Now that is one debrownified turned deblue-ified collected looking living room if i ever did see.
And that is one de-slipcovered, leg showing accent chair working fabulously alongside the plant happy hall table.
And that is one texturelicious tray up on that there wall, with those ikat damask (designy words!) curtain panels who are doing their part to de-tan those tan walls without lifting a paintbrush.
Not that this was so bad...but ignoring the big blue wall wasn't working out that well. But ignore it i did try, with the gray curtains and the non blue having rug. Certainly brightened things up, at the very least. Ten points if you spot Sunday.
It was still too cool in here, with those light blue pillows and ottoman that i assumed were necessary to live with the blue wall and make it a little less random.
Seriously. so. much. better.
Matchy, but like a collected matchy.
Another bout of textureliciousness with the only unkillable plant i know.
That is why one must have it in multiples.
I'm finding the blue wall is less bothersome without the slip cover on the chair. That tv stand is a continued thorn in my side. Stay tuned for an update on that.
Ah, the important things in life. Travel, music, and home decorating. Also, reading, because: Books!
Who knew the key to making this work was golds and more vibrant blue? |
Not me, i guess that one's obvious. Would never have thought the key to ignoring the blue wall was to bring in a deeper blue.
I love how although the pouf is not leather, it mimics the look of the leather ones with the stitching. And the size of that pouf is gigantic, allowing it to masquerade as a coffee table.
I can not even tell you how much i am loving this "new" space, and i seriously think (aside from the tv stand and minor accessorizing) that it is done. Emily Henderson-esque, styled up pretty, done. Step away from the living room.
sources-rug:rugsusa/ ottoman:amazon/ pillow cover: alexandra foster c/o house of turquoise/ curtains and pillows:homegoods
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