Showing posts with label Sammy Davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sammy Davis. Show all posts

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sammy Davis Jr, Shirt With Loop and Mr Bojangles.

You may not believe me but see the shirt that Sammy Davis Jr is wearing below while he sings Mr Bojangles? If that shirt had some huge, orange horizontal stripes it would have been a shirt that I had in 3rd grade.

Of course Sammy's zipper must be broken because look how unzipped it is. Hmmmm. And I swear my sister had that belt.

So this is the Friday send off song for this week. And the shout outs go to:

Andrew Rodriguez from the blog Arod 138 in Beautiful West Chester, PA for his hysterical comment on today's post about falling down. Check out his blog for some great pics of West Chester and it's famous Gay and High Streets that I always blab about.

Rachel from the blog Reservation For Six also for her great comment today which was about her husband falling down the steps while imitating her being pregnant.

Son of a Thomas from the blog Son of a Thomas - He used to blog but closed his blog and has started recently under a new name. He's very funny. He's going to be holding a contest next week so go check his blog out and become a follower so you don't miss out on the fun. Maybe the prize is an Iphone? Who knows? I don't.

And for the ladies and my gay readers, look closely at Sammy's junk in this video. You can kind of make out the shape of his package. And if my eyes aren't playing tricks on me, it looks like he has it pointed upward to the heavens. Am I seeing thing?

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