Showing posts with label email. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2009

Phat Mama Blogger Let Me Make Things Clear. Almost Naked Pictures.

Except for the male bloggers, I encourage all my readers to post pictures of themselves in various stages of undress. Like Phat Mama did here. And look how I was mentioned. I'm famous.

And if you read the comments of that post, you'll see that Phat Mama was unsure if sending me X-rated pics would be OK. Let me make something perfectly clear: (talking into bull horn) YES. IT IS OK.

In fact, it's also encouraged. And if you think about it, it's very,very natural. And you don't want to be un-natural do you? Seriously, we're all adults here.

And I won't repost them or anything.

And if you're too shy, some might think to take pictures of their roommates while they're sleeping or really drunk and forward those as well. Or perhaps wear a mask. It's really up to you. Remember, just be yourself.

And if I really do have Jesusy powers like I'm starting to think - I will reserve a spot for you in heaven.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blogger Shares Dream Details He Had About Another Blogger

So one of my best and longest blogging friends Gwen was in my dream the other night. We do email each other so I sent the details to her. As a special gift to my readers, I will now share the details with you. And for those of you that have started to wisely collect THAT BLUE YAK memorabilia, you may want to print this out and hide it away. Letters, historically have proven to be a very wise investment.

Please note that this is the actual content of the email. Spelling and grammar have not been proofed by my staff as this is a real, personal email from one blogger to another.

Also, the contents are very sexy so you may want to make sure you have thick undergarments (in case of "leakage"). You also might want to read it in private as well, in case you get the urge to touch yourself. I'm just warning you.

Here is the letter:

Here we go..So a bunch of people were at a bar - including
> you - in
> Saint L. And it was really scummy like when the
> Griswald's from National
> Lampoon Vacation were on SL (Remember when the black dudes
> were stealing
> the hub caps?) And the one black guy (who was actually on
> the White
> Shadow) says, "You want directions? I don't even
> live in Saint Louis,
> I'm just visiting my cousin." - or something like
> that.
> Anyway, it was some kind of blogger meetup and I was
> sleeping in at your
> house on a cot on the porch. It must have been the 2nd
> night because I
> was joking and said, "When I went by your room you
> know, your blankets
> were off and I saw you nude you know."
> You knew I was kidding but then you said, "But I
> really did come by and
> YOUR blankets were off and I saw you."
> You then pinned me against the wall and said, "Well
> have a good night
> Zibbs". And lets just say you were really pressing
> against me."
> Awwww yeah.

The End.