So I just heard Nirvana and was thinking about this real life conversation that happened with my Dad years ago.
Me: Dad did you hear about Kurt Cobain from that group Nirvana? He killed himself?
Dad: (Shocked) What?? Oh my God. What happened?
Me: He shot himself.
Dad: Oh my God. I was just watching a concert of his the other day on TV and was thinking how great he was.
Me: (Shocked) You were?
Dad: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I told your mother that the next time he comes to town we should go see him.
Me: (even more shocked) Nirvana?!
Dad: Yeah. He was great! You don't think he's good?
Me: ..Uh..No. I do ........ they're great. I just can't believe you like Nirvana. So you would have seen them in concert?!
Dad: Oh yeah. It was great. I was watching the concert and couldn't take my eyes off of it...with the symbols over here..and he's got the string instruments over here..and he's orchestrating the thing like...
Me: Dad. Was the concert on PBS and did the guy have long black hair?
Dad: Yeah.
Me: Are you talking about Yanni?
From that day on, we've referred to Yanni as NirYanni.
And now a shout out to my new followers that are helping me reach
my goal of 100 followers. Check out their blogs. You'll probably find something you like.
#89 is
Cowguy - representing Missouri. Funny post up now about toys to avoid at Christmas.
#92 is West Chester's John Young. His blog is
#94 is Crys from
Cleary Crystal. You can see actual photos of her. Very easy on the eyes if you know what I mean.