Still alive and kickin'. Just a working really hard for my three shows in November. And honestly, I have been feeling a bit anti-social. That is a huge admission for me to post. I suffer with anxiety disorder. There I said it. And at times, I just feel like it is best to keep to myself a bit. Except my poor family. I wear them out with my chatter. But they are my safety net. Always there for me. Bless their hearts! Anyways...
Here is a couple pics. Cause posts are boring without photographs :o) Two favorite projects I have for shows. The Hope box is painted a yummy robin's egg blue and lined with vintage paper from a 1913 sheet music book. (The book was in tatters.)

Adorned sewing tuffet. Cotton and wool tuffet attached to a fabric covered paper mache box. I handpainted a pip berry vine around the rim of the lid for an extra touch. Very heavily antiqued, with lots of buttons and vintage doo-dads.

The temps have cooled off considerably here in southern Indiana today. Drizzly rain over the night. Our trees didnt get to really change so far. Mostly just turning brown and falling off. We usually have such gorgeous autumn colors.
Someone had asked me where I was doing shows. I will be in Greenwood 11/1 (craft show), Bloomington 11/14-15 (quilt show) and Bedford 11/22 (craft show). Let me know if you would like the particulars.
Hope everyone is doing well and staying creative. Is it time to put a Christmas Countdown counter up??? :o))