Well it's the weekend so it's time as usual to start things out with a song. Here's another great video from Brad Neely that you have to watch. It's so funny that it makes me want to kill something! When you're done watching that, see below for a very serious weekend issue.
So here's the problem. A neighbor invited us to a local benefit. There's a silent auction and it's only $10 to get in. Light food and beer. But I just found out it's to benefit Special People - (raises one brow and talks a bit softer and slower) - you know what I mean by "special" don't you?
Well, you know that I have a fear of these special people. Sure, I discuss them from the safety of my blog but that doesn't mean that I need to interact with them in real life. I like lions too but you don't see me entering their cages. No. I'd rather safely poke them with a stick from the outside of the cage thank you.
So, does anyone have any ideas I can use to repel the Special People in case they want to approach me? And they will. Are there certain colors that they fear, a look I can cast or phrase to mumble to them? Something like, "Better get out of here. I heard there's a werewolf coming in here." Any tricks to give them the hint of "No thanks - move onto the next guy please".
I just have this crazy feeling that one of the Specials is going to see me from across the room and want to come over and hug me. Trust me. I've just got that look.
If you haven't heard of Brad Neely, get with it. Check out this video about the Future. It's from a website called SuperDeluxe. And it's kind of a shame because I read that they're closing down the site soon.
Warning: Contains language that is not safe for work or church. For those of you that are reading this at work or church, make sure to view it when you get home because it's a hilarious video.
Here's a great animated short called F**k the Humans by one of my favorite cartoon creators Brad Neely. I just read however that Super Deluxe, the site that owns these videos is going down in a few months. Damn shame.
(POTTY MOUTH LANGUAGE ALERT - turn speakers down or up - depending on your coolness or squareness)
Did you know that George Washington was our 1st President? And he wore a wig? And slept in a lot of places in Chester and Montgomery Counties? All facts. Enough learning. Now it's time to lower the volume a bit and watch this hysterical video from Brad Neely of Creased Comics . Please rate it for funniness on a scale from 1 - 10. One being an episode of Alice and ten being my blog.
(And when you're done this video, treat yourself and scroll down and see some other catchy videos). Feel free to tap you toes. You've earned it.