Showing posts with label ceramics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ceramics. Show all posts

Monday, May 3, 2010

Claire Loder

Enjoying the ceramic head sculptures by Claire Loder today! 
Check out her charming website and blog for more!

Claire Loder's Workbench
The artist behind her sculpture.
 Images in post via Claire Loder's website and blog.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mary Engel Mixed Media Sculpture

I thought I had a lot of tchochke's to manage in my studio...but it just doesn't compare to artist, Mary Engel's treasure trove-and look how tidy!! I'm especially fond of Mary's hand built mixed media  sculptures that mix ceramics and found ceramic figures and findings. Sometimes it seems the simplest  and most literally expressed ideas are the ones that work like magic...e.g. watch dog, bird dog.  And wasn't it Shakespeare who wrote, brevity is the soul of wit...  I suppose he would know! xo
Ceramic and found objects 12 x 25 x 10 in.

Mixed Media 19 x 17 x 20 in.

Mixed Media 17 x 24 x 18 in.

Mixed Media 24 x 11 x 9 in.

Mixed Media 32 x 43 x 12 in.

Mixed Media 22 x 34 x 18 in.

Mary Engel's Studio corner and muse

Mary with her muses, Mingo and Bonnie.
 Detail of Mary's Treasures.
Visit Mary Engel's Web Site for more!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Beauty Everyday!

I'm getting pretty cheeky over all the generous kudos recently from my favorite artists and bloggers! Today it is a huge compliment to be kindly featured by the talented Kristen Bach (whose InCrediBle home I completely covet-remember it on D*S??) at Beauty Everyday...see here. Thank you, Kristen!! xoxo
Beauty Everyday is brought to you by the group of talented artists, including Kristen, and fellow artist magicians at R. Wood all-time favorite ceramic studio located in Athens, Ga! Did you know they have any Etsy shop for their other creative endeavors too? The swell bunting pictured above is available there! xoxo

Monday, November 16, 2009

Michael Pfleghaar

Have you noticed the work of Michael Pfleghaar around Etsy lately? He appears to be a man of many art forms including ceramics and paintings...and has yet another shop full of silk screened guy-wear appropriately called JOCK SHOP. Etsy led me to his website where I found more of his paintings and illustrative works. I'm especially enamored of his mid-century modern ceramic house sculptures and paintings. I'd like to move right in! He also makes swell bird and botanical related pieces that are sure to never fly or wilt away! *Note: The Fat Finch- my fantastic sponsor-carries Michael's Cardinal Birdhouses in her Albuquerque brick-and-mortar shop! Call to inquire: 505-898-8900. xo




oil on canvas 30" x 30"

oil on canvas 30" x 30"

Oil pastel on paper


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nathalie Lete at Anthropologie

My heart nearly exploded when I came upon Anthropologie's art gallery featuring original ceramics and limited edition silkscreens by Nathalie Lete.  Never before has her original work been so accessible in the States...and boy, howdy does Anthropologie know a good thing! Its also a good thing I don't have any money because I would probably spend it all on purchasing her work and forget about necessities like food and shelter.  xoxo


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Julie Whitmore Pottery

I've been cooing over the sweet work of Julie Whitmore and her French Faience style of handcrafted pottery. She sells her work through boutique galleries such as Earth Angels and Birds of a Feather. She also has an Etsy shop where she mainly sells commissioned pieces. I clicked through her 'sold works' and her delightful blog to assemble what you see here. If you're lucky to live near Julie, her work will be featured in a showing at Birds of a Feather (805-927-2391) in Cambria, CA this November 7 & 8! xo
Speak to the Earth

Pair of nature cups

Red Stripe Cottage Salt and Pepper

Covered Farmhouse Dish

Wood Thrush

Cottage Cup with Pink Blossom Handle

Portrait of a Sedge Warbler