Showing posts with label homegoods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homegoods. Show all posts

Monday, April 21, 2014

Step away from the living room-another redo.

People, i am back from France and itching to show you pictures but my computer is not cooperating.  We're gonna work off what we have saved, and that is the current state of the living room.  So without further adieu-


Now that is one debrownified turned deblue-ified collected looking living room if i ever did see.

 brown couch, blue poof, gold pillow

 And that is one de-slipcovered, leg showing accent chair working fabulously alongside the plant happy hall table.

And that is one texturelicious tray up on that there wall, with those ikat damask (designy words!) curtain panels who are doing their part to de-tan those tan walls without lifting a paintbrush.

Not that this was so bad...but ignoring the big blue wall wasn't working out that well.  But ignore it i did try, with the gray curtains and the non blue having rug.  Certainly brightened things up, at the very least.  Ten points if you spot Sunday.
It was still too cool in here, with those light blue pillows and ottoman that i assumed were necessary to live with the blue wall and make it a little less random.

Seriously. so. much. better.

Matchy, but like a collected matchy. 

 Another bout of textureliciousness with the only unkillable plant i know.

That is why one must have it in multiples.

I'm finding the blue wall is less bothersome without the slip cover on the chair.  That tv stand is a continued thorn in my side.  Stay tuned for an update on that.

Ah, the important things in life.  Travel, music, and home decorating.  Also, reading, because: Books!

Who knew the key to making this work was golds and more vibrant blue?

Not me, i guess that one's obvious.  Would never have thought the key to ignoring the blue wall was to bring in a deeper blue.

I love how although the pouf is not leather, it mimics the look of the leather ones with the stitching. And the size of that pouf is gigantic, allowing it to masquerade as a coffee table.

I can not even tell you how much i am loving this "new" space, and i seriously think (aside from the tv stand and minor accessorizing) that it is done.  Emily Henderson-esque, styled up pretty, done.  Step away from the living room.

sources-rug:rugsusa/ ottoman:amazon/ pillow cover: alexandra foster c/o house of turquoise/ curtains and pillows:homegoods

sharing is caring: Monthly projects @ Evolution of Style Make it Pretty Mon @ Dedicated House Throwback Thursday @ Sweet Pea, inspire me mondays and power of paint @ domestically speaking, inspire me mondays @ , Places I've Been @ The Tablescaper,  Before and After @ Thrifty Decor Chick,   Sundays @ Suburbs Mama  Mod Vintage Life, Motivate Me Mon @Keeping it Simple give me the goods @ rain on a tin roof, home stories a-z, nifty thrifty @ Coastal Charm, be inspired @ elizabeth and co, the scoop @ stone gable,  inspire me tues, lil luna, get your craft on, sugar bee crafts. inspire me weds @ 733, wow us weds @ savvy southern style,  work it weds @ the blissful bee, outdoor weds @ a southern daydreamer, whimsy wednesday, wicked awesome weds @ handy man, crafty woman,  whatever goes weds @ someday crafts charm of home,  open house @ no minimalist here, link party palooza @ tatertots and jello, Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring, open house @ no minimalist here, creativity unleashed @ shaken together,creative connection @ making home base,  inspiration gallery @ Craftberry Bush, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, my romantic home, jennifer rizzo, Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity nowfurniture fridays @ mustard seed, Feathered Nest @ French Country Cottage, design it fridays @ finding fabulous, best diy @ 36th ave, thrifty things fri @ the thrifty grooveoverflowing w/ creativity @ it's overflowing, nifty thrifty sundays, under the table and dreaming. inspire me please @ liz marie blog,sunday best @ the girl creative  shaken together, seasonal sundays @ the tablescaper,   sunday soiree @ craftomaniac

Monday, March 19, 2012

Can faux fly?

Look at these pretty pictures...notice something that they all have in common??
simply grove

Yep, house plants.  Greens, to be exact.  Greens on the floor.  I crave me some greens in spring, yet
don't think it's wisest with my rather curious animal.

From other bloggers to the check out woman at HG (homegoods), people have been telling me their cats don't bother their plants.  Really?  I think in the past i've given my cat too much credit- i would assume if there's a comfy couch or a padded blanket, atop a pile of books would the last place she'd want to sit.  Or, i don't know, if there's an entire sunroom with windows a plenty and glass door with unobstructed view, i wouldn't walk in the kitchen to find her on the counter, smooshed behind the kitchen faucet in order to look out the window behind the sink. 

Forgive me for not believing she would have the sense to avoid a toxic plant.  Some that are toxic don't even have to be eaten, just rubbed against.  This cat rubs and gives everything the once over-we don't call her the inspector for nothing.  She doesn't bother the plants that i do have (that i know of), but why take that chance?  I would imagine yours are inspecting your belongings more than you'd think. 

Armed with my 25 page print out from the SPCA on toxic house plants, there were confusing discrepancies at Home Depot.  Either i have to go to a nursery or find a good fake one.  And you guys-i did, i went for a fake one.  Oh, please, pleeeeeeeeaaaaase tell me it looks real. 

It was on super clearance at HG, looking totally sad and lonely and on the brink of death with 2 leaves detached.  Nothing hot glue can't fix.  I actually think the "on the brink of death" look is helping with the realness factor.

Plopped that whole thing in another pot, which gives it believability.  Or so i think.  And hope.

Clearance lifelike plant (HG)-18.00
Pot (HG)-10.00
Something i can't kill and won't harm the cat-priceless

Do you have any faux greens in your home?  Where'd you find them?  Because maybe i need more....

Motivate Me Mon @ Keeping it Simple, , Making the World Cuter @ Making the World Cuter, DIY Project Parade @ DIY Showoff, Met Monday, overflowing w/ creativity @ it's overflowing, nifty thrifty tuesdays @ coastal charm Tuesdays Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, be inspired @ elizabeth and co, Show and Tell @ Blue Cricket Design, sugar and spice @ 733, wicked awesome weds @ handy man, crafty woman winter blues @ diy by design, whatever goes weds @ someday crafts, wow us weds @  savvy southern style, Transformation Thurs @ The Shabby Creek Cottage, 100 and Under @ Beyond the Picket Fence, Strut Your Stuff @ Somewhat Simple, hooking up @ house of hepworths, Share Awesomeness Thur @ The 36th Avenue, open house @ no minimalist here, share awesomeness @ 36th ave, Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest, feature yourself fri @ Fingerprints on the fridge, Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity now, Catch as Catch Can @ My Repurposed Life, Feathered Nest @ French Country Cottage, Addicts Anonymous @ A2D, frugalicious friday @ finding fabulous, refresh your nest @ making lemonade, show and tell fri @ my romantic home, free for all @ 5days5ways, home sweet home @ charm of home

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mo' Mecca, No Problems.

About two weeks ago i got an email from a HomeGoods representative saying they would like to offer me a small token of thanks for supporting HomeGoods this year.  Well, support HG i do-it is my mecca after all- so i hesitantly gave them my home address, and wrote that i hope they aren't a creepy stalker.

When i didn't receive anything, i chalked it up to creepy stalker status.  Crap, but what can i do about it?  Thankfully, a Valentine's miracle occurred and this came in the mail from the fantastic folks at HomeGoods.

What a sweet card!  And what a pretty gift card!  I was not expecting this kind of token of appreciation....

I plucked off the gift card and flipped it over to see if there was a number to call to get the amount, not noticing what was written in its place....

Holy flippin' moly!  That's craziness!

I had seen this wonderful flowerpot that i wanted, but it was a definite want, not need.  You know how things go at mecca-you snooze, you lose-but it was there when i went back!  Hurrah!  Now i'll get warm HomeGoods fuzzies when i set it outside every spring.  Isn't it gorgeous?!? And i still have some gift cash left over for something else.

S jokingly asks me if we are making money yet on the blog-he's a very practical sort of guy who doesn't completely get blogging.  This time when he asked, I said no, no money...but we are definitely seeing some perks!  Thank you, HomeGoods, for being aware of me and this blog.  I truly, truly appreciate it!

Anybody else give in to a recent want, not need?  How about the money making part of it all...?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Very Fancypants Tablescape

This may very well be the chicest thing i've ever done.  Chic and sophisticated, timeless and classy.  And dubbed by the boyfriend, fancypants.  Not to worry, that's a good thing.  It means my goal is achieved, and he sees it too.  Love when others appreciate your vision, right?

I wanted it to feel holiday-ish without being 100% clear what that holiday was.  This could go for Christmas, Chanukah, New Years, or really anything during winter, no?  The runner was not meant for this room when i got it (on clearance, HG) but i think it sets the winter white tone. Usually the accent color is red, so i wasn't quite sure this would work out.

You drink out of seasonal glasses, I'm sure.  I was thrilled to find this, but disappointed there was only one.  (HG)

The candlesticks were either thrifted or from the dollar store, the candles themselves were never utilized before (gift from way back) and remembered them at the last minute!  The only new item on the table are these little two toned presents (XMas Tree Shops) that i plopped atop the Spanish moss.

Snowflake napkins (Kohls clearance last year) and napkin rings (winnings) were the inspiration, adding to the two toned look.

What's that, these little presents light up?  A deal and a steal if i ever saw one!

I still thought it needed something, so these snowflakes from the dollar store (from last year) were just thrown into the mix.  Fancypants winter wonderland indeed.

A little extra bling-the blue ornaments in the apothecary jars were actually a garland. When I snipped them off, the remaining bits were just added to the Spanish moss instead of tossed in the trash. Their original destination, i'm ashamed to say. 

I would totally host a soiree dinner party just to eat it in here.  It's amazing that thrifting, dollar stores, and clearance can result in something so pretty.  I loooove it, and hope you do, too!

Monday, September 20, 2010

It's all good at Homegoods

Are these not the perfect addition to my black and white dining room?  i had, repeat, had to have them them.  Not only would they work year round, but how bout with a pumpkin on them for Halloween?  They've actually inspired a new path for my Halloween decorating that you'll have to wait and see.  I hope it works out as nicely as I'm envisioning, especially since i already bought the goodies. 

Because it looks like something we could diy, i wanted to tell you that the base was already glossy black, and the white plate was attached.  All i did was take a cheese dome lid and cross my fingers that it would fit over the large and in charge pine cone! 

Ok, so i bought both of them.  One was priced at 5.00, and one was priced at 7.00.  At the register i inquired about this strange discrepancy, and after huddling and whispering and being satisfied i didn't stick the lower price sticker on myself (well, i never!) they let me buy them both at 5.00.  Woot!  Good thing i scored that second cheese dome for free!  My friend made the center arrangement for my birthday a few years back.  Ain't it cute?

Oh, and that blurry thing in the right corner?

Could not get a shot in once she got up there. Love that she's on the table runner, like she's the next logical step in dining room decorating!

How dramatic she looks!  I was going to say something like, what an inexpensive tabletop display, but then if you count the adoption fee for the cat, it's really not.  Seriously, i crack myself up!

Here's to a great week with cool temps and lots of sun!

Linking with these fantastic parties Countdown to Fall, Fall Fesitval, Fall into Fall, make it for mondaycraft-o-maniac monday, It's a blog party, along for the ride diy showoff, just something i whipped up monday, metamorphosis monday, motivate me monday, making the world cuter, market yourself monday, its so very creative, before and after party, anything related, take a look tuesdaytabletop tuesday transform tuesday, todays creative blog, diy day, show and tell, make it yours day, penny pinching party, sugar and spice, idea sharin wednesday, whatever goes wednesday, look what i made, hooking up with hoh, strut your stuff, transformation thursday, get your craft on, favorite things friday, show and tell friday, show and share day, flaunt it friday, frugalicious friday, be inspired, feature yourself friday, the shabby nest, fun to craft, creative high, fabulous friday finds, everything but the kitchen sink, 100 Ideas under $1oo, show off sunday, sunday showcase party, A Round Tuit, monthly open house, thrifty treasures, nifty thrifty tuesdays, tales from bloggeritaville, crazy cute