San Diego is just a hop, skip and jump away from Phoenix so submit your work for their juried art exhbition! Then you'll have the excuse to go away to lovely San Diego and see the exhibition. Here's the scoop:
The Second National San Diego Book Arts Juried Show
September 20-October 31, 2008
University of California San Diego, Geisel Library
Deadline for entries: June 15, 2008
The show is open to artists who live or work within the USA; all structures of artist’s book, unique or limited edition, are eligible, as long as the size when displayed is under 30 inches. The entry fee is $15 for SDBA members and $25 for non-members.
Erika Torri, Executive Director of the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library in La Jolla, will be the juror. The Athenaeum hosts a juried book arts show every other year, and under Erika’s direction has built a world-class collection of artist’s books.
The PDF prospectus is available here.