West Chester Blogger Considers Boring This Dude About Wolves.
I'd like to go to a party sometime and when I meet some dude all I would talk about would be wolves. Like I would back him into a corner and bore him to tears with wolf facts. The various kinds of wolves, their habits, what they eat, a book idea I have where a a kid is taken in by wolves and he someday has to leave them but meets up with them again when he's older.....
Then when I'm done with the dude I would mingle around the party and say, "What's up with THAT dude? Between you and me he wouldn't shut the fuck up about wolves!"
Then I would leave the party but peek in the window waiting to hear a group of people surrounding the guy and the guy frustratingly saying, "NO! It was that dude in the green shirt that was talking about wolves. Not ME? I don't give a crap about wolves! Right Bill?....Tell them!"
But nobody would believe him.
I might leave a patch of wolf fur on his windshield too. Not sure yet.