Crappy Toy Countdown #3 - Plaid Pants
That Blue Yak tracked down the bitter Teddy "Curls" Redmond concerning the #3 Crappy Toy:
"Frickin' plaid pants! That's right - plaid fickin' pants! This is me in the slinky commercial. Do you think maybe I would have been given a slinky as a gift for Christmas? N0! I was given a crappy pair of polyester plaid pants similar to the one's I wore in my award winning Slinky commercial. Not the actual pants worn in the commercial - no, that would have been too perfect. Instead, I was given green and beige plaid slacks with an inferior zipper and ridiculous leg taper that made my ass look like a God Damn light bulb. Thanks for nothing Ridley Hill Orphanage and Work Camp! I'll see you in Hell!"
To hear an updated version of the slinky song, click here