A Few Blogs To Check Out. West Chester Blogger. Chester County.
I kind of feel like the golden age of blogging is over. It seems like a lot of the bloggers that used to visit and leave comments on my blog have stopped blogging.
There are also so many blogs out there that are so boring that I can't believe people write them. It's even more amazing when you see that they have a huge following. It's mostly those "Mommy blogs". You mean little Sally said something cute? I don't believe you. Please tell me every detail and explain it as if she just solved the riddle of time*.
The best thing about reading someone's blog over time and reading the comments that they leave is that you really get to know the person. People that don't blog really don't understand it and they just roll their eyes when you try to explain it.
Here are a few blogs I'd like to mention:
Son of a Thomas - Chester County blogger that's been following TBY for a long time. Wish he would blog more. Met him a few times. We still need to have lunch again soon. Bubble up.
Skylers Dad - Funny ass commentor. Never met him but long time TBY follower. I'm sure we'd be good friends if we met. King of finding crappy tattoos.
Caffeine Court - Never met in person but it turns out we went to rival high schools. We've discovered though emailing that we know some of the same people. She's also a great Twitter friend. I think she wants to go to the Whiteland Town Center with me and pretend it's the old Exton Drive-In. (P.S. I had a dream about her last week).
And for someone new:
Enough Hats For Everyone Kristen. We found each other recently on Twitter. She's got a great sense of humor and just recently just started blogging. Very interesting take on things. Always great to find funny and interesting people. And she's into horror movies like me.
So go check out their blogs, follow them and tell them Zibbs sent you.
*Wait. Is there a riddle of time? I don't know. There probably is.