Showing posts with label imitations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imitations. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Little Donny And Marie For You. Uncle Miltie and Paul Lynde Too.

Here you go. A little Donny and Marie Show action for you. And if you ask me, Marie still looks hot. Except I don't like her with the short hair here. Also, check out Milton Berle and Paul Lynde.

And you may remember that I mentioned a long time ago that I can do an imitation of Michael Landon's face when he cries? Remember? Well I just remembered after watching this that I can also do an imitation of Milton Berle's face when he does this goofy ass expression. But I haven't done it in years so don't ask me to do it for you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Daughter Tries To Get Me Do Imitation for Her Teacher. Jerry Lewis Jimmy Stewart Hybrid.

Oh man I was totally put on the spot the other day. I picked my daughter up from school and while my daughter is standing next to me a teacher comes over and says, "Oh Dr Zibbs, you daughter tells me you do a perfect imitation of Doctor R&#$%##  from Kids First. My kids have gone there for years!"

I'm totally taken off guard and I'm all, "Uh yeah...I do....Yeah he's a real character....Well uh...nice to see you."

We walk out and my daughter is laughing, "Why didn't you do the imitation Dad? She was waiting all afternoon to hear it?"

"Because I don't even know here!" Ha!

And trust me. The imitation is so spot on and over the top that it's almost frightening to the person hearing it. The doctor sounds like a combination of Jerry Lewis and...

...Jimmy Stewart. With a tinge of a hard of hearing retarded person. And the imitation is based on the time the doctor was asking my son some questions about a fender bender he had gotten into. And when I do it I have to get really close to the person, stare them in the eyes and with lips kind of flapping and head nodding it goes like this...

"So Jack WHO exactly was driving the automobile that hit you from behind? Was it an older gentleman?...(exaggerated hand motions) Um...a mother with a young child perhaps?...Someone YOUR age?? Who was it?"

Then he says, "Now I'm assuming you like the attention of pretty young ladies* Jack is that correct? Oh good because I'm going to have you wear a neck brace for a few weeks and young ladies will be approaching you to inquire what exactly happened...because they'll see you with the next brace...and they'll be curious..I'm sure that's something that you can live I correct in saying that Jack??..(turns to me) See Dad, I didn't think he's have a problem with that."

And as the imitation goes on people usually back up because I'm right in their face. It's kind of scary actually.

Oh well. Maybe if I get to know her I'll do it for her someday. I just hate being put on the spot. And I don't like taking requests. What am I? Your trained monkey?

*What? "Pretty" young ladies will approach him? Don't homely young ladies get curious too?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Finally Found That Paul Williams Thing!! Song. Old Fashioned.

I found it!! For years...and I mean YEARS.. I'll sing to myself an imitation of Paul Williams doing "Old Fashioned Love Song."

And I never knew if I made it up or not. I remember Paul Williams was on The Odd Couple once and was thinking that's maybe where I heard it from but nope! He did it on The Muppets Show. But I'm kind of disappointed I didn't make it up.

I really need to figure out how to put audio clips on this blog because I would totally post my imitation. Anyway, this is what it sounds like:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My friend in Malvern is painting his house this weekend. If I can get my Jerry Lewis imitation down I'm totally pulling this Batman and Robin bit on his soon to be falling off the ladder ass. Hold on...Let me see if I got it down, "Uh Lady....Ladiee...Lay-deeee" ....Nope. Still needs some fine tuning.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Breakfast Club - Funny Re-Enactment By Brandon Hardesty

As all people know, the Breakfast Club is a crappy movie but it's impossible not to watch. Here's a great re-enactment by Brandon Hardesty. He's a You Tuber that does various re-enactments of movies and has just completed a role in a movie with William H. Macy. Way to go.

The only change I would have made to this clip would have been to somehow make the Judd Nelson character have those huge, dark cannon barrel nostrils. Either way, Enjoy: