At Least I'm Not One Of Those Dudes With A High Voice. Pranks.
I was just listening to the radio and this guy named Jimmy called in. He sounded exactly like a woman. Turns out the name was Ginny not Jimmy. And good thing because he sounded exactly like a woman.
That would stink if you think about it. People call you on the phone and think you're a woman. If I had a high voice I would just make myself talk in a really deep voice. I wonder if anyone ever does that? I bet some people do and then they go back to their regular voice maybe once a year. Deep in the woods. Alone. Talking to the animals and trees. Kind of sad.
One of the best phone pranks for incoming calls (in the category of voices) is the one that my friend Flare used to do*. He has a really deep voice. I'd say he's in the 90% of deep voices.
So when telemarketers used to call him this is what would happen:
Flare: (with his really deep voice) Hello?
Telemarketer: Yes, is Mrs Flare in?
Flare: Speaking.
Telemarketer: No MRS Flare.
Flare: This IS MRS Flare. Are you.....are you saying that I sound like a woman?
Telemarketer: (flustered), the reason we're calling Mrs Flare is...
God I would love to hear that in action.
The other one he used to do was, "You uh...You want Mrs Flare?...She died yesterday".
HAHAHA. And you thought I was mean.
*I may have posted this story on TBY already. Sorry.