
Showing posts with label Sugarpill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugarpill. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Inspired by Belle from Beauty and the Beast

When I asked for some suggestions of some ideas for looks, Miranda suggested that maybe I do a look inspired by Belle from Beauty and the Beast.  Trying to come up with new ideas for a look inspired by Belle is not the easiest thing to do.  When I think of Belle, I think yellow and brown.  How many ways are there to wear yellow and brown?  I've seen some looks inspired by her before, check out Kassie's look, and honestly,  if I were to do a look without having already seen hers, I think mine would look a lot like hers.  So I did my best to come up with something at least a little bit different!

And my inspiration

I wanted this look to be mainly gold, but a yellow gold so you could still tell who it was inspired by.  I also wanted to tie in the brown (from her hair) somewhere besides the crease so I put it under my eye.

What I used:

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil "Milk"
a layer of Sugarpill's "Buttercupcake" on lid to make the gold more yellow-y
L'oreal HIP Pigment "Visionary" over the yellow
MUG "Gold Digger" shadow
MUG "Bleached Blonde" shadow
MUG "Yellow Brick Road" shadow under highlight color
MUG "Ice Queen" shadow as a highlight
NYX glitter liner "Gold"
MUG "Brown Sugar" shadow (bronze color under my eye)
MUG "Corrupt" shadow applied wet as a liner

ELF Blush/bronzer duo to contour
NYX "Angel" blush
Philosophy "The Color of Grace" shimmering face powder to highlight (this stuff is really really awesome when applied with a stippling brush, it just has an amazing glowy effect, thank you so much Heather Crazy Beautiful Makeup for sending this to me!!)

Revlon Colorburst lipstick "Soft Nude"
ELF Liquid Lipstick "Perfect Pink" (thank you, Heather, for this too!)

And that's my look for today!  I hope you all are doing well (and staying healthy!) and I hope you have an amazing rest of your week!! Thank you all so much!!!

And a little song to finish up the post!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Zazu (from the Lion King) Inspired Makeup!

I love Disney movies.  They're so full of color and inspiration.  I was watching the Lion King with my family and like every scene all I could think was, "Wow, those colors are so pretty together!  I wonder how I could make it translate to makeup."  So I decided to go with a look inspired by Zazu ("that's Mr. Banana Beak to you!" haha).

What I used:
Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
NYX JEP "Milk"
MUG "White Lies" shadow
Sugarpill "Buttercupcake"
Sugarpill "Flamepoint"
A navy and light blue from my 88 palette
MAC Blacktrack fluidline
Revlon Photoready 3D Volume Mascara "Blackest Black"

Revlon Colorstay Foundation "Sand Beige"
L'oreal True Match Liquid Foundation "N2"
Maybelline Super Stay 24/7 Concealer "Cream"
Maybelline Dark Circle Eraser "Fair"
Covergirl Professional Loose Powder "Translucent Fair"
ELF Studio Blush/Brozer
NYX "Peach" blush

MAC "In Synch" lipliner
Cargo "Aruba" long-wearing lipgloss

I swear it looks better in person.  I've been awful lately at getting good pictures of my makeup.  I did a few looks this past week but I got bad pictures so I've been debating on whether or not to post them.  Maybe I'll do a big post of all of my "bad picture" looks haha.

Check out the amazing color combo options throughout this song!

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!  Thanks, as always, for checking this out!  I appreciate you all so much!!  Thank you!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Inspired by Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory!

I know this is weird inspiration but I was watching The Big Bang Theory a few weeks ago (hilarious!  If you haven't watched it ever, you should) and if you've ever checked out Sheldon's outfits, he almost always wears some colorful t-shirt with a contrasting long sleeved t-shirt underneath (unless he's wearing some crazy plaid suit haha).  On this episode, he had on his Flash shirt with a green shirt underneath and I thought, 'I love those colors together.  I should do makeup like that!'  So that's what I've done today haha.

This is the best picture I could find of the outfit

And here's my look inspired by Sheldon's outfit!

I've been wearing so many neutrals lately that this was fun to do.  I've never tried doing a colorful liner like this before but I like the effect.

What I used (from lashline up to brow bone):
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
A green from my 88 palette
NYX Ultra Pearl Mania "Yellow" foiled on lid
Makeup Geek (MUG) "Cocoa Bear" in crease
Sugarpill "Love +" (red)
Sugarpill "Flamepoint" (orange) to make the red look more red and less pink
MUG "Yellow Brick Road"
MUG "White Lies"

Liner: L'oreal Lineur Intense Liquid Liner "Carbon Black"
Mascara: L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black

Here are a few clips of Sheldon.  He's hilarious.

That's enough for now haha.

I hope you guys are all doing well!  I've been trying to go through and catch up a little on the blog posts I've been missing out on!  I hope you guys like this look!  Thank you so much for hanging in there with me!!  You guys really are the best!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's a Poison Plum kind of day!

I was thinking about what kind of look to do and realized how seldom I've used Sugarpill's Poison Plum from their Burning Hearts quad so I wanted to do something with that.

Also, I usually edit my pictures on, which unfortunately is closing on April 19th so I knew I'd need a new way to edit my pictures so I downloaded a free trial of Photoshop.  I am really really really not good with computers.  So to edit my pictures today I followed, step by step, Meredith Jessica's photoshop tutorial.  I think they came out really well.  My eyes look so bright!  Generally when I'm editing my pictures, I edit the contrast so my black looks black like it does in person and every once in a while I'll edit the color temperature depending on my lighting.  Sometimes I slightly alter colors, but that's just to make them appear in my picture the way it does in real life.  So this was my first attempt at photoshop!!  Here's my look!

Here it is unedited, just so you can see the difference

Just a simple purple smokey eye!

What I used:
Lime Crime's Eyeshadow Helper
Sugarpill's Poison Plum
Urban Decay "Naked"
Urban Decay "Virgin" (both shadows from the Naked palette.  I told you I use this thing all the time!)
Bobbi Brown gel liner "Black Ink"
NYX "Black" shadow
L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black mascara

Lime Crime "Coquette" lipstick
Revlon "Cupcake" lip butter

I had asked Meredith Jessica, Dawn, and Ronnie what they suggested I use to edit pictures and they all said photoshop haha.  Meredith Jessica kindly edited two of my pictures for me and they look so beautiful!  Look at these bad boys!  This is how I knew I had to give it a shot!

For this look I used:
Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
NYX JEP "Black Bean"
BFTE "Spellbound"
I can't remember for sure but either "Naked" or "Buck" from the Naked palette (I think it was Buck)
and MAC "Vanilla" pigment to highlight
L'oreal HIP "Black Shock" pencil liner
L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black mascara

Lime Crime "Coquette" lipstick
Revlon "Creamsicle" lip butter

Face Makeup for both looks:
Carmindy for Sally Hansen Your Skin foundation "Porcelain"
Neutrogena Healthy Skin foundation "Buff"
Maybelline Dark Circle Eraser "Fair"
Maybelline Super Stay 24/7 Concealer (2nd to lightest color)
Covergirl Professional loose powder "Translucent Fair"
ELF studio blush/bronzer duo
NYX "Peach" powder blush

So those are my looks for today!  I hope you like them as much as I do!  I hope you all have an incredible week!!  Thanks guys!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Alter Ego!

Natalie from Urbanely Decayed asked me to be part of a collaboration of a few blogs where we'd showcase our alter egos.  She posted mine yesterday.  Here's a glimpse of what it looks like
To see more pictures and an explanation, head over to Natalie's blog to check it out!!

Kassie from Unique Desire has already posted her alter ego look on there and I can't wait to see what the other talented ladies involved have in store for us!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Purple and Orange Cut Crease Look using Sugarpill

I did this look yesterday because I've been trying to come up with some more ways to use the Burning Heart quad from Sugarpill.  I really love the way orange and purple look together so I figured I'd give this look a go.  It's just a cut crease using the orange on the lid and the purple on the crease, but then I blended the purple back up into the orange.  So here are the pictures!

Again, with this type of look, I feel like I should be at a sporting event haha.

The white is Inglot DS 496 and I used some of NYX black eyeshadow as well.  The orange is Sugarpill's "Flamepoint" and the purple is their "Poison Plum."

I get so bummed when it's cloudy outside because I feel like my pictures just don't come out as well when I have to use my flash.  I don't know.  Oh well, I guess this is how they're going to look until it's spring!

And please please please, if you haven't voted for Meredith Jessica's look on makeupbee, please head over there and do that!  She's only about 25 votes from first and she's doing a MASSIVE GIVEAWAY! if she wins, but you'll have to have voted for her to be able to participate (the rules are on the giveaway link)! 

I mean, why wouldn't you want this gorgeous look to win?  Let alone get yourself a chance to win a $250 shopping spree at Sephora!?!
So please vote!!!  The contest ends on January 2nd!

Thank you all so much for checking this out!!!  I hope you all have a great week!  And a safe New Year's Eve!  I don't know if you've heard or not but AAA is providing free transportation and towing on New Year's Eve between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. New Year's Day for anyone who's had a little alcohol so nobody has to drive or get in the car with someone who's been drinking!  It's totally free (the first 10 miles) so if you've had a drink on New Year's Eve call 1-800-400-4AAA and they will get you home safely!  There is no excuse to drink and drive!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reptile Series: Malaysian Coral Snake Inspired

So today my look is based on this really beautiful, unique snake called a Malaysian Coral Snake.  We have coral snakes here in the United States but they don't look anything like this.  And while I think my look turned out ok, I think it definitely looks more like a fish than a snake haha.  Oh well.  So here's the snake:

I really wanted to do something with orange on the inner corner and outer corner of my eye since its head and tail are orange.  So here's what I did:

And I know you can't see the colors in this picture, but I like it in black and white haha
I really wish it read more snake than fish but what can ya do?  It's not my favorite look but it's not the worst look I've ever done either.  I think looks don't turn out as well when I take them so literally, I do better when I just take the colors and go with it.

What I used:
NYX "milk" JEP
Sugarpill's "Flamepot" (orange)
NYX "Black" shadow
88 palette:
navy blue
periwinkle color
Ben Nye's "Cosmic Blue" pigment
MAC "Sea & Sky" mineralize duo (the sky side)
TIGI Bed Head "white" shadow 
MAC Blacktrack fluidline
L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black mascara

Whenever I do looks that are dramatic and a little different like this one, I feel like I should be going to a sporting event.  I would most definitely wear this to a New York Knick's basketball game (not that I'll be going to one any time soon haha).  
Shoutout to my home state!  Holla!
I feel like you can wear really bold colors to sporting games and people won't think you're a lunatic like when you wear a look like this to the grocery store.  Oh well.

On a side note, the second place winner from my giveaway never got back to me and it's been 48 hours so I'm moving on to the next person, which is KristaDior.  I will be sending you an e-mail and you have 48 hours to respond or I will move on to the next person and so on.

Also, if you haven't voted on Makeupbee's contest yet, please do.  It only takes a minute, you can link your facebook page to Makeupbee and click the little "like" button and the prize is HUGE!  So please vote for my looks on there!

Of course I want to win but I think it's a longshot (technically, I'm in 4th place since a person can't win more than once, but I'm like 230 votes from 1st).  However, Ronnie and Meredith Jessica are right there so their looks really need your votes too so hopefully they can place 1st and 2nd.  So PLEASE vote for them!

If I'm gonna lose, please let me lose to looks I really like!!!  Thank you guys so much!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Very quick post with my Candy Cane cut crease look!

I did this insane makeup today haha.  I completely feel like an elf or a Christmas stocking or something.  But at the same point in time, there's something I really like about it!  So here is the look I did!

Isn't it crazy haha?

What I used:
NYX JEP "milk"
NYX "Black" shadow
NYX "white" shadow
Sugarpill's Love+ Shadow
Calypso Mineral's "Envy" matte pigment
Calypso Minerals "Sublime" matte pigment
L'oreal Carbon Black Lineur Intense
Maybelline the falsies Volum' Express 
Kat Von D false lashes

Revlon Colorstay "Red" lipliner
NYX "Amersterdam" soft matte lip cream

It took me a while to do and when I open my eyes, the stripes like to blend together a little bit.  Oh well.  So now I'm going to walk around like this today haha.  This should be interesting.  I really don't like it when people look at me, it makes me very uncomfortable.  I definitely think this is a fun look, and after a few days of wearing just neutral colors, this is quite a welcomed change.  

I hope you guys like this look!  I entered this one in the makeupbee contest as well, the link is RIGHT HERE, if you'd be willing to vote for me!  

And my Calypso Minerals giveaway is ending on Monday night so make sure you ENTER HERE!!  Thank you all so much for your support!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just a quick "Burning Heart" sunset look

When I got Sugarpill's "Burning Heart" quad, the first thing that popped out at me was to do purple on my lid and fade up into red into orange into yellow but I kinda thought that was to be expected.  Well today I wanted to do something colorful but didn't want to really think about so that's what I did.

Here's the look

It's so bright haha.  But I got a ton of compliments on it (I mean, it does help that I went to Sephora wearing it haha).  It gave me a heck of a time trying to get the colors to blend nicely.  I kept getting too much of one color and it was driving me insane haha.

What I used:
Sugarpill "Burning Heart" quad (all colors)
Inglot 393 P (highlight)
MAC Blacktrack fluidline
NYX "Black" shadow
Maybelline the falsies volum' express mascara

MAC "Myth" lipstick 
Buxom lipgloss "Debbie"

That's really all I have for today!  Just a really quick post showing you my makeup.

Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway, it ends on Monday at 10:00p.m. (EST)!  You can check that out here!

And if you could, please check out my entry in the Makeupbee contest and "like" it.  Currently I'm in 5th (with Ronnie being in 2nd and 4th haha and Meredith Jessica is in 3rd).  The grand prize is a $500 gift certificate to Sephora and it would be amazing to be able to get all of the foundations I need to start freelancing!  You can check that out by clicking HERE!!  Your support means so much to me!  Thank you so much guys!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Geisha Inspired Makeup!

One day while waiting for our children to get off their buses, my neighbor and I were talking a little bit and she said she'd seen this video showing modern Geisha makeup and she loved it.  Now Geisha makeup isn't something I'd ever considered doing.  It scares me a little haha.  But I watched the tutorial she sent me which you can watch here!  I thought it was neat and just was trying to figure out a time when I could wear it without feeling completely nutso haha.

So today is that day.  I was very influenced by that YouTube video but I also googled "Geisha makeup" and took bits of inspiration from pictures I saw there too.  So here's my look!

It's soooo different for me!!  Which is good.

I did use a foundation that it way too light for my skin (which you can really see in the last picture!) to lighten but not white out my face.  

NYX JEP "milk"
Inglot 403 P (yellow gold) shadow
Sugarpill's Love+ (red) shadow on eyes, cheeks, forehead, and a little in eyebrows
NYX "white" shadow
Revlon Colorstay/ Wet 'n Wild black liquid liners mixed
a set of Halloween lashes for top and some random ones for the lower lashes

NYX "Amsterdam" soft matte lip cream

This was fun to do.  I definitely like trying different things but my problem is wearing them out.  Who wants to do makeup and then just wash it off??  That's no fun. 

I hope you like this (especially you, Carrie!). Haha I feel like a crazy person with the bottom lashes since they're not actually near my natural lashes so it feels VERY strange!  I hope you all enjoy your Sunday!!!  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bright look using Sugarpill "Burning Heart" quad

I still wanted to play around with my new Sugarpill quad that I won from the Makeup Geek challenge so I really wanted to do something where I started with yellow on the lid and ended with yellow again by the brow so here's the look I came up with!

my eyes look huge in this picture haha

I know most of you have probably already seen swatches of this palette but I did some just in case you haven't seen them (over NYX JEP "milk")
I did 4 circles with my finger around each pan of eyeshadow so I'd have a fair representation of the payoff you get with equal effort.  The yellow is the most disappointing.  It's not bad if you pack it on (like I did in my look) but it's not super opaque without packing it on.

When I got done with my look I asked my husband what he thought and he said, "crazy" and I said, "if you just use this palette, it's going to be hard to come up with a look that isn't 'crazy'" because the colors are sooo bright!  But I did my best to make it a bright, wearable look haha.  

What I used:
NYX JEP "milk"
the red, orange, and yellow from the palette
NYX "white" shadow as a highlight
MAC "Vanilla" pigment on inner corners
Revlon and Wet 'n Wild black liquid liners mixed
(I do this because my Revlon isn't black enough and the Wet 'n Wild is too thick)
and L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black mascara

I hope you guys like this!  I thought it was a bit "whoa" but my daughter told me like 10 times how much she loved my makeup so that made me happy!  I hope you're having a great weekend!!  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quick post... a "black raspberry" look

This is gonna be a really quick post today.  I used my new Sugarpill "Burning Heart" quad (again, just two colors haha) and did this smokey eye the other day.  I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out.  So here's the look!

What I used:
Too Faced Shadow Insurance
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil "Black Bean"
Sugarpill "Poison Plum"
Sugarpill "Love+"
MAC "Vanilla" pigment as highlight
a little bit of NYX "Black" shadow
MAC Blacktrack fluidline
L'oreal Voluminous Carbon Black mascara

Revlon Colorstay for Oily/Combination skin in "Buff" and "Sand Beige" mixed
Maybelline Eraser Treatment "Fair"
Maybelline Super Stay 24/7 concealer
Covergirl professional loose powder in "translucent fair"
ELF blush/bronzer duo
NYX "peach" blush
MAC "Vanilla" pigment as cheek highlight

MAC "myth" lipstick
MAC "Right Image" cremesheen glass

I think this is a super fun look, I love the colors together (obviously so do they or they wouldn't have put them in a palette together haha).  And today I got a bunch of new makeup that I ordered from an Etsy store (my first time ordering from there!) called Calypso minerals, I swatched some of what I got, I'll show you more in another post but here are those over NYX JEP "milk"
They're matte loose pigments (which is not an easy thing to come across!)!  And they're gorgeous!  But I'll definitely be showing you more of them soon!  I just got so excited that I ripped open my package and started swatching stuff haha.  I hope you all are having a great week!