Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cat Logic

Cat logic:

Empty, fluffy, comfy cat pillow in front of the vent....
Pile of floorboards from kitchen reno, vacuum, plant stand and reciprocating saw in front of the vent.  Clearly this is the better and more comfortable option for getting warm.

Or perhaps here, where she will absorb the heat full blast and come away smelling burnt, while also sitting on the hard wood floor instead of the comfy cushion.

Sisters. At least the younger one knows what the cushion is for.

What do your pets do that defy logic?  Or defy human logic, at least?

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Art of the Brick

This weekend we went to the Franklin Institute for a special exhibit called The Art of the Brick, an artist's rendering of paintings and sculptures done completely in legos. I know what you're thinking-isn't that just for kids?-but nay, my friends. It's for creatives of all ages, and not so creatives but super smart engineer boyfriends who watch shows like "How it's Made" and "How'd They Do That," inquisitor buildy types. Plus, inquisitor buildy engineer type boyfriends most definitely played with legos as kids. So, win win all over the place.

nathan lego art
The artist. You are so right, Nathan. I'm going to add art made from sounds (ie music, cuz that's art, too).
 Legos, all of it. The floor, the table, the drawers.
Whoa. Dinosaur got a room all too himself.  Doesn't this look like you're in a Natural History Museum or something? You could say this was bones, and i'd believe you.

sculpture art legos
 This Moai sculpture was made of 75,450 bricks. The artist said it was one of the largest, taking months to complete. Crazy how rectangles can make the curve of the chin.

This was an original creation, titled Grasp, and was life size. All of the original pieces had an explanation or positive words, which was a nice touch.

The art reproductions were some of my favorites, as you can compare it to the original.
This pixelated Mona Lisa used 4,573 legos to create.

I forget what this was titled, but it looks awesome. Something about how creativity is inside us all, i think.

The scream! Some of the art pieces were dimensional, like this, American Gothic and Whistler's Mother.

So crazy, i can't even imagine making this actually work out.

The Kiss, by Gustav Klimt, was one of my favorites, too. So perfect to the painting, and this was dimensional and life size.
The Swimmer too 15 days to complete and used over 10,980 pieces.

The Wave.
lego art the wave

Ok, i know it's just a towel, but that DRAPE is killer. How does that even happen!!??
 Tree huggers.

The Venus De Milo, also life size, and used 18, 483 pieces of legos.

Which are your favorites?  Ever seen sculptures in a unique medium? I'd love to see those giant butter carvings, but i'd settle for a fabulous sand castle display.

sharing is caring: Currently @ Dearest Love, Random Wednesday @ Because Shanna Said So, sharing is caring: , thrifty treasures @ southern hospitality, travel photo mondays @ travel photo discovery,   , Monthly projects @ Evolution of Style   inspire me mondays t @ domestically speaking,   Before and After @ Thrifty Decor Chick,    Mod Vintage Life, Motivate Me Mon @Keeping it Simple, persia lou,  home stories a-z, nifty thrifty @ Coastal Charm, be inspired @ elizabeth and co, the scoop @ stone gable,  inspire me tues, lil luna, you're gonna love it @ kimsixfix, get your craft on, sugar bee crafts. your designs this time, inspire me weds @ 733, wow us weds @ savvy southern style,  twirl and take a bow @ house on the way, work it weds @ the blissful bee, outdoor weds @ a southern daydreamer, whimsy wednesday, wicked awesome weds @ handy man, crafty woman, look what i made,  whatever goes weds @ someday crafts, think and make @ houseologie, charm of home, link party palooza @ tatertots and jello, Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring, open house @ no minimalist here, creativity unleashed @ shaken together,inspiration gallery @ Craftberry Bush, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, my romantic home, jennifer rizzo, Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity nowfurniture fridays @ mustard seed, Feathered Nest @ French Country Cottage, design it fridays @ finding fabulous, best diy @ 36th ave, overflowing w/ creativity @ it's overflowing, nifty thrifty sundays, under the table and dreaming. inspire me please @ liz marie blog,sunday best @ the girl creative  shaken together,

Monday, December 15, 2014

The best things

No gift guide, no decorations, just these 2 things. The best things. The loves of my life.

A sideways rub or a head nudge speaks so loudly to me. How do your animals communicate with you?

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Have mercy, how on earth is it October? And don't you feel like we're all asking this question so often now? Like, how is the summer already over? How is it October? How is it the holidays are so close? By the way, no one talk to me about the holidays yet...although I've seen a few posts about them in link parties and will not so much as glance in their Santa direction. How is it that people are posting about the holidays already? While we're asking random questions, how is it that i will be 35 in a few weeks? Holy smokes, 35.  The next box. In the checking of boxes, the next box is 35 and older. How is it that I will soon be checking that next box?  Time is totally flying faster than ever before.

Speaking of flying, I will be turning 35 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Surely that takes the sting out, a bit.  Also, i want to buy myself something fancy, but what?

This is most likely the one excursion we are going to, the Marieta Islands, which is a hidden beach made from bomb testing in the 1900s. You can only gain entry from either jumping in from the top (not recommended) or swimming into it from a "short tunnel carved from sea by the ocean side and into the crater." That sounds a little scary, i'm not a good swimmer, but when else do you get to see something like this???

Smelling:  Mulled Cider candle from Walmart. Their brand of candles were recommended to me, and they are so fragrant.
Loving:  My cats. I can't get enough of them, especially when i am going on vacation. I just try to soak up as much time with them as possible.
Planning:  Um, vacation? Right now the planning is focused just on clothing to bring. Luckily, this seems to be simpler than our last two trips and i am determined to get everything in the smaller carry-on suitcase.
Baking:  The weeks leading up to a vacation are freeing, don't you think? It's the only time i don't look at the food circulars, because instead of buying more food I'm looking to use what i have on hand in case something happens to the fridge or power or something.
Celebrating:  I mean, did somebody say 35 or what?!?!

 Any tips on PV? We are staying in the Bay of Banderas, about 20 minutes from downtown, so i was told to put Sayulito on my must see list.What else?!?!

Participating in Currently @ Dearest Love, Random Wednesday @ Because Shanna Said So

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer bathroom decor

Can you believe it is almost August?  Where on earth did the summer go?  I, for one, am thrilled to be so close to Fall and a certain little holiday called Halloween.  My cousin posted on facebook that there are 99 days until Halloween.  Pretty soon, fall decorations, outfits, and porches will be de rigueur on blogs and pinterest and i can't wait!

But if you (crazy person) are still hanging onto summer and want to inject a little summer style into all the rooms of your home, look no further for inspiration than  Their animated video shows tips on bringing some summer touches into your bathroom, with my favorite tip being the addition of greens and plants.  As you know from my living room plant collection, i'm really into greens this time of year.  A snake plant is a no fail plant, and can withstand the shade if your bathroom doesn't have a window.  Since our hall bath no longer has the window (it's now the sunroom shelving niche) this would be a change i can easily make.


What about you?  Can you see yourself incorporating any of those ideas into your home?  Do you already make summer changes to your bathroom?  And be honest, who else is happy over the Halloween count down.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dos Kitties

This cat is hilarious. She reminds of those Dos Equis commercials, so this seemed only fitting. Enjoy.

I call her my little snow tiger, not only because she's striped and grey, but because she is a wild maniac.  A full on stalker, slinker, and predator in the guise of a tiny headed innocent looking kitten.  She bites, she hisses, she attacks my poor other cat, Sunday.  She doesn't jump, like most cats.  Instead she attaches and scratches.  Pity the fool who is oh, i don't know, innocently washing dishes, and this little beast attaches itself to you from behind.  Let me tell you, it is 1) startling and 2) painful.  She'll start at the legs, and walk her way up your back, digging her nails in, then detach as quickly as she attached, leaving you perplexed and in pain. 

But, you know, look how cute she is. 

Just an aside-that wool carpet isn't dirty, it's just leaving its wool business everywhere. And there's also many parts where Sunday has unlooped the looped that she's so interested in scratching it, and not this device here for that purpose....and that disgusting tea bag toy is Sunday's favorite thing.  So as gross as it looks, i can't throw it out.  You know how it is.

What would these captions say if these were your pets? 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Gorgeous gray girls and random crazies

This morning I was doing my time sheets for work, which are in 2 week increments.  I can't believe that on the next sheet, the second week's dates began with "12".  Ca-ray-zee.  So Chanukah is super early this year, like next Wednesday, day before Thanksgiving early.  Ca-ray-zee. 

Some gratuitous shots of gorgeousness right here striking the same pose.  Ca-ray-zee.

Super close to each other.  Ca-ray-zee.

Even if one of them is actually crazy.

Like eating the scratching post, toilet paper, and paper towels crazy.

And even if the other one eats tissues crazy.

I can't even take it.

So ca-ray-zee thankful for these babies. 

Loves of my life.

What are some of your thankfuls this year?  Any crazies you want to add?  Will you be putting cranberry sauce on your latkes, too?  That doesn't actually sound that bad....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wrapped around my fingers

Just saw this on yahoo, and thought it was too interesting not to share.  The artist known as Il Dito, or Dito Von Tease (not to be confused with retro goth gal Dita Von Teese) creates these finger portraits with a little digital assistance.  Here are some of my favorites, but check out the whole article here.


i pity the fool who don't like my finger!


i wanna finger paint all ni-igh-ight!


Some chianti, fava beans, and f-f-f-fingers, Clarice.


Now, is that Steve Jobs, or Ashton Kutcher's finger playing Steve Jobs.

Aren't those amusing?  Check out the others, and let me know which one you like best. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Introducing Miss Lily

Aka...Lilliputian...our (maybe) tiny new kitty.  I say maybe because we are testing it out to see how well little miss lily and my Sunday girl get along.

 lily, day 2 with family

S's brother in law found this sweet kitty after his parents asked him to figure out what was meowing for 2 straight days under their house.  Armed with elbow length gloves for protection in case it was a feral adult cat or something, he pulled this tiny girl out with no problem.  She was covered in fleas, so after a call to a vet he dipped her in Joy detergent (which worked wonders!) and then the talk began of who would have her. 

lily, day 4, and Ricky, my dog nephew, and one of the reasons they can't keep the kitten

S and i were not contemplating adding to our household, but when his sister said she couldn't take the cat because of her allergies, it was something that, after spending time with Lily, we were both becoming open to.  S's niece had also been begging for a cat, and so for the week it was very much back and forth, with me being super disappointed they were keeping her, then to feeling like it will be better for Sunday this way, and then back to seriously considering her since his sister was now adamant they couldn't keep her.

week 1 with family

We know not about caring for kittens, as we got Sunday when she was 3 years old.  The official ruling is that Lily is 6 weeks old.  We will have to keep her in a crate during the day, with her own litter box, which i hope will transition when she's older to using the one upstairs, b/c at this stage she can't climb the stairs. 

Tiny little thing.

The test run will be this week, starting tonight, and i'm hoping Sunday's dental cleaning (they knock her out) will mean a more relaxed meeting with the kitten as she's recovering.  I'll keep you posted, my friends.

our niece with her pretty pretty princess

Are there any kitten tips or suggestions you have for me?  What about introducing a kitten to an adult cat?