West Chester Blogger Meetup. Good Times
So Friday was the night I told you I was going to meet some bloggers in person. Talk about a great time. As I told you, I knew what JDizzle and Smoochies* looked like but they had no idea what I looked like.
So I'm sitting at the bar at The Note and I see them. I watched (stalked) them for a few minutes to feel them out. I wanted to build the suspense. So I'm just about to go over, and I see this guy that I met a few weeks ago at an event. His name as of yesterday is Swedish Chef because we later convinced him to start a blog. So I tell him the situation and ask if he wants to play a joke. So this is what happens:
Swedish Chef approaches JDizzle
Swedish Chef: Excuse me, have heard that Dr Zibbs is in the house?
JDizzle: What? He is?
Swedish Chef: He is.
JDizzle: Are you him?
Swedish Chef: No. I'm not Dr Zibbs.
(I'm standing with my back turned to the scene. I then turn around).
Dr Zibbs: JDizzle? I'm Dr Zibbs.
JDizzle: Ahhhhhh!!! Oh my God!!!
Hugs are exchanged. I swear that there were some tears of excitement in JDizzle's eyes but she'll have to come clean on that herself (fingers covering mouth) Tee hee hee.
We then were laughing and talking as if we were old friends. She was one of the earliest commenters on my blog and although she said she reads it all the time she said she just doesn't comment as much but PROMISED me she would.
Smoochies was getting a drink so I went over and did a similar intro to her. Same deal. Super sweet and funny person. So the night goes on, we're all hanging out and then they invite me and Swedish Chef back to JDizzle's house, along with the group of 15 or so people that were with them.
And that's when the real fun started. Do you know when you meet people and you instantly really like them? Well this was the case with this crew. The drinks were a flowin', everyone's laughing and then JDizzle pulls out a box of wigs and says everyone has to wear a wig.
As the music's playing, the next phase began. A lightsaber fight. So we're taking turns posing with light sabers and JDizzle is taking these great pictures**. I'll post some when I get them. The only "issue" was when Swedish Chef accidently hit this cool model of the solar system that was hanging in their bar room and Jupiter fell off. Or it could have been Uranis I forget. I shit you not that we couldn't find it. It turned up later. One of their dogs had grabbed it and was chewing on it in the other room.
Anyways, meeting these bloggers in person was way cooler than I ever would have suspected. Tons of laughs. What a great night! And I'm sure we'll see each other again soon.
So that was my night meeting some That Blue Yak readers. And everyone should visit their blogs too and say hello***. And don't even try to bribe them into selling you any of my DNA that may have come off in the wig or on the light saber. I suspiciously saw someone carrying the precious DNA smeared light saber out of the room while wearing cloth gloves. I was very clear with everyone there about my fear of cloning. Or was it clowning that I was babbling about? Who knows.
So who will be the next to meet me? Maybe it will be you..or you......or even YOU!