Bees. Oh They'll Get Ya! Bee Attack In West Whiteland.
The other day I was having a conversation with a friend about bees. Pretend you were there as I retell the story:
My son was about five and my wife hears screaming coming from the backyard. She runs out and my son and his friend Kyle are running toward the house. They had stepped in a bees nest.
So my son gets in the house but Kyle is surrounded by bees and is being stung. And the bees are going up his pant leg and up his shirt.
Now I wasn't there but my wife was telling me the story when I got home from work. I'm like, "What did you do?"
She says, "I was really calm. I was like OK Kyle, let's pull you shirt off...OK here we go..Good...OK step out of your I walked him toward the house. I finally got his shirt and pants off and I pulled him into the house."
I don't know how she stayed so calm. I really think I might have done this as my son ran into the house: "OK Kyle, Jack can't play just go home now. Alright?We've got some things to do..(as I pull the door shut)...come back tomorrow.
Well hopefully I wouldn't have done that but I could have seen myself saying, "JUST RUN AROUND THE HOUSE! BEES ARE SLOW! (as I watched from the inside of the house) THAT'S IT..FASTER! THE BEES ARE GETTING TIRED! I CAN TELL!"