Random Questions From THAT BLUE YAK. CPO Sharkey.
Free Style!
What percentage of people do you think will get this Tweet I put up this morning?:
I wonder if that really tall guy from the show CPO Sharkey was Ed Begley Jr's mutant Frankenstein twin.
Is anyone else reading the blog Retro Space? It's one of my new favorites.
What are your new favorite blogs?
I wonder what kind of fun my long time blog friends Gwen and Whiskey Marie are going to have in Chicago this weekend? What type of adventure do you think they'll have?
If there was a business that would computer animate your future spouse so you could see what he/she would look like when they were older, do you think people would pay for that?
Has anyone used the Google Mobile App on their Blackberry? If not, check it out. You can google search by speaking into your phone. Sweet.
I didn't get all of the leaves in my backyard raked up because I've been injured. Is it going to kill my grass? Is it a myth that people in New England don't rake?
Where can I get an inexpensive Dell laptop charger for my son that will ship by Xmas. Other than Ebay?
Why is that I'm trying to delete some blogs I read and I delete them in my Google Reader and the number of blogs I read lowers as I delete them but when I come back later...the blogs I deleted are back?!
Did you remember I'm having a contest on this blog? The deadline is Friday at 5. The details are here.