Showing posts with label featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label featured. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Friday Thoughts on Wednesday

Well hello there.  How's everyone's week thus far?  Are you having a temporary break in humidity?  We are, and i think it's making me abnormally giddy and upbeat.

We're going to do Friday thoughts today-I've had a lucky week and there's things that need to be said and Friday is sort of up in the air.

1.  Why is Friday up in the air?  Because i am supposed to have jury duty this week!  Gah!  I am very curious about jury duty, actually, and wouldn't mind serving, but we are supposed to spend the day with my dad and (although it isn't even 100% certain) i'm already freaking out and imagining being stuck in a trial instead.  If you're new here, it must be said that i have a tendency to get easily excited, and jump to conclusions, and freak out before events even happen, and just get ahead of myself.

2.  My sickness is back, darn it all!  I don't want to visit with my dad and his compromised immune system if i am sickly. 

3.  Quadruple score-a surprise package from my sweet friend Linda,  a win from Chelsea, a win from Brittany, and a win from Stephenie Lynn.  Feature posts to follow.

4.  Speaking of feature posts...Laura and Andrea from Ever After Blueprint asked me to be a part of their Front Door series.  Please pay their gorgeous blog a visit.

5.  I have rediscovered the forgotten joys of honey roasted sesame sticks.

6.  Hey big money-JC Penney and Pier 1 coupons for $10 off a $10 purchase?  It's like stealing!

7.  A trip to Ocean City Maryland is in the immediate future...any recommendations of places to eat or other must sees?

8.  The sticker giveaway ends tonight!  I wish it could have ran for longer, but jury duty (or the possibility of that) is mucking up the timeline and there are rules i must adhere to involving the giveaway. 

9.  So enter it, for goodness sakes!  It ends tonight at 11pm eastern.  Good=your chances of winning.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So Wonderful, So Marvelous

I'm guest posting at Michelle's fabulous and smart and snarky blog whilst she's on maternity leave.  I list a few like and dislikes...want to see if we share some?  Want to see awesome makeovers, like her son's rockin' big boy room?  Seriously, that's some good gallery wall. 

 Head on over to So Wonderful, So Marvelous!  Tell her i sent ya, and maybe congratulate her on baby number two!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Thoughts

Things that are happening on this wonderful Friday at the cape on the corner:

1.  This afternoon I am guest posting on House of Hepworth's while they are on a month long road trip.  I am jealous of the trip, not the road.  Me in a car for a long time would not go well. 

2.  Spacklers are in the hizouse!  Spackling the basement.  The actual basement.  I must post about's glorious.  And time consuming, which is why there's been like 3 posts relating to this space in over a year.

3.  Spacklers cost a lot of money, especially for people who usually do everything themselves.  We have not hired out for anything on this house except for the cinderblock for the garage.  But these spacklers are going to be done in 2 days which would have taken the boyfriend...yeah, you know, let's not even go there.  Happy thoughts.

4.  I am done work in 3 hours.  I love my agency.

5.  Somewhere, there will be fireworks this weekend.  I don't care where we see them, but we're seeing them.

6.  Also, there will be grilling. 

7.  I am rocking a summer scarf.  I think i'm pulling it off.  Don't tell me if i'm not.  It was only 4.99, thank you boscovs. 

8.  I have discovered Christina Perri, and have been listening to that voice for 3 days straight.  Thank you swagbucks.

9.  My ipod has the second and third Hunger Games on it.  I am prepared for the long weekend.

What's happening in your world today?  Happy 4th, everyone!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Top Ten: Get more bang for your buck

Last week, Lauren from Life Uncluttered invited me to participate in her top 10 series.  I thunk and i thunk about 10 things i even knew about, wondering if there was such a thing.  As a list lover, this is right up my alley.  And as a cheapskate frugal minded person who wants to get the most for their money or their time, i thought the Top Ten Ways To Get More Bang For Your Buck would be a good fit. 

the cape on the corner's top ten ways to get the most bang for your buck

1. Have a love affair with Swagbucks, and work it, work it, work it.  I work it simply.  Install the swagbucks tool bar, and search through it.  Told you, really simple.  It is just one extra step-instead of going directly to a website, you are going to insert that website or search into your sb toolbar, press enter, and magically points will appear.  You don't get points with every search, but you get points A LOT! And with those points you can redeem them for anything listed, but i have chosen Amazon gift codes.  What can't you get from Amazon?  I also do the swagbucks daily poll to earn points, and subscribe to blogs that tell you when a new code is available.  But that's it, and i'm getting rewarded for doing something i do-surfing the internet- countless times a day!

2.  Memolink is my baby.  The boyfriend and I have been members for over 10 years (oh my gosh, how did that happen!) and i talk about this site to everyone.  You buy things online, right?  Get rewarded for it.  Before i make a purchase online-every time-i see if Memolink has the store.  If they do, i go to the store's website via ML, and earn points per dollar.  You know groupon? ML has it. So it looks like this-search ml through swagbucks-buy groupon through ml-earn per dollar for something i was going to buy anyway.  Oh, if only they would have etsy! If i send you a referral link via email, i get bonus points.  You'd like me to have that right?  I know you would...

3. course, clicked through ML at 120 points per dollar, is the best place to score gift certificates for cheap to the listed restaurants.  There are restrictions, like only good certain days of the week, but when they are 90% off and you're getting a $25 gift certificate for $1...i don't mind what the restrictions are.  You can search most cities in the US, so a genius idea i can't take credit for is buying these for your vacation destination or your vacation home since you'll likely be going out to dinner there.

4.  It's my birthday, and i'll get free if i want to.  Friends, i make no bones about signing up for every email list i can get on, if it's going to result in free food for my birthday.  Just went to a new place for dinner last weekend, and hopefully they'll throw something my way when October comes.  My inlaws think this means cheap, i think if the places offer it, why the heck not take advantage??  I'm getting older anyway, why not get something for it?

5.  Netflix is my friend.  Instant netflix is best friend.  I haven't been to the slums they call movie theaters in months.  10 bucks for an entire month of indies and foreigns, or see 1 new mediocre movie.  Yeah, let me ruminate on that....Redbox and Instaflix are also good, and they provide free codes via text and email.  Hey, for a dollar i'll pretty much see anything.  And some are surprisingly good!  Gnomeo and Juliet, anyone?

6.  Credit cards that give back-at this very moment there is a $10 dollar reward card to Old Navy burning a hole in my wallet.  Shop where i would anyway, and they give me money for doing so.  Yes, thank you, more please.

7.  Coupons-ok, i'm not talking couponing like a crazy person that stockpiles 62 mustards just because they can-but use coupons.  In college my roommates would just buy the things they needed from anywhere, used absolutely no coupons, and never bought a spare to avoid this in the future.  Do you know how much they charge at a gas station for basic necessities?  Memolink and Swagbucks offer grocery coupons you print out, therefore only printing the ones you need, and you earn points when redeemed.  It's like a thrifty savey cycle of goodness.

8.  Online coupons-never buy anything online without searching for coupon codes.  You don't always find them, but it's worth the free shipping or extra 30% off your order if it's out there in cyberland.  Again, use that swagbucks toolbar!

9.  Magazines-Websites like Tanga, Best Deal Magazines, and even Amazon have fantastic deals on popular mags or ones you haven't heard of.  Super Chevy magazine for the boyfriend who restores old cars...yes.  Natural Health magazine for your new age coworker....yes.  Rolling Stone for your music lovin' self...yes.  Got 'em all for around 3 bucks each for a whole year.

10.  Coke points-yes, i partake in the occasional soda, and underneath that bottle cap or 12 pack is a code.  That code translates into more cokes or other goodies, like a Better Homes and Garden subscription.  For drinking coke, which we'd do anyway.  My dad and best friend used to give us all their coke lids-now that they see us getting such great stuff, they have signed up for their own account.  I may have asked the bartender at a recent wedding for the coke lids, i may have torn the codes from the 12 packs from a family barbecue, and we may have our friends collecting from neighbors.  But i'm not saying.

So there you have it, my guide to getting more bang for your buck.  Yeesh, with it all piled together it sounds like a lot of work or i'm a lunatic, fanatically seeking out the best deal.  I assure you that's not the case-i do a normal amount of fantatically seeking out the best deal.

How do you get the most bang for your buck (aside from thrift stores or garage sales)?

Monday, June 13, 2011

summa, summa, summertime

*Check out my guest post at Lauren's blog, Life Uncluttered.  She does a super fun series about her top ten, and with me at the helm,  i've got the Top Ten Ways to Get More Bang for Your Buck*.

Also a big thanks to Diann for featuring my "new" table at her Nifty Thrifty Things party.

Ok.  I'm not gonna lie.  Summer is my least favorite time of the year.  I know, i can see you all pressing the unfollow button as i sit here and tell you i won't be decorating with shells or other sea life.   I think it stems from a childhood spent going to day camps, then working outside at camps, then post degree still working outside at camps.  Nothing against those places, but I'm just a girl who loves her air conditioning.  However, summer inspiration link parties are abounding, and i can't put off its inevitable arrival, so let's remind ourselves about the good points of summer with pictures from my old school favorite.  Since i need some convincing...

Summer-the only time i really get a craving for ice cream.  A cone of soft serve or mint chocolate chip on a warm day?  Refreshing.

Out door concerts and festivals.  Best when free, of course. 

No denying the gorgeousness of fireworks for the fourth.  I love feeling that pop pop pop thump thump in my chest during a killer finale.

Fire up that grill!

Get those fruity drinks a flowin'!  Love those pina colada's at our yearly luau.

Wish this is what the pool was like.  Wish this is what the view was like!

The shore, a summer staple, means boardwalk fries, funnel cake, and "watch the tram car please."

Followed by moments of heat induced "maybe this is the lucky one."

I'd take this relaxing set up any day.

Notice i left out things that are unpleasant, like green head flies, mosquitos, gnats, humidity, heat, sunburn, traffic driving to the shore, around the shore, and home from the shore.

What (pleasant things) does summer mean to you....anything else you would include on your list?

Having fun in the sun at the fair weather forum @ centsational girl, seasonal sunday @ the tablescaper, countdown to summer @ domestically speaking, weekend bloggy reading @ serenity now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Check me out

I know-it's been quiet here lately, and i'm not ready to blog about why.  I'm not ready to blog at all, or think creatively, or be funny.  I'm not ready to do more than reply to comments and scroll through my reader, grateful for any distraction.  I hope you understand.

Should you be fixing for my usual humor and sarcasm, i encourage you to check out my feature today on Jill's blog, Creating My Way to SuccessJill is graciously highlighting a different blog each week, and focusing on "providing interesting insight into other people's journeys towards their own personal success."  Nice, right?  And while i wouldn't exactly call myself successful....i realized that it might actually apply!  Check it out!

 Thanks Jill, for encouraging me to participate.  You rock!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blogging Barbies-Guest Post

My creative and crafty friend Jill, er...Barbie... has made some fun and funky pillows for her girls' bedroom.  Check out how these gals in Australia roll...and they don't seem to break a sweat!  Take it away, blogging dolls!

"Have you ever seen so much BLUE in a girls room?  It's just not right I tell you - something needs to be done!"
"Come on Bratz - time for some more sewing"
"Ok, I've found the pink box - and look what mum's put in the scraps! I mean this is totally OUR fabric isn't it?"
"And here's more pink - my gosh mum is a bit messy isn't she?"
"A BIT? You call this heap a BIT of a mess? 
Honestly, if she actually took the time to sort through this, who knows what she might find?
Anyway, I need to iron MY fabric since it's been all crumpled and stuffed in the box. No respect....."
"There! Now let's just snip through these booties here.."
"NOOOO don't you dare - they're my favourite, you go play with your Barbie fabric and leave us to the Bratz stuff!"
"What Barbie fabric? Ohh... erm...."
"Right, I think we're ready to go onto the machine now girls."
"OK, I'm all set - push the pedal!"
"Easier said than done! Er, it's rather large and heavy..and I just painted my nails.."
"There!  all done, and not a broken nail in sight - go Barbies!"
"Hmpf!  Patchwork, smatchwork, let's get some bling happenin' ladies!"
"What's this bargain shiny stuff? Let's use it!"
"Right you are - press that pedal to the metal! Let's go girls!"
"I'm on it honey! (don't say a word Mickey - you are such a darlin,  He he he!)"
"Gimme five!  Whoo hoo! You just have to have ruffles, they're so chic!"
"Not bad girls!"
"And so much better pink than blue!"
"Time for a well earned rest I think! My these cushions are comfy!"
"And don't forget stylish girlfriend!"
By the blogging dolls
(to see any of our previous adventures, click here)

Thanks so much, Jill!  Now i feel like putting on a fancy dress and doing some sewing-bet those were words you never thought i'd utter!  Hey, if a Barbie can do it...?  The pic where she's "actually" sewing cracks me up!  If you'd like to see what other shenanigans those gals get into, please go visit Creating my way to Success!

Friday, February 11, 2011

versatile x2

This whole "not allowed to check our personal email" at work thing is throwing off my blogging game.  I need to mention another sweet blogger who gave me the versatile blogger award that i failed to mention in the last post.  Tys at  H Family Happenings, thank you so much, girl!  Master bedroom makeovers, you know i'm very much into that right now, and she's in the midst of a good one!

Can you possibly be ready for more random tidbits?  Ok, normally i wouldn't subject you to more so soon, but this award comes with 10 questions, and i can't not answer them.  It's like those "if" books, you know?  Great conversation starters, or even just to get to know your friends better with silly or profound questions.  We loved them in college.  Let's get to gettin'!

1.  Why did you create your blog?  Because i wanted opinions and input about decorating and i wanted to write.  And i wanted to enter giveaways.  No lie.
2.  what kinds of blogs do you follow?  home decorating, snarky humor (regretsy, cakewrecks) and travel.
3.  favorite brand of makeup?  whatevers cheapest, usually maybelline.  i can't see spending money on this stuff.
4. favorite brand of clothing?  whatever i happen upon.  usually i shop at kohls and marshalls.  kohls clearance is my clothing area of choice.
5.  indispensable makeup product?  asking the wrong person this question, but i guess powder or foundation.
6.  favorite color?  blue of all shades
7.  favorite perfume? anything dessert scented.   i just wear body spray not actual perfume.
8.  favorite movie?  ah, a good one.  chicago, run lola run, a hard days night, the cutting edge, mallrats...and on and on.
9.  country you want to visit and why?  latvia, to see where my family comes from and visit the relatives that are still there.
10.  would you rather forget to put blush on one side of your face or mascara on one eye?  blush, my cheeks have color to them anyway so you'd be less likely to notice.

Instead of passing this on to specific bloggers, i'd like for anyone to answer these if they'd like.  Seriously i love this stuff-if you do a post with your answers, i'd love to know.

And thank you to Stephanie Lynn for featuring my bedroom redo on the Sunday Showcase-super big smile because of it!

By the way it's...

What are your plans-doing Valentine celebrating or waiting til the day of?  This weekend we're going to my new obsession a local Thai place for dinner and having satellite tv installed.  That is exciting because I have been without my beloved hgtv for 2 months now.  This will be a great weekend, indeed!   

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Giveaway ending tonite

In case you never noticed that little "extra, extra" sidebar thingy where i add random nonsense like link parties and thank yous, i wanted to be sure you knew that the

That's about as in your face as i care to get, so hopefully that suffices.  And while we're here, let's do a shout out to some friends who i need to thank for awards, etc.  A general "taking care of business" type day.

Marjorie from Crazy Cat Decor bestowed upon me the versatile blogger award and K from Big K, little a  tagged and bestowed me the stylish blogger award.  Thanks ladies, you rock!  I agree with you 100%. HA!

Beth's kick ass Halloween mantel party garnered a feature for my halloween tablescape, so thank you Beth from The stories of A-Z

I think that does it.  Don't forget to enter the giveaway, and i can't wait til i can stop saying that!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Getting to know all about you

My bloggy pal Jill "tagged" me, and that means you lucky folks get to learn some more things about me...I know, consider yourselves truly blessed.  I really like doing posts like these on Fridays because i participate in a few getting to know you type blog parties, and if i was discovering a new blog, I'd want to know more about that person.  But that's just me.  I'm rather nosey. 

So here are the questions that I have to answer.  Prepare yourself for enlightenment.

1. What is one thing you just can not stand?
Feet on the dashboard!  AAAAGGHHH!!  (double exclamation, for sure!!)  I just can not stand it, it is a huge pet peeve of mine.  I'm not even talking about my own dashboard, I'm just talking about driving by a car where a passenger has their feet on the their dashboard.  Barefoot or with shoes, I don't discriminate.  I'm irked by it all.  If you do this, is this comfortable?  Does the driver not have problems with this?  Do you ask permission of said driver before you do this? 

2. If you could go back to your childhood, what cartoon or t.v. show would you pick to be your all-time favorite?
I was strangely enthralled by Small Wonder. I think it was her monotone robot voice.

3. Whats something you do or have done that would surprise a lot of people?
Public speaking is a main part of my job.

4. Do you believe in ghosts?
Not 100% sure.

5. When you go into a store whats your weakness, something you just can't help yourself from buying more of?
Shoes on sale, which I then have to sneak into the house. 

6. What is the funniest story you have on your significant other?
It's just funny to hear his parents talk about him as a stubborn child, since he is one stubborn adult.

7. What is your proudest moment of being a parent? {animals do count ;)}
I am mom to 1 fantastically adorable cat, and i am proud when i call her and she comes running so excitedly, straight at me, looking me in the eye, and  i believe she is actually going to jump up on my lap, you can do it, good girl, but at the very last moment....she totally disses me.  Kids!

8. If you could go back and relive one day of your life, which day would you choose?
A day during last October's vacation...that i want to blog about in October.  It was full of delicious quiche, special hot chocolate, a romantic fairytale environment, a wonderful coincidence, raspberry beer, and a well worn copy of a Rick Steve's travel guide.

I am tagging everyone who read this and would like to answer these questions on your own blog.  If you do, would you let me know?  I'd love to come over and learn more about you!

And thank you, Sherlyn and your sweet, dimple faced children at Two Girls and a Soldier, who gave me this:

Lastly, thank you Fresh Nest Design for featuring my sunroom redo!  Whew.  Think that's it...have a fantastic weekend my friends!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Get your Gatsby on!

How did i NOT know about this?!? Thank goodness i read Jo's blog so i can add the Jazz Age Lawn Party to my bucket list!  Antique cars!  Flappers!  Bobbed hair!  The Charleston!  Wah wahs! 

Michael Arenella & His Dreamland Orchestra

Doesn't this look like so much fun!

Unrelatedly, and belatedly, i have to thank Erin at House of Turquoise for featuring my living room as part of a mega readers rooms collection a few Fridays back.  And yesterday i found out i won a CSN giveaway at  
Russet Street Reno, which may mean good news for you, friends, come October!  Hint: my birthday month!

Images from

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thank you and a double feature

This week we have hit the triple digit mark-- I now have 105 followers.  I can not thank you all enough for your support, friendship, and readership.  Please know how truly appreciative i am.

I have to shout out to a few awesome gals if you don't mind....

Holly highlighted me on her blog Holly's Roller Coaster in the hopes of sending a few my way to push me over the 100 mark.  Such a sweetie.  She has had a very busy spurt recently, spray painting and making curtains, as well as joining the cloche club.  Woo hoo for her!

Jill over at Creating My Way To Success featured my cloche and my bedroom revamp at her link party A Round Tuit.  Such a fun title-you know, getting around to it?  Her party is going on right now, so go link up something you've finally gotten around to!

Christy B, my sweet sweet bloggy friend, this gal's the greatest.  If cute animals are your thing, please head over to her blog Achieving Simplicity in Life.  I don't know where she finds these adorable videos, but they will warm even the hardest of hearts.  A cat and a deer as best friends?  Yes, it's so, and she's got proof. 

And because it's Sunday we have this...this is what happens when a cat tries to sniff the camera lens.

Have a great week everybody!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

odds and ends

I need to say a big thank you to Lindsey at Better After and Carolyn at My Backyard Eden for featuring the sunroom literally took me two weeks to get through all the posts in my google reader account.  it's actually pretty funny when you're reading along, and it's like...wait, i recognize that.  oh, it's me.

thankfully, now i'm all caught up and it has stopped saying "1000+."  The moral here is that i apparently read waaaaay to many blogs.  But i ain't stoppin' any time soon!

Also, Creative Home Expressions is giving away a CSN gift certificate.  These CSN guys are everywhere lately, and sooner or later i'm gonna win one.  I'm betting it's going to be later.  much, much later. 

Look, i have actually figured out, thanks to the updated blogger, how to insert a link.  I know, it's about time.  I never claimed to be computer savvy.  And strikethrough...i always thought that was spellcheck!  Let's try this out.  I'm a loser slow on the uptake.  Hmm, is that line too thick?  Is there a way to change that?

 It's the small things, really, that make me happiest. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

sunroom love

Cara from Living the Home Life featured my "killer" sunroom before and after on her blog,

Here's what she had to say about it-

Don't you just want to kick off your shoes and relax with a good read? I'm loving the cozy neutral colors, built in nook, and windows galore. Great job!

Thanks Cara! She and her husband, Eric, are realtors who seem to sell only the cutest and funkiest of houses. Lucky them, and lucky us, because we get to snoop inside!

They are also currently redoing their master bathroom in their new house...sigh, a master bathroom. One day, my friends, one day. Not anytime soon, tho. Not even remotely soon.

And if you are buying or selling in Arkansas, want to see some remodeling, or chuckle at funny dialogue, head on over to Cara and Eric's blog!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wowzer Zowzer!

oh my flippin goodness, but my sunroom redo was featured as one of Idea Sharin' Wednesday Projects to Spotlight on Women Who Do It All! Actual tears may have sprung to my eyes when i realized, and i may have stood up and clapped, causing my coworker to turn around from her computer and stare, but YAY!!!! yay for me! and yay for them! i officially get to put a feature button on, if i can only figure out how. thank you thank you thank you!! this has started as the

stop over there and see some other great projects, too.