Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mister Finch

I came across one of these beautiful butterflies on Pinterest the other day...but sadly there was no link or credit to the maker!  I just happened upon Mister Finch's shop this morning and the mystery was solved! Mister Finch is vintage found object/soft sculpture artist living in Leeds in Yorkshire, England whose bio included this gem: I collect fairytale books, miniature metal chairs and love to hoard things in glass jars. I knew I had found a kindred spirit, indeed! Enjoy and be sure to admire his sold collection of work on Etsy too! xo

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Love, Maude

I found these sweet handmade embroidered felt art and accessories on Etsy over the weekend. I was happy to see they are made by an artist in town! Indianapolis, that is!  Check out love, Maude. xo

Hand Embroidery Wool Felt Hoop Art

The Claire Clutch

Monday, April 18, 2011

homemade circus lamps

Speaking of artists in Kansas of my very favorites is Tammy Smith of homemade circus who has taken to illuminating her sweet handcrafted sculptures!  Find these and more in her Etsy shop! xox

Polka Dot Lovebird Lamp, detail

Friday, April 8, 2011

Strawberry Swing Craft Fair- Kansas City!

So, my incredible friend, Heather Baker, of Bebe & Alice is organizing a Super Indie Craft Fair to be held this summer in Kansas City! She kindly allowed me to design the poster- actually more of a collaboration in the end-so fun- and in the process I actually ended up with three versions. The one above being the third and my favorite. But she's posted all three on the Strawberry Swing blog and we would love your input on which one you think is most successful! I'm really hoping to make it down to K.C. for the Swing, Heather has planned for much fun and handmade goodness! Visit the blog here for more info on attending/vendors/sponsoring! xo

Thursday, October 21, 2010

made by jenni

Oh, Jenni Harley...thank you! Your lovely creations and colorful imagination have inspired me today!
Jenni's handcrafted dolls are made from vintage found hankies, doilies, fabrics, buttons, even blankets! She also makes a myriad of other fabric goodies like patchwork quilts, clothing, pillows and more...visit her Flickr album to see it all! xo
visit the made by jenni shop, website, and blog!

Doily Doll #6

Ruby's adorable collection of her Mummy's handmade dollies!

Friday, September 3, 2010

awww...look at the baby!

My children are of the four-legged variety. While I'm not a big fan of costuming them,  I am super tempted by these sweet little hats by xmoonbloom! She sells the actual hats or the patterns for you more dexterously talented folks. xo

Oh, and they're not just for your feline friends...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Message d'Amour

The sweetly homespun details of Inge de Jonge's art and handicrafts have me reeling with warm fuzzy thoughts of friends and family today.  I believe she has a brick and mortar shop in Avignon, France  (if you are lucky enough to be in that region) and thankfully for the rest of us she has set up shop, Message d'Amour on Etsy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

i la la love laurie

Behold the handcrafted wonders of Laurie Cinotto!
I admire her creative work so very much as well as the rescue work she does through her Itty Bitty Kitty Committee! I've been marveling my way through her glorious photos all morning! xo

Laurie's toppers are special in that her arrangements are created using
millinery leaves and baubles mixed with her handmade crepe paper flowers!

Laurie's DIY Project for The Bride's Cafe- The Fall Family Tree
The Fall Family Tree is one of my absolute favorites!

Laurie's sweet home...see her Design*Sponge sneak peek here!

A glimpse of Laurie's inspiration board.

Laurie takes the most incredible photos of her foster kittens...
see more on her blog and Flickr Album!
You can support her rescue operations by purchasing these sweet kitteh mugs through Laurie's IBKC shop or tell all your friends in the Seattle area about her wonderful rescue operation: IBKC! xo