Hi crafty friends! I'm alive! I have been MIA for months and the worst blogger ever, but I do have a good excuse. I'm now 28 weeks pregnant and life has been a roller coaster since the moment I had a positive pregnancy test.
Summer has come and gone. I was so sick with morning sickness that I didn't really care. We've had so many chicks hatch - I can't even keep up with who belongs to who anymore. We've also lost a few dear barn yard companions - my precious Squab and Big Red.
Here's a picture of the "boys" - my turkeys Ed and Eddy. There's a fine balance between life and death on the farm. It's impossible not to loose some of your favorite animals and believe me it's not easy. But it's worth it for the moments of joy you have with your "barn yard friends". We lost a goat earlier this week - Tiny. He has always been one of my favorites. It has took me 9 years to learn this, but it's finally possible for me to say "ok, we've done all we can" and know when to let an animal go. To me, giving an animal a dignified death and not letting it suffer is the biggest gift you can give. Even though the animal is no longer there in body, it's memory lives on and we never forget what it gave us.

Farm living is constant work. For anyone who thinks they can buy a barn, get a few animals, and be done - they are VERY wrong. That's the fun thing about living on a farm, the journey. It's not the day the chickens hatch, or the horse is born, it's the journey you take with each animal.
Hopefully I'll be back sooner, rather than later, to blog again. I've not made a craft in months. I do have my nursery finished. Here's a picture of the nursery bedding I got from
Pottery Barn Kids (this picture is from PBK, not took a picture of my nursery yet):
It's the "Haley" collection and just adorable. Just the right balance of pink. I'm afraid if I push the pink she will grow up and wear black 24/7. We've also picked out a name, Amelia Grace. My baby shower is in 2 weeks - the theme is vintage tea party. Hopefully after I have the baby my crafty mojo will come back. It has left the building for the time being!