Afternoon, world!
Some of you reading this might be checking out this food blog o' mine for the first time. If you're one of them, here's a warm welcome and a cuppa hot chocolate and warm scone for you. It's virtual though, so I don't think you can taste it. Just imagine for now, ya? :0)
Yes, you read what I said in The Sunday Times interview - from that Cedele Depot blueberry almond slice I could eat for the rest of my life, to my last meal (Dad's ayam buah keluak, durians, warm scones, a kickass tiramisu and a cuppa hot chocolate!) and my ambition to be the Nigella Lawson or Jamie Oliver of Singapore.
You can say I have big dreams! Indeed, there are plenty of castles in the clouds for me right now.
But first up, let me just thank all of you beloved readers - past and present. Thank you for all your support since this lil' blog started in 2005. For those who've been buying my baked goods, thank you for trusting me! hahaa....
And while I'm at it, I might as well plug my July Bake Sale. I'm consolidating all orders and you can collect them in July.
Everything will be revealed later tonight in another post! Still finalising details :)
Stay tuned ya'll!