of that iodine/barium) was in November (all clear!) and my blood counts were good as of April. It's time to go back for my check ups again in the next month or so. My previous oncologist retired, so I have to go through the trouble of finding a new (and hopefully GOOD)replacement for him. I'll let you know how that works out!

Thanks to everyone for the great feedback on the stamps and molds via email lately. I don't have a ton of time to write everyone back, but I do read everything and I'm happy you're having fun. I'll keep pumping out the tutorials in my hope of spreading the joyful creativity.



Thursday, May 22, 2008

Settled into my Oregon apartment!

Settled into the new apartment near Portland, OR this week. Here's some pics of the surrounding areas (first is multanomah falls off the columbia river gorge.) It's good to be back. The apartment grounds are nice too, lots of varieties of plants and flowers. I love how green this state is!